Good Evening!
More rain tonight- after rain this morning also- (But for now the sun is still shining through the clouds, so I can get online for a while). My well has to be getting topped off quite nicely this year! Add to that the fact that I have watered no lawn or garden, nor did I fill up the pool.
Clouds are speckled- Rain is in the clouds that are up there, but not coming down. Yet.
As I drove home from Randy's this morning, and as I put my directional on to enter the driveway, there was actually a very visible rain cloud coming right down the road toward me.
Funny. I (almost) made it into the garage without getting wet.
HUGE raindrops, and came hard too. So went very slow, and turned around twice- a 'powerwash' for the car for a short moment.
That rain sure smelled good!
Not a lot accomplished today- Every now and then I get a day like that, and it feels good to not do anything; save for a few loads of wash- or to pull a few stitches.
I was in a funk yesterday. And I thank all that commented for your kind words for Kristin- She deserves those, and much much more. She is the epitome of such a good mom.
With Master Gabriel starting school yesterday- (it was so hard to not get in the car and see him off). To see the eager anticipation in all their faces, but am sure that would have upset Ms. Kristin's schedule too.
I did not go- (and yes, I could have gone, save for the fact I don't ever want the others to feel left out when I do go- I am always afraid that these 2 girls will pick up on that, though I hope I have never treated them differently- Just that little kids are so smart).
Don't ever let anyone tell you that you cannot be sad and happy at the same time. I have felt this way -too many- times with respect to all of my babies and grandbabies.
But I was, and AM, also so happy that he is loved, and has a real family now too! God love Kristin for her ability to include this Grandma whenever she can!
Not sure if you went back to my yesterdays blog, but I posted new pictures of the kids in the comments area of that blog.
It's getting dark now. No rumbles of thunder yet either.
Sheesh, I am such a cowardly little thing when it storms...
As we took our last walk of the day on Tuesday, to notice the corn is coming along nicely- especially given that it was planted so late.
Not quite ripe yet, (but Punk and I shared a fresh~picked little cob anyway).
We 'borrowed' some cantaloupe too-
And I have some green onions growing next to the driveway that Mama planted all those years ago- We picked some tomatoes too. Along with a cucumber. I had the very best salad, ever, for lunch today! hehehe
The sun was going down fast that night...
... And that same sunset made for a few nice shots of the farm.
I am sure no one is eating any store bought eggs anymore. Hope not anyway-
In addition to the eggs, have you heard about the typhus in the mamey fruit pulp?
The FDA has now recalled both Goya and Paleta brands. <--- (FDA site link).
Mamey fruit.
Here is one story of it. "Typhoid leads to 2nd mamey pulp recall"
For more info on the typhoid in the US and Canada, please click here or on the title above.
Mamey pulp is found in many frozen fruit bars.
Please check your ingredients lists; (and know the company's names might not be on those boxes because these 2 companies are distributorships).
Read about Typhoid Fever, which is cause by the bacterium Salmonella Typhi, by clicking here. <--- (CDC site link)
At this point, the curtains are blowing in, toward me; and it is spooking the pup. hehehe
OK, OK. It is bothering me too- (mostly that I may lose my entry, or have to post it tomorrow).
My computer has been a real d---r---a---g these past few days.
I have pictures to put in, but don't want to slow it down any more than it already is.
Will have to ask Casey. That way if she doesn't know, then she will ask Greg! hehehe (See, there is method to my madness)!
Speaking of Casey- (was too) hehehe
She had to take a few tests to get back into school for the Fall semester- She is finally going for Vet Tech. Animals being her 2nd love; and that 1st year at UW-River Falls with her Veterinary Science will surely help her out now.
She passed all 3 of her today's tests with flying colors!
She is so determined and excited to finally be able to finish her college education.
Hopefully her health will follow her optimism this time? (A prayer or two please)-
UWGB, (Do the click, I am still mad at them), and UW-River Falls have yet to forward her transcripts. But since she was on the Deans List at both colleges there won't be any problems there. She is also to receive, IN WRITING, and from the dean himself, that they will not make her leave for being sick/gone/hospitalized; nor will they pull her funding for those things. (Click on UWGB above if you do not know of her previous ordeal). She texted me this explanation earlier, "since they're not a state school they're not given that illness list to abide by. It's case by case."
Thank God.
I'd better close for now! Do have a grand evening!
Hope all is well with everyone!
My love to all.