Good Morning All!
Hope your weekends were spectacular! Ours was just fine too.
I am waiting to hear from Casey- She will be calling Oneida to have her blood levels rechecked. My guess is that it is probably very low once again as she is lacking energy, and has been quite ill as of late. Pain. Vomiting. Eyesight- bad to worse. Shaking, almost epileptic in nature. Inability to concentrate. (The list goes on and on). She borrowed my cane on Friday so she could at least navigate.
If these tests show nothing of the ordinary, I am afraid that they will have to check her bone marrow- Before that happens we will touch base with Dr. Sutherland. This has been ongoing for too long to not have a proper dx.
The dx (diagnosis) that her iron levels and ferritin levels, are low is one thing. Now someone will have to tell me 'why' these are low.
And what of the 6 infusions she's had then already? Were they only to buy time, and a bit of energy?
Time will tell, and I know I should not be guessing or brooding about this all.
I did get to mow a bit- Less than half of the lawns that needed it so badly. I ran out of gas before I had finished, and was too lazy to go to Suamico and get some. It was too hot and sticky anyway. Truthfully, I craved a shower more than I craved taking care of the responsibility at hand. hehehe
The mower remains in this position...
At least it didn't get blown over when the storms came...
It got very very windy... And from the southwest too- (Those winds especially always carrying with them a better chance for tornadoes).
And it got ever so dark...
I actually turned the flash on, on my camera to capture these little flower pictures.
After a few "blurs" I then had to turn on the sports feature- (this makes movement disappear and takes a grand picture then without the winds playing havoc with the photos).
Oh, they only wanted to be watered.
In the meanwhile, Punk goes absolutely crazy barking, and runs halfway to the woods- (This behavior is usually reserved for when the Mexicans arrive to do their work)...
I turned in time to see a man and a dog walking quickly into the woods-
I do not know who it was that was obviously trespassing, (nor did I recognize the dog that Punk wanted for lunch).
Punk comes running back to me as if to say, "Did you SEE that?!"
"I scared 'em away for you!" - Then added-"Now where's my treat?" hehehe
We headed in then as we began to be blasted by HUGE raindrops- (Punk got her treat, and I closed windows in record time).
Still with my camera, I shot this out of the NE bedroom window upstairs
When, of a sudden, Punk was growling behind me. (This is not a good feeling as I am leaning out the darn window, and the 'growling' generally is a warning from her).
-Know that she does not abuse the power of GROWL.
But what was she growling at?
For some reason, she was quite put out by the lavender bear. It has been part/parcel of the decor in that room for the past year! I have NO idea why it suddenly bothered her.
As I reached to show her that it meant no harm, she was ready to protect me at all costs...
Putting herself between me and the bear, and seemingly ready to slaughter the poor thing if the need arose-
We tried it again later- Same reaction. What the hey?
I never did figure that out!
The bear was a gift from Miss Kelli a few years back at Christmastime, smelling of lavender so I might sleep a bit better. I removed it to this room when it became obvious that this room needed the wonderful smell of it too. (Besides, I nap in there often). The blond bedroom set ,circa 1940's, was a gift from my godparents when I was little. Used then, and I still have it! I think I changed mattress sets on it only twice or three times throughout. And nothing for the past 10 years. I just can't figure what Punk was bothered by...
Those huge raindrops? That was all we got! Casey got tons more in town where she is. She is only about 15 miles south of me.
We had fresh peas for dinner! How perfect these are!
(Another round of thanks go out to Kelli- She'd brought me fresh pod peas and strawberries on my birthday)!
Our first walk this morning was perfect! Clear and cooler than on mornings past.
But by 6:15 that scenery had changed a bit...
More than a little fog; I was happy we didn't have to go anywhere in it.
Even the turkeys didn't see us right away the next time around! hehehe
As I type the fog is all but gone already. It is cloudy- a perfect day for me. The sun has been too hot lately. Temps are to be nicer today too!
I'd better close for now- I have dishes from yesterday to do, although I am caught up on my laundry for a day or two. (That is always a good feeling)!
I have to get some petrol for the rider too, but that will keep 'til I hear from CaseyAnne.
Have a grand day!