Me, in the woods
(And we ALL know what THAT means)!
Yep! It's me, Punk!
I just wanted to let you know that I am alive and kickin'...
AND, there are times that I am still getting into trouble.
Can ya believe that?!
Really?!? ('Cuz I kin hardly believe it myself)!
Me and she (and a'course the darn cat) went for our walk on Friday. I kinda sorta got a lil tired and went to go sit up on the back lawn.
She sees me, and hasta take a picture!
I guess 'cuz I'm jess so cute. (Ya think)?
I try to show her that it is hot, and I am darn tired.
I give her one of my biggest and loudest yawns.
(She ignores me and keeps toodling around).
So I lay down. (With a big loud grunt too).
She still pays no attention to me!
What the heck? Am I invisible now?!?
Mebbe so.
But my sniffer still works...
And what IS that yummy smell???
And oh boy, Oh Boy, OH BOY!, do these ever smell good!
I gotta get a better whiff...
But wait!
Anything that smells that good...
Has GOT to taste good too, don'tcha think?
They taste even better than pussywillows!!!
Sumpthin' pokey tho'...
(But dats OK- I growled at it).
I shooked it up too!!!
When I shooked it, sumpthin' poked my butt!?
That wuz pretty brave!
Brave or not, I had to let it go...
But gosh, it was SO yummy!
And a'course I had to clean up my 'lil mess there!
But cleaning that mess up wuz nothin' compared to the mess "she" made in the kitchen yesterday mornin'.
See, I wuz still asleep, (cuz I had a big day before), when all of a sudden, "BANg!"
The biggest and loudest "bang" I have ever heard ! (It wuz also the fastest I ever woke up)!
Whatever happened to "let sleeping dogs lie"?!
I'll tell ya what happened to it is I get NO respect!
Anyway, she doesn't even turn around as she walks into the room (where I wuz sleepin'), -she only looks at me and sez "That cannot be good."
She walked back in there, but not before I went and 'nspected it fer her.
Oh my goodness, ya won't believe me!!!
I know ya won't!
But I'll tell ya anyway- There wuz ALL of her dishes, in little pieces, and all over the floor!
Now what am I gonna lick off of? Not even those yellow things tasted as good as all those dishes did!' who hollers at her??? No one!
It ain't fair, I tell ya, it jess ain't fair!
I hafta go pout now.