[My] Life in Wisconsin

And So...

(It really IS a bubbler ya know)!

Good Morning All;
I hope all is well in your little corner of the world?
All was well in mine until I took my shower. Almost zero water pressure. Not sure what is going on with that. It isn't frozen because we have been having temps over 32 for the past 5 days. So why would it freeze up now, as compared to 2 weeks ago when the temps hovered around zero?
Randy said he will go out and check it out for me at some point...

Am thinking that perhaps the fuse is shot down in the pit. (No, I am hoping that is all it is)...

Not too much news- Casey and Greg will be getting back this afternoon from Milwaukee- They will stop at my birthmothers place before they leave there.

She, (Donna), has been sick for quite a while. She has skin cancer, and a few other ailments too. But hangs in there quite well! Wish I could go visit too. But my car seems only to travel to Minnesota for the past few years... What the heck?

I'd better close for now; and go rattle some pans in the kitchen. The boy will be wanting some hot food if he has to play in the water in January.

Have a "wunnaful" Sunday!


Clinton Bush Haiti Fund  | And a Word From The FBI (in comments)

Support the Earthquake Recovery Efforts in Haiti

On January 12, a magnitude 7.0 earthquake struck Haiti just outside the capital city of Port-au-Prince. The devastation – in lives lost, property destroyed, and families displaced – is immense.

At the request of President Obama, we are partnering to help the Haitian people reclaim their country and rebuild their lives.

Our immediate priority is to save lives. The critical needs in Haiti are great, but they are also simple: food, water, shelter, and first-aid supplies. The best way concerned citizens can help is to donate funds that will go directly to supplying these material needs.

Through the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund, we will work to provide immediate relief and long-term support to earthquake survivors. We will channel the collective goodwill around the globe to help the people of Haiti rebuild their cities, their neighborhoods, and their families.

We ask each of you to give what you can to help ensure the people of Haiti can build back stronger and better than ever.

Both of us have personally witnessed the tremendous generosity and goodwill of the American people and of our friends around the world to help in times of great need. There is no greater rallying cry for our common humanity than witnessing our neighbors in distress. And, like any good neighbor, we have an obligation and desire to come to their aid.

Thank you for taking the time to visit, and we hope you will donate to this worthwhile cause. The people of Haiti now need our assistance more than ever.

President William J. Clinton
President George W. Bush

Photo from site.
"President Barack Obama announces the joint fundraising effort for Haiti earthquake relief led by President Bill Clinton and President George W. Bush – the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund".


I imagine that if you are the giving type, then you have already done so.
I heard about this on the news this morning.
I believe it is very much worth posting, especially with respect to the political unrest that is permeating our own society here in America.
