[My] Life in Wisconsin

And So...

(It really IS a bubbler ya know)!

Good Morning All;
I hope all is well in your little corner of the world?
All was well in mine until I took my shower. Almost zero water pressure. Not sure what is going on with that. It isn't frozen because we have been having temps over 32 for the past 5 days. So why would it freeze up now, as compared to 2 weeks ago when the temps hovered around zero?
Randy said he will go out and check it out for me at some point...

Am thinking that perhaps the fuse is shot down in the pit. (No, I am hoping that is all it is)...

Not too much news- Casey and Greg will be getting back this afternoon from Milwaukee- They will stop at my birthmothers place before they leave there.

She, (Donna), has been sick for quite a while. She has skin cancer, and a few other ailments too. But hangs in there quite well! Wish I could go visit too. But my car seems only to travel to Minnesota for the past few years... What the heck?

I'd better close for now; and go rattle some pans in the kitchen. The boy will be wanting some hot food if he has to play in the water in January.

Have a "wunnaful" Sunday!



  1. Good Morning Annie,

    Hope it's nothing too serious with your pipes.

    I pray Casey and Greg make it back safely.

    Hope you too have a wunnaful day.


  2. Might just be clogged. After a freeze all the buildup inside get pushed to the end. May just have to flush the system.

  3. It can't be anything serious. Really.
    It is not frozen. No way has the frost depth gotten that far down.
    The water pit is 10 feet down, as is the feed that comes into the house from the pumphouse..
    The well is +200, artesian to the barn.

    it has not frozen in almost 40 years, and that was only the water to the house; and before it was 10' down.
    My basement is heated.
    It has to be the fuse since I have no water at all now.
    If it wasn't for my damned back, I would have it replaced already.

    I did shut off the water heater because it does not run fast enough to fill it up and keep the coils covered.

    What next?
    Don't know, but i do know if the Cowboys win it will be a bad day.
    I have a game to watch. hehehe


  4. I hope its nothing serious with the pipes .. When the temps get really low here I leave the sink tap in the washroom open all night just to be sure ..

    I hope Casey and Greg had a nice weekend ..

    I hope you get ur wish and your team wins .. I am not a fan and don't know much about it but I am rooting for your team lol ..

    Have a great day Annie , hugs

  5. Here's hoping it is all resolved quickly what ever it is.

    Glad Casey and Greg could stop in to see your birth mother. I am sure she appreciates it.

    Whatcha making? I am failing my family and haven't made plans for a damned thing :(

  6. DArn it don't you jus thate it when the simple things can not be done? I am still waitng for someone to bring up my totes so i can get christmas out before valentines day..or shovel or srive around the block or get my mail or or or. It is the little things isn't it?

  7. I'd hate to go though one of your winters Anna, I love my Solar hot water system and my pool too much :) hope it works out for you all there .

  8. Weather here is just incredibly beautiful today... sunshine, fifties.. just awesome!

    I was thinking filter but if you have a pump .. hopefully all it is is the fuse.. that would be great.. sending good thoughts for just that for you.

    Big hugs

  9. This will be the only time you EVER hear me say this:

    WOOHOO Minnesota!!! GO VIKINGS GO!


    Glad Casey and Greg had a nice lil getaway. Nice too that they are stopping by to visit with your birth Mom. Even if your car can't go that way, why don't you give her a call? ;)

    Weird about your water... Hoping that Randy fixed it by now and you both enjoyed a nice hot dinner... What didja make??

    Take care of you!

    Love Ya!

    Slurkie :-)

  10. Hope its a simple fix with your water...I hated having a pump..seems always on the coldest day of the year one of us would need to be at work earlier than normal and thats when the little part of our would decide to freeze up..and I'd be out with the hair dryer trying to thaw it out..lol
    Even if I left a faucet or 2 dripping.

    Our weather here was supposed to be clearing I thought today..the sun came out briefly...and it went back in..and its been cloudy,damp and windy all the rest of the day.

    Went to take Drew lunch. They brought him mystery meat and he refused to eat any of it..lol I took him mashed potatoes with gravy and cube pork steak and some corn. They were supposed to bring pork chops for dinner...and they ran out of food(yeah...WTF?) and he got a hamburger patty with gravy and a roll...that was it...no fruit cup, no veggie... so I will be trucking in more food in a little bit. Because him just eating the meat and roll will not keep him full till morning.
    Ok..enough hijacking your blog..lol Gotta get my food taxi up and running. Have a good night!
    OH..and Drew was watching the game this afternoon ..he was pulling for the Vikings too!


  11. You made me cry.
    i know your frustrations and feelings ever so well.

    Love to you

