Super Majority? Let's DO it!
Hi all;
More politics. Kind of.
Rest assured that if the first post I linked and copied today didn't upset you, perhaps this one will.
Furthermore, if you do not know the definition of 'satire', please go check a dictionary.
-Or just stop reading.
Oh well.
Thank You Sayntj!
Like yourself, I get oh so tired of listening to whinebags and teabags too.
There are people here that WILL be upset by your words. Too bad. So sad.
It is high time to motivate EVERYONE to get out there and DO something!
Smells Like Team Spirit
Do the click- Borrowed and linked from here.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) -
President Barack Obama on Monday said times were still tough for many Americans, as he defended his policies during aggressive questioning after the worst U.S. recession since the 1930s was declared over.
As audience members at a townhall-style meeting voiced exasperation and disappointment at his administration, and one woman said she was "exhausted" from defending him, Obama stressed he understood that people were frustrated.
Article above excerpted from here
NOTE: If you missed it, this is how President Obama replied to her...
"My goal here is not to try to convince you that everything's where it needs to be -- it's not. That's why I ran for president. But what I am saying is ... that we're moving in the right direction."-
"Something that took 10 years to create is going to take a little more time to solve."
end quote
Smart man, our president.
But back to Sayntj's blog now...
So, 'We The People' are exhausted from defending him? (This is why I cant be president...SOME PEOPLE JUST DON'T GET IT).
Defending Obama? That's some arrogant shit!
So here is what I think of it.
Let's get this correct, YOU are tired of defending me?
Really, defending me are you?
When did I need you to defend me?
I don't need you to defend me, I need your support in voting.
I need your support in making sure I have a super majority.
You know what, that is right?
60 democrats! Not 54 democrats and six bastards that works against you!
I know you are disappointed in me, I'm disappointed in what we have not done in comparison to what I wanted to as well.
But you are defending me?
Really, defending what?
The racist comments? I'm President, I don't need defending about my race.
Are you defending that I'm a socialist?
I have done more for Wall Street than I have Main Street, so I'm not concerned about that idiotic label.
Marxist, Hitler, or maybe I'm the monkey in the cartoon the media put out?
Sticks and stones lady!
Now if you want to get real for a minute, you aren't defending me. You are defending your vote. You are defending your choice. Not me, you would be defending all the sexist comments if Hillary won. Will you be exhausted if she is President and the Republicans are telling you that her shrilling voice is killing them?
Or that they are afraid that she scares people because once a month she could kill us all?
It's NOT about me, its about the Democratic Party being in power. Just not enough power.
You are letting the haters to get to you. I see the haters and I welcome the hate! That means I'm doing something they don't like.
Cant you see a small difference? No? Then vote for the guys that put ALL OF US IN THE SHIT I'M CLEANING!
Now if you want to criticize me, please go ahead, I can take it.
I told you change was hard and it takes time. You are bailing on me after two years? But you can hold on to a group that screwed you for years?!
C'mon the last president sent you to two wars without finding Osama bin Laden. Do you know how much that shit cost the country even before I got into office?
Your health care companies can raise your costs every year for over a decade but you stay.
Your job can offer you a 1 to 2 percent raise, while cost of living is skyrocketing for decades, but I'm exhausting you?
Maybe you need to ask yourself- {the following}-
Am I, a critical thinker, arguing with critics that don't care what I say or do?
That's why you are exhausted! Arguing politics will take your eyes off the prize of policy.
The right has nothing, I am saying...NOTHING TO OFFER YOU!
Social Security privatized, Medicare will be exhausted alright!
So give me a damn break, this ain't about me needing defending.
You just can't handle hearing that you may have made a bad choice. They are pissing you off and you can't see that they are just fucking with you because they are not in power.
They are PISSED!
You really want to piss them off...make more of the right go home.
Send the Tea Party back to the Koch Bros.
You didn't bet on the wrong horse, so don't go asking for your money before the race is over!
You want out of the game? The right will play your ass!
So, quit defending me, take your ass out and get me a SUPER MAJORITY!
If I fail...then kick my ass out. But don't ask for the "Magic Negro" to pull 60 out his ass.
(See? ... I can defend myself).
Now go, vote, fight for yourself!
More politics tomorrow...
(Wait for it)...
Kitty Genovese, bystanders, hu-mice, and YOU! Yes, you.
Hi all.
I MUST repost this- It is written by "LunarEchoes" and deserves your immediate attention!
Be aware that a few of you will be upset with the language. I don't care.
The message is what is to be attended to.
That some of you might be upset by the message would be beyond my own comprehension.
Here is the post...
* Yes, ALL of the links work.
"Kitty Genovese, bystanders, hu-mice, and YOU! Yes, you."
* Yes, ALL of the links work.
"Kitty Genovese, bystanders, hu-mice, and YOU! Yes, you."
In 1964, Kitty Genovese was stabbed, raped, robbed, and stabbed again, in the parking lot and hallway of her apartment building. Her neighbors heard but did nothing. They were afraid to interfere or call the police, lest the attacker turn on them. Or they just didn't give a shit. Either way, people heard her calling for help, saw her stabbed, saw the attacker leave and come back--and did nothing.
Or so the story went. The story was told that way for years, but eventually, someone started studying the reasons that people don't help when others are in trouble, and the Kitty Genovese story began appearing in psychology textbooks as a lead-in to discussions of the bystander effect (also known as the Genovese syndrome) and diffusion of responsibility. It certainly was in my psych text.
As it turns out, about a dozen of Genovese's neighbors knew something was going on (not nearly 40, as was reported at first), and most of them didn't understand the situation. That most of them did nothing is quite bad enough, but of course, it's not nearly as awful once you've heard the original version. But the studies that her case inspired told us something important about what it means to be human--and they are reputable, replicable studies.
The Genovese Syndroms/bystander effect is this:
The more people who witness an emergency, the less likely any of them are to help.
There are lots of reasons that happens, but the two big ones are that everyone assumes someone else will handle it (what I'm going to call the Somebody Else's Problem effect, in honor of Douglas Adams) and that everyone looks at everyone else to see if others think something needs to be done--and since everyone is looking at everyone else, no one is doing anything, so everyone thinks no one else thinks anything needs to be done (I'm going to call that the People are Sheep effect, because People are Fucking Idiots effect seems counterproductively harsh).
"What," you obligingly ask, "does all of this have to do with hu-mice, as posited by Christine Janet Weiss O'Donnell?"
Right now, we have candidates for national office who variously believe that:
- masturbation is adultery,
- scientists have created mice with human brains,
- we have actual czars in this country
- and that the Constitution prohibits titles of nobility
- (link tomorrow on that one),
- (link tomorrow on that one),
- and that the Constitution prohibits titles of nobility
- "the gay" can be prayed away or cured,
- Wiccans worship Satan,
- homosexuality is an "identity disorder,"
- condoms spread AIDS.
think that:
- interracial marriage is bad,
- school integration is a plot to sexually imprint white students on people of other races,
- eugenics is a pretty nifty idea.
- are scared of fluoridated water,
- say that women with kids shouldn't work,
- think alcohol should be illegal (see #5),
- argue for a Scientologist-designed rehab program,
- with massage and sauna, for female prison inmates.
- with massage and sauna, for female prison inmates.
- That girls who are raped by their fathers should be forced to have their fathers' babies.
Those are just a few of the wild and weird ideas out there, and I only looked at candidates for national office.
"Okay, but what do Kitty Genovese, diffusion of responsibility, the bystander effect have to do with that? you ask. "Not to mention, what does any of it have to do with me?"
Someone for whom I have the highest respect commented, on a link to the story about Jim Russell and how he thinks white people have higher IQs than everyone else and interracial marriage is bad, that she is glad this stuff is out there, if that's what it takes to get people to wake up. And I replied that no one is going to wake up if this stuff doesn't get more exposure.
But then I started thinking about what would happen if it did. For one thing, a lot of people are getting tired of the insanity.
I think most people pretty much know that, say, "drug czar" or "education czar" isn't a title of nobility conferred by the U.S. government (even if they don't know that the Constitution doesn't forbid that); that school integration isn't a conspiracy to sexually imprint kids to people of "other races"; and that ranting about fluoridated water puts you squarely in Dr. Strangelove territory. But people are tired of hearing candidates and pundits say that Candidate X is nuts, which makes me wonder to what extent people are paying attention.
Beyond, that, though, I think that every voter in the U.S. could be notified of this stuff by phone, email, certified letter, and singing telegram--and these candidates could still be elected.
Why? Because people are sheep, and if you look around at what other people are doing about the upcoming election, only the ones who fear fluoride, liquor, hu-mice, interracial marriage, and government interference with anything but a woman's right to choose are doing anything. So sane people are looking at each other, and mostly, all the other sane people are doing is looking around, so it would be awfully easy to think that no one sane thinks anything needs to be done.
Why else? Because, really, it's all Somebody Else's Problem. YOU don't have to vote, I don't have to vote, no one sane has to vote--because all the other sane people are taking care of it.
This is not Somebody Else's Problem. Today, the Republicans and a few of the Democrats in the Senate refused to allow debate on whether and how to fund the military, because they didn't want to let gay people serve openly in the military, even though 80% of the country does. If you know someone who is serving in Iraq or Afghanistan, this is your problem. If you don't, but you care about our troops, especially the ones serving in dangerous places, this is your problem.
And those Senators? They're the sane ones. They're the good ones. They're the ones that candidates like Paul, O'Donnell, Angle, Russell, Miller, and Buck are trying to defeat.
And I didn't even talk about the candidates for statewide office, like the one who sends out pictures of people having sex with animals and wants to use eminent domain to prevent the mosque at Ground Zero.
So, if you think that you can sit on your ass because you're having a personal "enthusiasm gap," GET OFF YOUR ASS. No one else is going to act in this emergency, because everyone else thinks someone else--like YOU--is taking care of the problem.
You don't feel like voting? Fuck you.
You don't think the Democrats or the moderate Republicans or the ordinary Republicans have done enough for you? Fuck you.
You think that you can disengage and rely on the rest of us to get out there and vote, because you're so much more entitled than the rest of us? FUCK YOU.
If you don't vote this November and we get a Congress full of "no exceptions" anti-abortion nutcases who think the Civil Rights Act of 1964 might have been a mistake and that the Communists are trying to force us to fight cavities while the Constitution says we can't have Dukes--I'm blaming you.
Me and everyone else who, hearing a neighbor scream for help, would call the fucking police and rush out to help.
And we're people of action.
So stop relying on everyone else to fix the problem, get off your ass, start paying attention--and vote.
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