Good Morning All;
I went in yesterday morning for 6 more shots in my spine...
They didn't work, but I did throw up all of last night.
Not too sure what that is all about? Though I had been having migraine problems, on and off, all of this past week. (Which I could not take my meds for that because of these upcoming shots).
I called Casey when I began barfing- She told me to take two Benedryl; as it makes your meds work better AND, it works as an anti~emetic too. (Glad I called her- At least I learned something). But I couldn't find any Benedryl to save my soul.
I did manage to sleep for about 2 hours- I will try that again soon; though waking up sick is not my cup of tea. (Anyone have a 7-up for me)?
It is not only my back- Unless neck is back- But there is something also wrong with my neck as my little fingers and ring fingers don't feel right. Both hands. (Sometimes they feel nothing- as do the tops of my toes). Mostly it's a sleeping, buzzing, feeling in my fingers. My doctor has already told me that he can do nothing about this.
Casey had hit a bump on our way back home, (admittedly these are impossible to avoid on this road), and my right hip gave an awful pain -as my back seized up at the same time. I don't recall ever making a noise like that in my life. (Sorry Casey, I didn't mean to scare you). Thank God we were so close to home, and off the freeway; or I would have just opened the door and allowed myself to fall out.
This has all progressed from bad to worse so frickin' damned fast that I just don't know what to do anymore. My hips are both killing me today, and my stomach wants food, but I can't feed it either.
Yup the picture above is accurate. This really does suck. I'll be lucky to even keep my pills down today...
Any suggestions?
I go in on Monday for a physical. (This is insurance required for the pain pump 'trial'). I am having that "trial" come the 27th.
We will have to make 4 trips into town that week- and even just thinking about having to do that sucks too. Casey will be bringing me to those.
Casey has been having problems of her own, adjusting to a new elixir. I do hope that those get better before this all has to happen for me. I really have no one else to ask for a ride.
God help me. Starving, and in pain, is no effing way to go through life.
How very odd that I still believe in karma...
Am going to try to sleep a bit now. Have a grand weekend. My love to all
image from cafepress.com