This bear, received as a gift from a like~minded woman;
I believe that these were Brandy's exact words last Saturday!
I believe that these were Brandy's exact words last Saturday!
Good Afternoon!
So much going on at once-
Last weekend was a gift from Heaven, weather wise. It was in the 60's and even a low 70. Very welcomed weather for November. As I type though it is 48° and it isn't to get much warmer any more. Yes, I will be mowing my lawns today with earmuffs on.
Some of these pics were taken last week, some this week.
Casey has shortened class periods on Tuesdays and Thursdays- She generally drives out before or after those.
Of course Mr. Sputnik comes outside with us now... There are no two ways of getting around that unless I want to come back inside to a cat that actually "hollers" at me. (Too funny he is)!
The weather matters not to him...
...As long as he is getting someones undivided attention!
And what does Punk think of sharing her Casey's attention?
Maybe she ate a rotten crab~apple while she grazed?!?
She still loves the rubber Frisbee...
Casey threw that one! Way up high!
Later that day to have Miss Kelli leave work early so there was still a bit of daylight left at the end of her day.
They chose to walk the dogs to the woods...
Krazy Koko had run ahead and was nowhere to be seen anymore...
Coco had gotten fixed 2 weeks earlier; and the vet had "grounded" her with her outings.
Having gotten her stitches out, that rule no longer applied!
Kelli had gone to a trade show and is showing off her new sweatshirt...
I couldn't agree more!
Kelli got to go to her trade show. I got to go to WalMart. (Such is life). hehehe
I bought 2 of these bird-feeders. I set one up out the south side of the kitchen; and the other to the west. I can see them both with just a few steps around the kitchen.
I love watching the birds in the middle of the winter. (Ok, anytime). & it never fails to amaze me that the birds can even live when the temps get so far below zero.
Notice the squirrel shields up there.
They work well, so far, too. I haven't had to refill the feeders for over a week!
Perhaps the pillaging varmints have died...
...Seeing as I had to "feed" them too...
It is out in the shed.
Punk and Sputnik are away from it.
Last weekend I literally begged for help. Yes, there ARE some things that my back is not capable of.
As you may know, the damned drains were not fixed yet. And while it bothers me none where the tub and the sink drain, it might bother a potential buyer. (I received a phone call out of the blue last week from a man whose son might be interested in my place. Nephew to Greg who already owns the 25 acres behind me).
So the silly stubborn drain had to be fixed.
First to roll out the red carpet... hehehe
.Then to free the stinkin' & stubborn "tee" that was plugged up.
John Pryes rolled up his sleeves and dug in. (Thank God for friends)!
While he was cussing up a storm in the crawlspace, Brandy, Casey, Sarah, and Ashley were busy elsewhere. My little dumpster was full to the brim yesterday!
John had to ask "The Boss" what to do next though...
Fair is fair- As appointed Supervisor for the day, Sput had to get dirty too!
Notice this foreman is wearing a necklace made of cobwebs! eeeeeekee!
Finally getting the old pipe off, John, Casey, and Sarah, made a beeline for Pulaski to get a new one. (The old one being trash by the time it finally gave way).
So you ask, who ended up getting the dang thing off?
That would be Miss Brandy herself!
You GO, Girl!
She might have been cussing my camera in this picture.
Of course she may have been explaining her work too.
Either way, the job was done! The following day, Punk and I showered and it all went down to the septic, via the correct drain!
Say "YAY!"
Yesterday Sue and Glenn came to get another truckload of apples!
I swear there'll be more too
~because I don't know where the heck all these came from to begin with!
But it is done for another year. Thank you Sue and Glenn!
While Punk did calisthenics with her Frisbee, Glenn fired apples into his box.
"The Suspended Apple!" hehehe
Suzy Q brought my now empty dumpster back up the driveway!
Punk thought she was stealing it?!? Goofy dog!
Time for me to get outside shortly and do the final mowing. After all, I have to get that done before I have to beg John and Brandy to come over again and get the snowplow on the little tractor.
Hope all is well in your little corner of the world. My love to all.
PS Contrary to what some believe I do not sit around all day long. You should KNOW me better than that by now. As my back allows, I am sitting, standing, or laying down. Does that afford me time to read? Yes, but only after my work is done thank you very much!
That one truly hurt...