My God, are there really people who believe God died and left him in charge?
What's YOUR pre-Existing Condition?
Armey’s View Of Americans With Pre-Existing Conditions: Someone Who ‘Eats Like A Pig’ And Has Diabetes
Ensuring that insurers don’t reject any American for health coverage because of a pre-existing condition is a top priority of the public. Republicans have repeatedly said that they also want to make this change, but in the alternative legislation they released, Americans with pre-existing conditions would still be left out to dry.
Today on CNN, FreedomWorks head Dick Armey defended the industry’s discriminatory practices by saying that if you have diabetes because you “eat like a pig,” you don’t deserve coverage:
ARMEY: But now, they [government officials] come along and they say, irrespective of the fact they’ve gone 20, 30, 40 years of their adult life without ever having bought insurance prior to getting a liver inflammation due to their excessive drinking habits or diabetes because they eat like a pig, you must now insure them.
But at what point do we allow the government to order people that you must sell your product to this person or that person, irrespective of any good judgment? We saw what happened in housing when they ordered banks to make loans to people who weren’t qualified. Are we now going to have the same destructive influences in health care because we’re going to order doctors to provide services and so forth?
Watch it:
In reality, these pre-existing conditions that can disqualify people from receiving health insurance often have nothing to do with unhealthy lifestyle choices — and they disproportionately target women. Some pre-existing conditions are having a Caesarean-section pregnancy, being a victim of domestic violence, or being a victim of rape. Most individual health insurance markets don’t even cover maternity care. Other pre-existing conditions that insurers have used to either deny people outright or charge exorbitant fees for coverage include being an expectant father, having acne, or being a police officer.
Many Republicans, like Armey, seem unable to grasp that denial based on pre-existing conditions is discriminatory. Last week, Rep. Pete Sessions (R-TX) said that insurers are justified in charging women more than men because we’re “all different.” He then compared a woman to a “smoker” and a man to a “non-smoker” to argue that insurers should be allowed to discriminate.
Armey also recently told the New York Times that the “largest empirical problem we have in health care today is too many people are too overinsured.” (He’s wrong.)
ROBERTS: Back on this idea of mandates that you talk about. Those mandates really are to guarantee certain levels of coverage, are they not? Like, you can’t be denied if you’ve got a pre-existing condition or if you’re pregnant. It also requires minimum standards for such things as mental health care. And there are a lot of mandates across the government on many industries, but that’s never called socialism.
ARMEY: OK. Well, let me just say, if the government said to the insurance company, no matter how many accidents, wrecks, drunken driving convictions they’ve had in the past and whatever is the condition of their record of driving habits, you must insure them, you would say that’s unreasonable.
But now, they come along and they say, irrespective of the fact they’ve gone 20, 30, 40 years of their adult life without ever having bought insurance prior to getting a liver inflammation due to their excessive drinking habits or diabetes because they eat like a pig, you must now insure them.
But at what point do we allow the government to order people that you must sell your product to this person or that person, irrespective of any good judgment? We saw what happened in housing when they ordered banks to make loans to people who weren’t qualified. Are we now going to have the same destructive influences in health care because we’re going to order doctors to provide services and so forth?
And the fact of the matter is, the government running somebody else’s business can very quickly become the diminution of the whole industry. And I promise this, about what the House passed the other night goes through, you will destroy medical innovation in America, you’ll destroy the incentive for it.
We are the nation of discovery, creation, and innovation in health care. The rest of the world copies us. If we don’t do it, it won’t be done, and it won’t be done under this plan.
Do the click. There are some really GREAT comments on this article.
Now would be the time and the place for any negative or rambling commentaries.
What a stupid comment for someone to say...
ReplyDeleteA person with diabetes doesnt deserve coverage because they ate like a pig? There are far more reasons a person gets diabetes than over eating. genetics comes to mind right off the top of my head.
It comes back to folks who have no clue what they are talking about trying to make decisions for everyone.
I do like the parts of this new bill they have out about not letting insurance companies decide who can or who cant have insurance based on their medical records. Probably one of the few parts I do like.
Im sure we will end up with some sort of healthcare.. Really my main dislike of it all.. is taking from the old to give to the young.
I dont think the government should be involved but with the greed of the insurance companies and all.. I dont think we have the option to do otherwise.
Gawd, the stupidity amazes and scares me.
ReplyDeleteoutright discrimination! every single person no matter what should be covered! we need to take care of ourselves and our fellow man and keep this country as healthy as ever.
ReplyDeleteJust an FYI if you do not know who this dope is...
ReplyDeleteRichard Keith "Dick" Armey (born July 7, 1940 in Cando, North Dakota) is a former U.S. Representative from Texas's 26th congressional district (1985–2003) and House Majority Leader (1995–2003).
He was one of the engineers of the "Republican Revolution" of the 1990s, in which Republicans were elected to majorities of both houses of Congress for the first time in four decades.
Armey was one of the chief authors of the Contract with America. Armey is also an author and former professor.
After his congressional career he worked as a consultant and advisor.
A former um, er, everything.
No wonder he wasn't re elected! (Obviously intelligent people have outgrown him).
Sweet Beep;
ReplyDeleteThat "someone" represented Texas for TWO decades. Why would such a dunce have been reelected over and over??? Something fishy there. (Even with his tenure at University of North Texas).
Something definitely wrong...
"Genetics" comes to your mind. Not his.
For Casey is was her TP/AIT transplant that gave her diabetes for 6 months until those islet cells worked their magic.
When the pre exiting garbage is mandated as illegal we will all be happy.
"Ignorance is bliss" Sweet Pamela. Or so they say.
ReplyDeleteI firmly believe that there are people that do not want to learn all they can... That they accept garbage as fact, and go on about their lives as if nothing matters.
you are SO right on that Sweetie-
ReplyDeleteTime for all of us good decent and intelligent people to make LOTS of noise, don't you think?
"Do unto others..." comes to mind.
More on Dick
ReplyDeleteNationality: United States
Executive summary: US House Majority Leader, 1995-2003
Called openly-gay Congressman Barney Frank "Barney Fag" during a 1995 radio show interview, but later denied it was intentional.
However, on 2 August 2000, columnist Dave Barry asked, "Are you really Dick Armey?"
Armey replies: "Yes, I am Dick Armey. And if there is a dick army, Barney Frank would want to join up."
During the fervor of the Monica Lewinsky scandal, three women at North Texas State University documented inappropriate sexual behavior on the part of Dick Armey. They are Susan Aileen White, Anna Weniger, and Anne Marie Best. These incidents were particularly troublesome in that Armey runs on a platform of "Values Agenda" and "Recovering Our Moral Emphasis." [Dallas Observer, 4-May-1985.]
"Bipartisanship is another name for date rape."
And look whose got a risk factor of his own!
Rick has diabetes and it's from Agent Orange, NOT overeating. Thanks for the talking head Annie.
Lets face it insurance companies don't want to be regulated any more than electric companies, phone companies or airlines. The only companies who get hurt by being regulated are companies who continually rip people off.
ReplyDeleteThe only two types of illness that the ignorant Mr. Armey sites when talking about pre-existing conditions are self inflicted. What about people born with birth defects, accident victims, war injuries, and hereditary conditions.
Armey: "And I promise this, about what the House passed the other night goes through, you will destroy medical innovation in America, you’ll destroy the incentive for it. We are the nation of discovery, creation, and innovation in health care. The rest of the world copies us. If we don’t do it, it won’t be done, and it won’t be done under this plan."
This is assuming that the only people who have a desire to be in the medical field are only doing so for the financial benefits. Here's a news flash for ya Mr. Armey - some people go into medicine to help mankind.
Seems Mr. Armey "Dick" was aptly named - only his last name should be "Head". How does someone who is so prejudice and unintelligent ever get voted into office?
Quite true, but another other "pre-existing" condition is being "overweight". What they dont tell you is what constitutes "overweight". According to "their" scales I am not just "overweight" I would be considered "obese". For my height I should not weigh more than 105 lbs at my heaviest. I havent been that weight since I was in 7th grade. I wear a size 10 jeans and anything size 6-8 is overweight, more is obese.
ReplyDeletemuch as I think that EVERYONE should have the right to healthcare, I wonder how well it is really going to work out when we can't manage to do ANYTHING right.