Sometime when you are alone, and there is much quiet, take a moment to read this article. (Click the above link)...
It is pleasantly easy to understand, and oh so well written.
Do you share in any of the authors experiences or feelings?
Because I surely found myself nodding many times during the reading...
The sentence that really grabbed 110% of my own attention is this one:
"I learned that the textbooks were wrong, or at least incomplete."
I shall have to blog one day about my fight with the vice principal in high school.
Love to all
A few others too...
(As much for myself to go to when I have time, as they are for you as well).
(Man and the Unknown).
The object of these pages is a call for understanding of some little known spiritual and cultural aspects of life. By widening our horizon respect may grow for the multitude of facets of truth. The wider our frame of reference the more we may see that clinging to a onesided point of view will lead to fundamentalism and extremism, be it in religious belief or atheist skepticism.
"The subjects range from paranormal voices (with sound clips), Javanese mysticism, parapsychology to modern Dutch art. But foremost these original introductions deal with intriguing mysteries and the inner life of man. Please click on the various headings for full information.
I am confident that the attentive and open-minded reader will find somewhere hidden in these pages a key or link that may open up new vistas in his/her life."
Existential Anxiety: Angst
Have you ever felt the nameless dread?
Terror and anguish without a cause?
This talk gives a name and careful description to the nameless threat,
the free-floating anxiety we have all felt but perhaps not faced.
First we will distinguish existential anxiety from simple fear in 5 ways.
The Gospel of Thomas, the Doubter. And other thoughts of Gnosticism
"When the Gospel of Judas was published by the National Geographic Society in April 2006, it received extraordinary media attention and was immediately heralded as a major biblical discovery that rocked the world of scholars and laypeople alike. Elaine Pagels and Karen King are the first to reflect on this newfound text and its ramifications for telling the story of early Christianity."
"Donating one's organs to those in need of them certainly seems like a spiritual act -- one of kindness, of all giving and no taking, of human love and service. However, there have been warnings that it might be spiritually harmful for both the donor and recipient. At issue is whether the consciousness actually leaves the body at the moment brain wave activity and vital functions cease or whether it lingers for hours or even several days."
Natural Dying
In accepting death as natural, we confront more directly the limitations - and the mystery - of life. Paula Hendrick
"Death. In death, as in birth, we touch the mystery of life. Where do we come from - and where do we go? And who and what are we, really, while we're here?
When we look ahead to our death, our thoughts reflect back to us, in living color, Life. The universe, through eons of evolution, has brought into being this world, these creatures, this particular person, for an allotment of one lifetime."
...for a zillion (and one) other links...
Seekers Links.
"It is the responsibility of the student to practice discernment in his/her search for greater understanding.
You will find a variety of perspectives on these pages to help you clarify your own thinking.
Don't believe something just because you read it, test it out.
Suspend judgment, suspend beliefs, keep an open mind, listen to your own inner wisdom, discern the Truth for yourself."