[My] Life in Wisconsin

Please. Copy. Paste. Share. Email. Vote.


Photo taken at St. Marys, in March.


Many of you know that I am not a very political person. I stay 'current' best I can, but that is about it.

I do not mean to ever tell anyone who to vote for, but in the case of many "undecided votes" this is only an appeal to them.

Have you noticed where the McCain/Palin signs are?
Am wondering how many of those people really DO make in excess of 200/250K each year?

A while back I'd posted a blog that had cinched my own vote.

It is simply entitled: "An Open Letter to John McCain" http://flintville.multiply.com/journal/item/681
(Please CLICK HERE to read this if you are unfamiliar with it).

So that you know up front, I have voted for Barack Obama.

I have voted since 1976, (the year I turned 18). I have always been proud to cast my vote.

I am neither Republican nor Democrat.
As my own record will allow, I have voted for both through the years.

My youngest daughter is chronically ill.
She suffers from Chronic Pancreatitis.

It is a debilitating disease which, at her age, (21), has been treated mostly only to control the pain.

She has also had many many surgeries, exploratory and otherwise.
With each bout of pancreatitis, her pancreas is slowly digesting itself...

She has lost three out of her last 4 jobs because she has been hospitalized too often. (The 4th being a temporary tax position, for tax season).

Maintaining straight A+'s before she was ill and incapacitated, she has struggled to even be allowed to attend college.
(As many of you already know, that struggle did NOT pay off for her).


*See "UWGB"- or "college problems" within my tags on my top page

UWGB (The University of Wisconsin at Green Bay), REQUIRED that she guarantee that she could attend an entire semester without being hospitalized, or they would pull her grant money and student loans. Forced then to withdraw by Mr. Herrity, she has been unable to guarantee that with each subsequent semester.

I have watched her go downhill by leaps and bounds some days.

She has constant pain.

Some days it is minor, (# 5 pain), ~livable.

Others she is completely down for the count.

At its worst and ugliest, she is hospitalized for weeks at a time.

She now uses a cane because she cannot eat many things that are vital to her survival.
As her body leaches the protein from her muscles, she quickly grows too weak to walk without the assistance of that cane.

And on to my thoughts/quotes.

In a nutshell a few words from CNN really caught my attention this weekend.

On explaining the differences in the two candidates Health Care Reform. I believe that Austin Goolsbee explained it best.

If I had any reservations of casting my vote, suffice to say I have none now.

As close to the actual words as I could jot them down:

"McCains plan completely undoes the employer based coverage that is the cornerstone of coverage in our country.

20 million people are covered by employer based health insurance.
Under McCains plan, the costs to the employer will be astronomical.

So those 20 million people , (many of whom are already sick), will be thrown into the individual market where the costs are going to be extremely high, or where they just may be excluded because they have a preexisting condition."

That is not possible under Senator Obama's plan, but it is guaranteed under McCains.

Buying your own insurance, even with the 5K for families (paid for by taxing your health insurance monies), will still end up costing the insured.

Trying to buy health insurance?
For a family, 12K is average.
(Then add on your copays, and your deductibles, etc).

As it is now, health insurance companies compete by excluding those who are sick, (like my daughter).

Douglas Eakin then rebutted this with McCains ideas of rewarding prevention and rewarding wellness.

"Mr Eakin, my daughter has done nothing to have/deserve/obtain this disease.
She is neither a drinker, nor has she used illicit/illegal/street drugs to become an addict."

Eakin also said about deferring treatment away from the acute care facilities; the ER's, the hospitals and the like.
That seems to be all well and good. Especially in a perfect world.
*** But what happens when a chronically ill person needs to be treated/hospitalized on weekends?

Would your plan force those doctors to keep their individual doors open 24/7 ? Doubtful.
(Please remember that many of these Drs. make well in excess of 250K/ annually).

As was noted on another show, I also have seen no other Republicans touting McCains health care plan.
That in itself, is highly questionable.

For years, I was paying in excess of $460.00 per month for my own health insurance.
Did I have preexisting conditions at that point?
Yes. Migraine headaches and hypothyroidism. (Neither of which were covered by my insurance for that 1st year; nor were the meds).

One of my daughters surgeries/hospitalizations was in excess of $49,000. (This was after she had been dropped by the college, and then by her fathers health insurance because she was not attending college).

Talk about a vicious circle...
These monies came directly out of my pocketbook, as did many others.

The way I see it...

Think about yourself for a moment...

  • High blood pressure?
  • Thyroid problems?
  • Domestic abuse
  • Migraines?
  • Epilepsy?
  • Previous heart attack or stroke?
  • Ever treated for Lyme Disease?
  • Emotional problems?
  • Any mental diagnosis', including mild depression?
  • Diabetic?
  • Endometriosis?
  • Recurring back pain?

    CLUE: If you have gone to the doctor in the last 3-5 years, then you already have a preexisting condition.

Any of those and you are prevented from obtaining medical coverage, including Medicare backup policies, unless you are rich to begin with.

But wait, that just takes us back to the good old boys in Washington D.C.

A vicious circle of ... ?

Mr McCain, you lost my vote when you said the following in the last debate:
"America will receive more money under my plan because they will receive not only their present benefits, which may be taxed, which will be taxed, but then you add $5,000 onto it, except for those people who have the gold-plated Cadillac insurance policies that have to do with cosmetic surgery and transplants and all of those kinds of things."
end quote

I have heard no apologies nor clarifications from you or your 'people' regarding this. How can you possibly put cosmetic surgery and life saving transplants in the same group?
"Gold plated Cadillac?" You have GOT to be kidding!

~So, here's clarification from me.
Your health care proposal?
It is only more money if people do not spend it.
It is only "better" if they do not have to go further into debt to use it in accordance with your proposal.

I have always prided myself on not selecting my vote on one issue.
I haven't.
I also believe that Mr. Obama will get my Godson out of Iraq.
(But that's a whole nother can of worms).


To my readers,
If you are reading this on Monday know that we will be on the road to visit yet another doctor... Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

Furthermore, should you feel this has any merit, please forward or pass it along some other way.

Please do leave my links etc. attached ~so people can be directed to Casey's illness or stories if they would like.

Thank You.
Anne, Anna~Anna, Mama D.

*  If there is even the slightest chance that CaseyAnne would be denied health insurance in the future under McCain's proposal, then it is high time to ensure that does NOT happen!

And, there are too many others like herself that struggle to even function on a daily level.

Turn my vote against help for them all?  Not a chance.

Please join me in voting for Mr. Barack Obama.

Originally posted to my Y! 360, Sunday November 2, 2008 - 11:38pm (CST)