Good Morning Everyone!
The above picture is what Miss Punk looked like right before I had left, She KNEW I was going to be leaving her here alone; and was not too happy about that. (Of course neither is she too happy about going for a ride either)! Last week, I had bought a car restraint thingie for her. The label said it would fit dogs up to 110 pounds, and it proved to be too small. Kelli was headed to Petco yesterday, and offered to exchange it for me. They had none bigger of that very cool style, but she did get one that was alright, and yes, it DOES fit Miss Punk.
Anyway... Off to the Olive Garden... (& I swear there were about 158 million people waiting in the foyer to be seated), Casey had left early just to be able to get her name on the waiting list as there was a 45 minute wait to be seated. I was greeted by a wonderful squealing Miss Valerie, who gave me the most beautiful hug! (How cool is it to have someone run up to you and gave you a great big hug)? I haven't seen Miss Valerie since Christmas! And I haven't gotten a hug like that in a very long time!!!
Thank goodness Casey had gotten there early, we were all seated within about 10 minutes!
Even Casey's boyfriends mom and sister came; and I was very happy to meet them too!
My friend Judy came also... (Judy and I have been such wonderful and close friends since the fourth grade)! Her husband Bob was setting up for a show at the Weidner Center, and so couldn't join us.
I did get my Mediterranean Shrimp Scampi dish! ...Oooooh, it is SO good! (I even brought some home with me). ...And yes, I ordered coffee...
After we ate, the crew at the Olive Garden brought out a little cake for Casey.
As that cake was chocolate, I passed on having a slice, except for a small piece that Master Gabriel had offered to me, (and pretty much demanded that he put in my mouth)! ...My head~vs~chocolate have always been exceptional rivals.
Casey's best friend, Jenny Mella, had found her a 'Heart Hands and Crown' T-shirt! This is exceptionally cool, because Casey has always loved the Claddagh jewelry. And each year, Jenny has always fashioned a hat for Casey out of the napkins at the Olive Garden... This year was NO different!
Afterwards, some of us went to Ashwaubenon Lanes for bowling. (I went only to take a few pictures of Casey trying to bowl in a skirt)!!! hehehe
Unfortunately open bowling did not start until 9:30, (and it was only just a little after 7 p.m.). They all decided just to go Dereks and watch some movies. (That's about when my Xanax was wearing off, and I just came home then). I sat down at the computer, put all the pictures in, and headed up to bed about 10. I am still pretty tired this morning. And yes, my head is pretty much killing me too. Oh well. It sure has been a hectic week. (And I didn't even make it out the door to get to Tims grandmothers wake on Friday night; having my Xanax not working well enough).
Again, some good, some bad but thankfully MOST of the worlds problems fall somewhere in~between; (as do my own)...
Many of you have written or even called to ask if I am alright?
And I am! ~From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for caring.
I know that I was more than a little vague yesterday... my apologies for that.
Suffice it to say that I do not handle any kind of betrayal too well.
I do not betray my family, (or anyone else that I love) EVER, Nor for ANY reason; and I fully expect NO LESS from them.
It is a simple R*E*S*P*E*C*T issue. (Sadly, the matter remains very painful; and very pitifully unresolved). This too shall be dealt with; in my own time, (and in my own way)... While I have already been told that I am not much to be proud of in the 1st place, I also know that I should not be the subject of ridicule, jeering or mockery. To do so, completely invalidates our values as family; (or shall I just say the honorable ethics that I have tried to instill in my children).
Perhaps I have said too much already- Forgive me for unloading; ...Unfortunately it is 'unload' or go completely nuts at this point in time... (Oh wait, I am already there)!!! hehehe
But see?
As I have told you already, Life in Flintville isn't always perfect.
...But damn, it's close!
I hope you are all having a ˜wunnaful" weekend! I have a bunch of things to get done out in the old garage, and will get busy on that all! If Spring comes early I can then open up the rummage sale as weather provides¦ (But first, it honestly looks like I have 3 months of dishes to attend to)! Hehehe ...And I see yet another weather alert that tells me I will be shoveling once more. (Maybe I shall even work off a bit of that pasta)!!!
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