3, 4, 5. Please Get Me Out of This Funk!
Good Afternoon all;
It has been so long since I have blogged that I need a refresher course.
Almost a new season too.
I snapped this picture at the Pain Management Clinic when I was there last week.
Kind of appropriate for these last few hours of Summer
I have begun a multitude of blogs over this past week, and have deleted them all.
---wonders if I will delete this one also---
I had to almost argue with Dr. Mario, telling him that the shot trade-off of a migraine for a week VS a better back is really not worth it to me. He stated that he could put a blood patch on, thinking I may have been mistaking a headache for a migraine. Such was not the case. These migraines came on with their normal auras. I don't think a spine patch would have changed a thing. Not caring to find out by barfing for another week, I declined. He changed my migraine meds back to Cafergot. It is the original migraine remedy, and not everyone has heard of it. (Including Dr. M.). I also asked for him to decrease my Kadian; which he did, but urging me to use the stronger ones as I need to. My back has been so godawful that I have not even used the lesser strength ones yet.
I also had the appointment with the spine doctor. He was a very nice man with a very understood sense of humor too. More comfortable that way. Add to that the fact that he is only a few years younger than I- We had a good rapport.
He went over the results of my MRI with me. (It was a long appointment, what can I say)?
Not good news, but not the very worst either. He seems to think that most of my pain is from the following.
- Three fractures. How I got them is anyone's guess. He told me people do this by just even sneezing! (Not a great thing to hear with my allergies).
- Four discs that may/may not be contributing to the problems. (They are not huge or bulging yet, so we shall leave them alone for now).
- Five bone spurs.
Trust me, along with the arthritis I have in my back, it is not much fun.
But his office decor was a LOT of fun!
Maybe this is what I will look like soon?
Yes, Slurkie your Bengals won-
I think it is best to get the pressure of an undefeated season off my Pack.
.Yes, Slurkie your Bengals won-
I think it is best to get the pressure of an undefeated season off my Pack.
I will be having a dexa? scan next week.
Plus, I am taking even more calcium than I was taking before-
Just to be on the safe side, he also said I should also have 600mgs of Vitamin D along with that- (Unsure of how much is in what I take, I didn't tell him that I was already taking 1000mgs/day). That all in addition to what I eat. (We are Cheeseheads. We eat real cheese, and not "cheese product").
So what the hey? I have always taken supplements, and garlic. So the problem comes in with not absorbing them... Time will tell.
I have a new brace- made just for me. It is more comfy than the other, although the tech said it would not be. It is also very warm. Doctor told me to wear it for the next 4 months. The arm~hold part of the brace gives me problems with my bad shoulder, but as long as my fingers keep working it'll be ok.
He also made a point of telling me NO SNOW SHOVELING. Hell of a way to get out of that.
Hmm --wonders if he or the nurses will come and shovel FOR me--
When Casey was done with school that day she came with and went to Petco with us. Always a fan of these narfy rodents, she had to stop and say hi.
I think they are just overgrown rats
(as my overgrown dog looks on).
On the way home I stopped and bought a 4 piece chicken dinner from KFC.
Pulling in the yard, to notice that the trees are changing colors, even though we have had above average temps for a few weeks.
and this was a week ago already...
Kelli came yesterday morning- Was out and about with her two dogs, and wanted to take them for a romp to the woods. (I haven't uploaded those pictures yet, but have a few from last week anyway)...
Coming back up here to chat for a while, Mr Miller feels it is his solemn duty to take out all the stuffed animals from the garage. I think Jenne and Isaiah left these behind. Miller can't get into the shed because the door has been closed, so he started poking in bags up here... Too funny!
Kelli thought this one to nice to be mauled by the dogs...
Yes, I have lots more catching up to do. Will try to post more often.
'Til then, try to have a 'wunnaful' week!
My love to all.
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