Master Gabriel, playing in the sunshine at his home!
Good Afternoon all, and Happy November too!
I have been remiss in not sharing such good news- Especially after being sent these gorgeous pictures right after this child was born!
A belated welcome to baby Elizabeth!
She was born October 14th-
The first grandchild of Kristin and Steve! (Master Gabriel's Mom and Dad).

Granny Kristin and newborn Elizabeth!

A Grandpa was born that day too!
Sweet Baby E!
You have been born into one of the most wonderful families on the face of our planet.
For that you are, and will always be, blessed and rich beyond measure.
All my love, & with special congratulations to the whole family!
I love your new outfit!

Thanks to you (and a little help from Mason Crosby), our beloved Packers won yesterday!
It was a good Halloween game- (Any that end with a "W" in Green Bay is a good game).
Speaking of which, I received Halloween pictures from Kristin last night!
The GAK triplets, ready for Trick or Treating!

Batman- Master Gabriel, and his Princess sisters- Alexis and Kaylee
Casey and I stopped in last week- It had been too long between visits and it was high time to get over there.
Master Gabriel already was wearing his Batman shirt- The 2 girls also wanted us to see their costumes.

♫ ♫ Isn't she lovely?! ♫ ♫
Alexis- With Kaylee looking on- Both with such beautiful smiles!
Alexis straightens out Batman's ears, and even Annie gets in the shot!

Gabriel and Casey!
Too soon, it was time to leave-
Casey had her iron infusion that day and was really beginning to feel the effects, while my own anti-anxiety pill was wearing a bit thin.

Everyone waved and blew kisses.
Such a nice visit- and Halloween has passed until next year with happy memories!
This year was the first year, (maybe the 2nd), in my entire life that I did not get dressed up, or at least wear something silly. That's enough- maybe I'm getting up there and shouldn't be running around goofy.
Or maybe next year I will have the "bestest" costume EVER!
You have been warned! hehehe
Thus marks the end of Halloween, and the beginning of Native American Month. (You see, there really was method to my madness in those few prior posts on American Indians).
Tomorrow, won't you please get out and vote?
Casey has her 2nd weekly infusion tomorrow, (of 12 this time). She will vote after that. I already voted a week ago Friday.
I know a few of you already know these stories. Some of you believe- Some not.
Either way is fine- But here are just a few of my own experiences...
On another blog, unrelated, there is a comparison made to ghosts and voting.
I have to admit I did not 'get it'-
But it did make me think that I have to post a bit of my own experiences after a friend commented not believing.
My friend is not alone.
Many do not believe in spirits-
Many more did not believe unless/until something happened to them. (This is the category I was in).
As for myself, I always thought that spirits and/or ghosts were bad- They were scary things that you really couldn't see or touch- And they were harbingers of that doom and gloom feeling.
When I turned 16, my mom said she would take me to see "The Amityville Horror" movie- But only if I read the whole book first.
She bought the book, and we both read it as we could.
Still, reading the book did not prepare me for those 2 red glowing eyes I saw in the window in the movie...
You see, when I was about 3 or 4, I had come downstairs in the middle of the night to use the bathroom-
(A big girl I was, and did not want to wake my parents to take me anymore).
I came out of the bathroom, and had glanced into the kitchen. There were those 2 red glowing eyes looking at me from under the kitchen table. I quickly slammed the door, retreating to that little room, and screaming my lungs out.
So much for not waking the folks...
I do not recall how that was explained to me, but the image of those eyes have remained with me throughout my life.
Later on, growing up, now and again I would 'feel' someone here with me.
Since no one really believed, save for one experience my own mom had with my dads mom after she passed, I never did relay those scary, paranoid, experiences.
Those dismissive thoughts did not last long into my adulthood.
When I was about 23, I was dating my racecar man, Bob. One night he had stayed overnight, after getting some glass deep in his eye from working on the car.
At some point in the middle of that night I awoke and saw Roberta standing in the doorway to my bedroom. As soon as I thought to speak to her, I remembered that my daughters were all staying at mom and dads-
Bob asleep beside me, I knew I must have been dreaming. So I closed my eyes. I waited. Then looked again. "She" was still there.
Clearing my eyes, a closer look made me realize this girl was not my little Roberta-
This girl was wearing a dress I had picked up from a rummage sale earlier that day. That dress had yet to be washed- was laying on the laundry room floor.
I turned away once more, still thinking I was dreaming, and even pinched myself. Looking back a 3rd time, there she was. Still!
That was it. I screamed. I buried my face in my pillow. And I woke the sleeping Bob.
I did not even have the courage to tell him what had just happened! Just a "bad dream".
A few years later, remarried, my husband had fallen to nap on the couch one day. That afternoon he described that same little girl waking him!
At that point my own eyes really opened up.
I began to read many different stories- The library was only about 3 blocks away from our little townhouse-
What I couldn't find at the library I found in bookstores. Many people were corroborating my experiences, and my own feelings. I was thrilled! I was no longer afraid, or thinking these are bad things. After all, no one had ever been harmed at any point in my life, or with anything that had happened.
I have since experienced many different things that I realize are paranormal. As such they are defined as "Beyond the range of normal experience or scientific explanation"
I will enclose two of my favorite photos- taken in my own home...

Two ladies in the doorway to the bathroom. (Original blogpost is here).

Who is petting my dog? (Original blogpost is here).
Please back away from your screen if you have trouble seeing the images.
The history of my home is here.
There are more stories and images that are available to you simply by CLICKing here.
So... How was your All-Hallows-Eve?
From Ghost study, here, comes the difference between Ghosts & Spirits. A ghost is someone who has passed on and is "stuck" between the physical world and the Afterlife. They do not cross through The Light to go on to the Afterlife, but stick around in this "netherworld" for one reason or another.
A spirit is a person who has passed on, but has actually gone through The Light and into the Afterlife. There they go through a life review learning process, and after that, are able to come and go between the Afterlife and our physical world.