Just an update...
Casey was given her Ferrlecit infusion yesterday afternoon/evening...
As usual, they run this very slowly; and since she is sensitive to it, they also give her 50 mgs benedryl before even beginning.
Over the course of those 4 hours, she did quite well, save for a bout of diarrhea.
She had only 12 minutes left on it when the benedryl gave up, and she immediately broke out in hives from head to toe.
She had excruciating pain in every joint in her body-
We rang the nurse, who stopped the IV, and also withdrew the last of the Ferrlecit that was in her neck.
Within minutes she was given 50 mgs more of benedryl, and a bolus of her pain meds for the overwhelming joint pain she had.
Before I left last night she was given 50 mgs more benedryl, and her normal pain meds.
I have yet to hear from her this morning-
Please keep her in your good thoughts and prayers.
Love to all
Anyone that knows Casey, knows that her ankles and legs are very slim and trim...
This is what happened within a minute-
- - - The pain. The swelling. The hives.