[My] Life in Wisconsin

Ferrlecit Reaction- (part two)?

Sputty. (With "cattitude")...

Good Afternoon!
As you know from yesterdays blog, Casey had a very bad reaction to her infusion on Wednesday evening.
It's pretty damned bad when suddenly your own body no longer fits in your own skin!
She was so very swollen, and had so much pain everywhere. The swelling in her joints being almost as bad as the hives and the other swollen parts.
Unfortunately, she can only have benedryl as the rest of the stuff is steroids. As Robin was good enough to point out after Casey had tried the Infed infusion, Casey cannot have those treatments because steroids ultimately kill off her precious islet cells.

It happened again last night. The same thing! This, 24+ hours after her infusion was stopped. Again, she took the 50 mgs benedryl and her pain meds as prescribed. Finally, about 4AM the swelling began to go down. She is sleeping for now- I will wake her about 3 or so to make sure that we don't have a repeat of last nights insomnia. I would fall asleep a bit, then awaken; and she was still up. Even after another 50mgs of the benedryl...
The only difference this time is that now we are home. The Minneapolis forecast called for flurries yesterday. No big deal that, as flurries are almost a way of life in Winter.
But the forecast was wrong.
The weather turned a 4 and a half hour drive into almost 8 hours. Kelli remarked that we must have brought it with us because it didn't start snowing in Flintville until 20 minutes before we got home. hehehe
We followed that weather all the darn way home!!! Saw one lone snowplow spreading salt, and just west of Wausau, WI; otherwise the roads were not treated in our direction. (I must add that we counted 8 or 9 plows heading west, plowing and salting).  We saw a few crashes along the way- only one that the car had passed me previously. Being a fan of "late", (in the choice of 'late' or 'never'), I just took my time; stopping every now and then for a potty break. (And medically necessary to unwind my knuckles for a short time).
No stopping in Ringle for Punks potty break either. 
I did stop every now and then for gas- Not needed, save for a few extra pounds added to the car.

As I wrote to my KelliBaby this morning, Mr Sputnik couldn't make up his mind whether to sleep upstairs or down last night. ('Course neither could Casey, so she was awake all night long).
One might be tempted to think that 2 days post surgery that one would want to sleep. Not so with herself... 
I wonder now, if it was pre-hives, the allergy, that kept her awake, the trip, the surgery, or a combination of everything?  Probably that combination.

I still have dishes to do- Left over from before we left, my back not being accommodating enough at that point to stand and scrub. (How's that for an excuse)?!
Will get to those after I go in search of a few fresh groceries. The darned dishes will keep a few more hours, and are soaking in bleach water for now.

I would put off the shopping until after the dishes if we weren't to be expecting about 4" of new snow today. I drove far enough in the darn weather yesterday and don't wish to be driving any more than I have to today.
The sun was out earlier, but it is cloudy now. Imagine the snow will start soon.

That said, I had better close.  I hope everyone is safe and warm. And I thank you ALL for your letters, notes, and gifts, for Casey. What grand family and friends we have! Thank you! Thank You!! THANK YOU!!!

My love to all.



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