Good Morning Everyone;
As first my heart goes out to Texas...
...To my family ~and also to my many friends there.
Please stay safe.
As many of you know, my 2nd daughter, Jennifer, lives in Temple Texas.
She and Aaron were married in late 2006.
Pictured here, after the ceremony...
Our Aaron will be at the Expo Center, where many storm refugees are already. (He is part of the Sheriff's posse).
As you all know, this hurricane is bad...
I have just heard the update on TV, (FOX News); saying that this could be a Category 5 now by the time it makes landfall.
The red star showing where Jennifer, Aaron and Isaiah live...
Jennifer and Isaiah will relocate from their home to that of Aaron's mother, to wait this monster storm out. (Her home is sturdier, but surely to lose power there for a time too).
My friend "Sweet WyckieBaby" has evacuated already-
from Baytown, Texas.(Just a bit south of Houston).
Pray she is safe, wherever she is
~with her hubby and her furkids. .
..My friend Connie ("Sweet Beep"), in Bryan Texas...
I have just spoken to her;
She has assured me that they would be alright.
IF they were sticking around.
They will be leaving shortly for a weekend in Arkansas.
More prayers...
She has promised to blog as soon as they arrive to Arkansas
Please click on their names for their sites.
I have tried unsuccessfully, twice, to call Jenne this morning- Her cell phone carrier says the call cannot go through at this time. I rather imagine those cell phone towers are quite jammed up...
I have left her a note through Multiply.
So many of you are wondering about Master Gabriel.
He is well. I was able to pick him up yesterday afternoon so he could visit with us. (Roberta, myself and Casey too).
He is well-taken care of, and even seems to have a brighter spirit.
***I am sorry that I cannot respond to every personal message on here; but I promise to try to keep up with your comments below too.
Here is one of my comments back to Sheila yesterday on the blog about Gabriel and his health and welfare...
"It is I who is blessed by everyone here.
And as far as the legal system realizing how my family can pull together?
You have said a mouthful...
...Suffice to say that you don't know the half of that yet.
But you will."
Did you miss that blog about Gabriel?
Back to Jennifer...
Having spoken to Aaron just as soon as they'd heard about Gabriel, Jennifer and Aaron have agreed that for them to try to adopt Gabriel would be best for all concerned.
Jenne has already spoken to the intake worker here.
Seems everyone balks at the "Texas" end of it.
Too much paperwork?!? Oh give me a damn break...
But then speaking to the supervisor, Jennifer reiterated my own first thoughts...
(Everything copied in maroon is Jennifers thoughts)...
"Gabriel's life should not be compromised because somebody is afraid to file some paper work. "
"When she heard we were in TX she said something about it taking a lot of time because of an "Interstate Compact Agreement" where they have to contact TX and TX has to do a thorough check of our home. She didn't seem too keen on the idea. I told her I didn't care how long it took."
And then these words from a later note...
"I'm no hero.
(We are) just doing what any self respecting (Christian) people would do."
"Also, pray for us. 'Ike' is going to hit us with constant 75+mph winds, with the probability of tornadoes, and we aren't expected to have any power for 2-3 days.
"Aaron is in the Sheriff's posse and will probably be at the Expo Center where they're housing (a huge # of) evacuees and National Guard, most of the weekend."
"No HERO" Jenne?
You are quite wrong about that. You are all my heroes.
And many many prayers are going up for you all.
You are the daughter I raised. God Bless you for that.
My mother, your grandmother, has surely left her imprint upon your hearts.
And in Mama's own words, "Difficult, but not impossible."
Can you hear her?
Time will tell what happens-
First things first for everyone-
Get through and past Ike.
For all of my family and friends, please be safe wherever you are and with whatever you do.
And try to have a good weekend...
God Bless us every one...