In keeping with the season...
"Creepy Sputnik"
."Creepy Sputnik"
Good Morning All;
I have been so lax in writing, and in keeping up. But hey, you probably already know that.
There are times that I read your blogs on Multiply, and then have no comprehension of what I have read. Perhaps it's early "Old~Timers Disease" kicking in?
Of course, to my friends that haven't left Y! 360 yet, there are still too many times that I cannot even get to your blogs. (System seems to be stuck in late April; damn it, Yahoo). When I actually am lucky enough to get TO a new blog, to comment takes a miracle at best.
But we already know that too...
Charlotte Bronté said it best: "Better to be without logic than without feeling."
I believe I am stuck in 'feeling' right now.
hehehe ?
Hard to keep processing all the pancreatitis info that is coming my way. But am happy to be receiving it too.
And as far as your blogs go?
If you want a comment on your blog, please limit your thoughts to one, (and one only), and then explain it on an 8 year old level for me...
I think there should be a 'rule' on all blog sites too. (For those of us with bifocals anyway). And that 'rule' should be to always take into consideration your background (Multiply is just so "noisy"), and to increase your font to a more readable size.
That might just be 'me', but I have gotten my new glasses, and some of your sites are still hard to read.
Yes, I do highlight and read, but even with that, it seems hard.
Maybe it's just my head. I have had an ache in my left brain for a few days. Very little nausea, so it is more than livable.
Just a raunchy feeling. A "blah" if you will.
I did go to my little appointment on Monday to have my silly ear rechecked. He said it is healing nicely and to take my Sudafed for now.
I shall do what he says then.
(But he didn't say I couldn't whine about it either).
Casey has had any number of appointments this week too. Since her legs are so very weak, and do not work right, I have driven her to those appointments. I have also given her Mom's old walking cane.
Her apartment complex.
The view, as we drove out of her place.
.The view, as we drove out of her place.
Casey had a dentist appointment yesterday.
A filling (which she was very happy to have done).
On a related note, I received a note from Mr. Rick McCabe (Chronic Pancreatitis), part of which read, "The moral of the story for Casey is for her to see her dentist regularly and make him aware of the possibility of her teeth deteriorating because of her CP.
At her age there must be something that can stave off losing her teeth (keep in mind that I’ll be 48 on Sunday).
If you check the board archives you’ll see several other PAI members in the same boat."
Know that I shall keep checking those messages, Mr. Rick.
Odd how very many things are 'fitting in' and making sense for us both.
She also has another pain appointment today. (That sounds weird, no)?
She has finally had much relief with the fentanyl patches, a very good thing. (Again, we will deal with any withdrawals when it becomes necessary to do so). Her relief, and a bit of comfort, being much more important at this point in time.
We did get a bit of the "S" word on Tuesday-
Just enough to say, "Carp, it's "S"ing."
I must have had my camera setting wrong.
But yes, that IS "s" coming down...
.But yes, that IS "s" coming down...
I bought a new couch. (New to me). And half price at that!
A La-Z-Boy, and reclines on both ends. I thought it was shorter than my old one. It is not.
But the deal at the store said that Casey gets my old one-
Casey and Greg do not have one, just my old love seat- (Which also reclines ~and rocks too).
My old couch is a pull out sleeper-
Queen size. This will help Casey and Greg in the event that people wish to stay at their place. The pads also become a twin bed when removed.
Casey has proclaimed this to be the most comfy couch ever; never mind that Sputty has scratched up one corner, and never mind that it needs a deep cleaning to shine once more.
While we waited for a truck to come and move my new couch,
we drove around for a little while,
stopping out front of this house.
we drove around for a little while,
stopping out front of this house.
If you haven't read Casey's blog yet, please know that this house had a zillion fat squirrels around it. Odd that there are none in this picture?
Guess the squirrels didn't want the camera stealing their souls. hehehe
Looking into the trees too, there was not a single squirrel nest! Maybe at this house they are living in the basement?
Yes, I believe I know the house, not the current owners though... And know that many strange things have happened in that basement too.
(Also in keeping with the season?), comes the fact that there must be a reason that Punk looks absolutely scared to death as she looks around the car. She suddenly has a HUGE problem being in the back seats.
This is new.
Also new is the fact that as I drive, she is seeing, watching, something back there.
Casey has opted to use the back seat so Punk can be up front.
Casey quickly learned, this is NOT a spoiled dog thing.
That said, when I got home yesterday afternoon, I literally spent 'til sunset cleaning every little thing in the car.
Just weird is all; enough.


I had stopped, said a prayer for Casey. (I do not believe that my Mom and Dad need prayers anymore- only words).
And with my words I had asked them to keep Casey safe.
Not only now, but when we go to Minnesota too...
...I had further asked them to 'come along'.
Sheesh, maybe someone else was listening???
I shall close for today.
And leave you with a picture of the farm, at sunset...

Oh, and here is the link to Caseys blog.
She has caught us all up on what is going on in her life.
Love to all.
That said, when I got home yesterday afternoon, I literally spent 'til sunset cleaning every little thing in the car.
Just weird is all; enough.
Mr. Miller didn't seem to mind being in the back of my car.
Of course that picture was taken before we had stopped at the cemetery too.
I had stopped, said a prayer for Casey. (I do not believe that my Mom and Dad need prayers anymore- only words).
And with my words I had asked them to keep Casey safe.
Not only now, but when we go to Minnesota too...
...I had further asked them to 'come along'.
Sheesh, maybe someone else was listening???
I shall close for today.
And leave you with a picture of the farm, at sunset...
Oh, and here is the link to Caseys blog.
She has caught us all up on what is going on in her life.
Love to all.
Originally posted to my Y! 360, Thursday October 30, 2008 - 08:42am (CDT)