[My] Life in Wisconsin

Not About Me??? Ya Gotta be Kidding!

Good Morning All;

If I am NOT to write about myself, then whatever shall I write about??? Hmmmm...

Having been properly chastised and reminded how selfish and shallow I am, I shall now try to write about something else as I hang my head in absolute shame and humiliation...

How about I write about the rock pictured above? ... nah...

How about sharing this then? Posted to the Bloggers Anonymous Group of which I am a member came the following. I did find it quite interesting and hope you do too... hehehe

Perhaps you all need a bit of Blogging 101... So here goes nothing...

All You Wanted to Know About Blogging; But Were Afraid To Ask...

The Giant Blogging Terms Glossary...

(You should be able to click on that title and bring it all up).

Oh, go ahead, I'll wait whilst you read.... hehehe

So now you KNOW everything about blogging... (but absolutely nothing about the darned rock)! hehehe

Have a wunnaful Tuesday!!!


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How I Feel!

Good Afternoon Peoples!!!

Open the pups mouth... peek inside... (if you dare)!

Even my Miss Punkie says the heck with paeons, the morons and the idiots too!!!

(ya gotta love a pup like that)! hehehe

A while back, Zach was here- Such a funny young man... Had stolen my hand and neck/shoulder braces, and had left me a message on the apron to the garage...


Kids like this make it all worthwhile!!!  Very cool!!


Another fine day it has been... I spent a good part of the afternoon out with the dogs; as Punk had her appointment for her 'puppicure' for 3:30.  This takes about 3 hours to get her completely dry now, so Berta, Casey and Gabriel will be getting her later then...

As soon as I knew they would be taking her in, I took both dogs back to the woods- (I wanted Punkie to be a bit less of a wound up 80 pound puppy for the gals at the groomers)! 


Miss Milly had to stop and wait for us. She was SO excited!

But I wasn't too sure the woods were even still there as it was/IS so darned foggy...


...and foggy on the way back home too!


My little Punkin is getting much bigger than her own mother already... She has at least about 15~20 pounds on her, and about 3 and a half inches at the shoulders... And yet, they are playing together a whole LOT better than they were a few weeks ago. Miss Milly sure gets moody at times. (Must be those doggie hormones)...


the old tug~of~war with a stick...


But still they look so very much alike too...





Jesse stopped by last night... Now you have to know Jesse- I have known his family for almost 20 years. In those 20 years, Jesse has become much like a son to me...  He dated Roberta for a while; and when they would go to Dairy Queen on Monday nights, they always brought Little Casey along...  This was many years ago, and even though Jesse and Berta broke up, they are still good friends. After the break~up, Jesse still would come and take Casey to DQ on Monday nights.



Jesse and KC Last Christmas......................Jesse and KC Last Summer

Anyway, he stopped in last night... Helped me carry one of the La~Z~Boys to the basement- (No room in the living room for that chair with the silly Christmas tree in there)...   Punkie followed us downstairs, and Jesse said, "Why is she in the house when it's damn near 40 degrees outside?"  I said, "Because she is a house dog."   He said, "Now she's gonna be a house dog?"   It took a minute before I'd realized he thought Miss Punk was actually Miss Milly. I clued him in, and he said "No Way!"  He hadn't seen her for a few months, and his reaction was PRICELESS!!!   That realization was just so startling to him!   Fun to see!!!

Oh, I am BACK again...  The time has surely gotten away from me tonight- and the kids are back with Punkie in tow... (and a very CLEAN Punkie she is too)!


I had them take my car because it has fog lights on it...


And I had better close and get my jammies on; and maybe even get to sleep a bit early!

Hope you all had a great Tuesday!!!!






