[My] Life in Wisconsin

Hanging in There...

Hanging In There...
Hanging In There... magnify
Looking "grounded" !!! (And none too happy)...
But she does seem to be alright too.
Thus far...

Good Morning "Kids";

First of all, I am everso happy that many of you have either 'found' me; or have accepted my little invitation all over again.
I do not have everyones url to their sites, so if you might know of someone who might miss me, please maybe let them know that we are alive and well.
(And yes, I am somewhat still surly/bitchy too).

I need to apologize (or not?) for that last blog.
It was aimed at Yahoo, but a few people thought I meant them.

Let me assure you that such is NOT the case.
Many of you know me quite well enough to know that if I have something to say to you, of a negative nature, I will say it to your face. I don't think I have ever said anything that way, that I didn't have the gonads to say it to said persons face. (At least NOT since I was 12 or so).
Not a rumormonger either. So this page stays (mostly) drama~free. Guess that is just the way I am...

Boring, eh?
(Oh wait, but have you heard...)???
Sorry, couldn't resist...

Check this out... Just received in my inbox here. (And what a "take")!

Sent To: ANNA~2
(via blast)
I don’t want to rile you up but,
Do you think you losing your page and Green Bay getting their ass kicked by the Bears have something in common? What’s up with that? You never lose to Chicago, and two times this year!!
Just kidding

~~~Oh I love it when you kids can make me laugh about this all!
A special Thank You to DAN <---click his name, for making me smile!

I have also received a few testimonials from you, my wonderful friends. And I thank you sincerely for those too! (I also realize that I might NOT be getting caught up as quickly as I would like to, given the fact that I must also get caught up on those). But I promise I WILL do so if it kills me.

The sun is shining right now, and so I must get my backside motivated enough to get out and shovel/plow before the next few inches come falling down...

I took this silly picture yesterday afternoon when the dogs and I got back from our walk to the woods.
(I really don't know WHY I took it, just that the spirit moved me to do so)...


One of the little maple trees I'd planted last Spring.



And then this one, this morning; as I hauled the little dumpster out to the road.


(And I didn't even KNOW it was supposed to snow)!
What a difference a few short hours makes...



And yes, I will also be able to change my attitude just that fast too; (if Yahoo ever decides to listen, to hear, and to "DO").

I also know that I have to catch you all up on our Christmas...
...And on our little walks too.
But for now I really have to get out there and move the snow. Been too lazy all morning long.

I hope you are all well, (happy and sassy too); and you are enjoying this Holy/Holly Season.

Love to all.


Originally posted at yahoo 360 on Thursday December 27, 2007 - 12:12pm

Fed Up with Phone calls

Fed Up with Phone calls

"RANT" Baby,!
You have been warned; as I am quite pissed off and feeling sorry for myself...

Gee, I wonder if THIS posting will violate any TOS?

image stolen from an email...


Hi Everyone;
I am sad that I didn't get what I wanted for Christmas...
...And I only wanted someone to listen, and maybe to offer help.
I sure hope that Santa was better to you.
And YES, other than all of this, it was a perfect Christmas!

I will be back later... or tomorrow...
(Yes, I am still working on Christmas Cards)!

Have also been working on other things to try to find my (almost 500), original blogs...

Read on...


WOW, does this make Yahoo all liars?

As stated, verbatim, at Yahoo 360 News latest posting, (Over 2 months ago)...
...as they try to reassure us all...

Q: My existing 360° information is very important to me. Will there be a way to migrate all my information, blog posts, friends, etc. to the new profile platform?

A: Yes. We will preserve your Yahoo! 360 blog content, profile photo, nickname, and friends lists during and after the transition. You'll have a way to back up your information as well as a tool to migrate your information into the new profile service.

Oh really????

Funny, isn't it?

I posted my own reply...

Matt Warbutron has assued Yahoo 360 Rumor Control that Yahoo reads all of the messages here.

***Had that been true, I would think that SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE, just might have offered some help/hope for me. Perhaps even would have already "found" and retrieved my original blogs.


Can ANYONE help?

Maybe send this to Matt Warbruton?

From: Onthefarm@prodigy.net

RE: http://blog.360.yahoo.com/blog-dpmNyxc.dbILPvAAWzZ3Tq.I9pxXBodPASLWCZE-?cq=1



20-Dec-07 05:57:42 AM

Dear Yahoo/AT&T;

I am writing to you for your help.

Online and blogging as usual on Monday (12-17-07).

Coming back online (Tuesday) only to realize that my almost 500 blogs were completely gone, as is my entire blog pages, photos, friends etc. I had over 181,000 views!

I appear only as {deleted} on others' pages, within my previous comments to them.

I do not appear even as anyones friend anymore!!!

Seemingly, there is nothing left of my blog pages that I have literally spent hours writing for my family, and grandchildren; and with great pride.

I cannot even access 360 to visit my family, friends etc.

I have called many times, (over a dozen), and most recently spoke to your supervisor at 2nd Tier.

During the course of those phone calls, I was promised a return call within 24 hours, (it has been over a week now).

One does not even need to be a paying member of Yahoo to have a 360 blog site, but I have been with Yahoo for almost a decade now.

Please help me by retrieving all of my blogs. This is so disheartening to me and to my daughter also.

The url is below.



Thank you.


Disheartening even more that my daughters blog has also gone missing.

I have called no less than 20 times, spoken to both nice, and rude, people. Most did not even KNOW what I was speaking of when I said about Yahoo 360 blogs???

What the heck?

Referred then to many tiers of support... And have accomplished only NOTHING!

DUH! Yes, I KNOW that Yahoo 360 is closing.

Yes, Rumor Control has assured us that Matt Warbutron said "blah~blah~blah" about it...
However, (and THIS is a BIG one), 360 is NOT yet closed.
~or is it????


I have never violated TOS, so this is freakin' nuts, wouldn't you agree?

nka "ANNA~2"

Please find, retrieve, and replace my page to its original condition and values.


Nuff said

Love to all!


Yup, now I'm pissed...
Nonchalance, lies, and ignorance, surely always have had that effect on me...