Good Morning All;
I had taken the photo above on one of our little excursions down to Froedtert. Whatever is stuck on the leaf was REALLY stuck on there too; some kind of eggs perhaps?
No eggs in this next picture though; (just a stick or two)!
AND maybe an errant dog, (or two)!,
playing at the top of the barngrade.
Casey was all the way up there too!
And the dogs didn't mind too much either...
Casey and The Punkster!
They didn't mind, until she threw the toy way over the backside of the hill...
And they had to race to go fight for the darned squeak toy...
Punk was NOT about to let Casey get away with all of her sassy shenanigans,
and treed her,
(after having to chase her across the yard)!!
Good job Punk!
After some "good doggie" talk, to assure a safe descent from the tree, it was high~time for a drink; and to fill Mama Millys water pan straight from the well!
Punk dared to get a "snoutful" too!!!
And then we came inside and put our feet up.
(Well ok, so I put my foot up anyway)!
Casey has been subsisting on my homemade chicken soup, (plus her "Ensure" and "Boost" drinks), to get through her days. She is already down to 91 pounds. Sadly, her pancreas is starting to flare up again, and so she must be careful(er) about what goes into her tummy. Lots of pain. And her eyes go blurry too. (Yes, she has had them checked). Dizzy, just sick, and hurting.
Tough days for her, but as always, she hangs in there!
I remain WAY proud of her for that.
I hope you all have a great weekend ahead! It might rain a bit here, and it is chilly again. 38° this morning, and a thick frost on the cars too. But the moon is so beautiful, and actually lights up the whole kitchen and living room. Such a soft light too.
I'd better close. Dang, I think I hear my washer calling for me.
Love to all!
*Keep your babies safe for Trick or Treat...
Along with
*Hints from Annies blog to keep your furkids safe as well.