[My] Life in Wisconsin

Entry for July 06, 2007

Good Morning... er....

Good Afternoon!!.


OK, ... OK....

Good Evening!!!

.(There all better)...

I am so late. (like 3 days)??? My apologies for that; and my thanks for those that have written to ask... I am alive, and well; and I am 3 days older than I was the last time I blogged...

The 4th of July found me doing a bit of yardwork before the grilling began. More accurately put, not "yardwork"; just a bit of mowing before Derek arrived...


Derek resting a bit before din~din...


And his dad,
(being entertained by my obvious inability to start a "stoopid" fire)...
How awful of me to not have gotten his fiance' Nancy in the photo as well.
.They had come out on their bikes because it was a sun~blazing hot day... But the sun at least was hiding behind a few clouds so as not to kill us while we were outside. When Tim and Kelli (and Mr. Miller) arrived, the clouds began to thicken to the north...




Since it was moving to the SE, we didn't worry.
('cept for starting the danged fire that is).

And a very good thing that Mr. Tim got here when he did; (being an ex~boy scout and actually KNOWING these things)...


Kinda makes ya wish you were a Boy Scout, eh?

And so, while he got the fire going, the rest of us got to watch... (And no, I have NEVER before been UNable to start a stupid fire). Even Kelli thought he was doing a fine job...


No Worries!
Miss Punk and Mr. Miller being quite bored; until the thunder rumbled...
(Maybe they thought there was another Harley pulling in)?


And they remained bored until the food was brought outside... (More specifically, the meat)!

Since Roberta was working until late, I had lost my cook. But found another very quickly too...


And a very CUTE cook too, might I add!!!


I am thinking that Miss Milly and Miss Punk are wrestling under the willow...
And Miss Nancy looking pretty darned bored!


We moved the food table up to the attached garage before we ate. And relocated our backsides too, as there had been a few drops of rain by then, with more threatening... But the meat was not quite done... The burgers and the wieners were all done, but there were 5 little brats left on the grill to finish cooking. (Miss Punk and Mr. Miller volunteered to watch them for a while)...



Guess they didn't mind those fat raindrops at all!
But soon, even Mr. Miller abdicated, leaving the young'un in charge of the grill.


With no malice in those eyes at all...


Ten minutes later now...
...And I KNOW what you are ALL thinking...
"Are those brats still on that grill, or not?"
When Tim went to collect them, they were there!!!
Good Punkie!!!




Perhaps she just didn't want to cross my minefield to get to them?


.I hope you all are having a great evening, and an even better weekend ahead!



.Oh and maybe after you have commented a word or two, please go click on Sweet Peas name above to see what she really DOESN'T like...

(I promise you won't be sorry)!