Good Afternoon All;
Once again, it has been way too long-
Blame me. Blame my computersaurus.
Either way, I have not posted any blogs, nor have I kept up as I should with your own blogs...
I even have an entry to post that still has somewhat decent weather in the pictures.
Will get to that as time allows. hehehe
We were to be in Minneapolis yesterday afternoon.
Life did not hand us that option.
I should start with Tuesday... Casey had texted earlier in the day. She was feeling just awful. Her stomach paining her something fierce, and she was running a low grade fever from a UTI that she has been treating, (twice now, and for over a week with 2 separate Rx's).
Already that day, Casey had reset her Pain Management appointment. Since it was not a good thing that she be getting her infusion that day either, she had canceled that appointment as well. She also had a migraine- sick to her stomach, and pained from that as well.
She had written that she was going back to sleep. I don't blame her. Poor kid.
But I still had to bring Punk in for her bath- I had not wanted her to smell like a dog when we checked into the hotel. Quarters are close in our reserved little hotel room, and truth be told I did not want her on my bed smelling like a dog either... hehehe
I brought her in. Driving there I realize it is darn windy as soon as I pull out of the driveway. I hadn't been outside, save for much earlier in the morning to play with Punk and try to wear her out a bit. It wasn't THAT windy then... I checked the flag at one of the neighbors- Wind from out of the south. I make adjustment in my driving to accommodate that.
As we arrived at Waggin' Tails, Punk realized she was not just there to pick up Mr Miller and Ms CocoBeans, so she decided it was time to leave. She went to the door, sat, while those eyes absolutely pleaded with me to please go back home.
Sorry my sweet puppy. Didn't work.
Coming home to realize how very windy it really was. My car actually veered into the oncoming traffic lane! My Rendezvous weighs over 2 ton, and it is rare that the winds affect it so. I checked the wind from one of the many flags along my road. Still out of the south.
Wait. The wind must have changed direction as the oncoming lane is on the south side of the road... I just grabbed the steering wheel a bit tighter. Heck, it's only 5 miles home from Suamico for cryin' out loud.
They called a few hours later- Punk was ready to be picked up.
She was dry, oh so sweet smelling, and with pretty trimmed nails too!
I threw my coat on to go get her. As I enter the garage to notice that my front driver's tire was flat. Damn, it's cold and windy- Good thing I parked in the garage.
Wait! It wasn't the darn wind that had me white-knuckling the drive home.
OK. Whatever. I would fill it up, grab Punk, and stop at Jerry's ("aka Suamico Garage"), and simply get it fixed. (A good plan I thought, as I plugged in my compressor).
I didn't count on the fact that the tire would not hold air.
I came back in, thinking to call Miss Kelli and ask her to please pick Punk up on her way home. But I hadn't paid for the bath... WT's are a small place, and I don't know if they take credit cards in the 1st place. (Not sure who would pay for a dog bath on a credit card anyway)? hehehe
I called and woke Casey. She said 'no problem', she was feeling a little better and would pick her up. She brought home the softest, most wonderfully smelling dog I have ever seen!
Before she left here, I tried to air up the tire again. It held. I drove back to the Suamico Garage.
Patches are good, but Jerry does things right. My tire was repaired from the inside out-
I was happy too, that Casey got to see how this is done. I spent lots of my young time with my dad when I was a kid and got to learn lots. Pa died 3 years before Casey was born so she never had that, She never got to spend time in a real working garage. I love the sounds and smells of that all... Weird, I know.
But... back to my blog.
Yesterday, we finally got snow that stayed.
We knew it would come this year, just not when. The weatherman had called for a dusting. No big deal, except that it would be the first snowfall of the year. For some reason, people 'forget' from one year to the next how to drive on snow and ice. (The latter being impossible of course- but they still try to do so -at 70mph I might add). hehehe
I called Casey at 9:00AM to make sure we would have plenty of time to get to Minnesota without having to drive in the dark. Knowing the forecast here, I called Kelli too; just to find out if Tim had run to Minnesota that day- It's nice to know how the roads are in advance; (rumor had it that MN had gotten buried in snow the day before). As luck would have it, Tim had stayed in town. Oh well.
By 11, worried, I called Casey again. She was just leaving town and would be here shortly- She had only fallen back to sleep, thank God, and was not in the ditch somewhere along the line. Lucky her. hehehe
She had stopped for gas and was at the store- She said roads were icy- lots of traffic on 54 makes the town roads icy in a hurry- She promised she would take her time.
She got here in normal time. The highway was just fine.
By noon, my car was packed, warmed up, and we were off. The county plows had gone through twice already to salt the roads, and I was happy for that.
By the time we got to Pulaski, we decided to turn around.
Not sure exactly why- Just odd that both of our gut instincts were telling us to reschedule the whole thing. Happy we didn't go further before chatting about how we felt too.
So, we did what any normal people do instead of taking a road trip. We ordered a Hot Stuff Pizza. While we waited for that, Casey called Trent at the hotel...
I get a real kick out of Casey calling Trent. She starts off the conversation with "Hi Trent, this is 'Punks Family' calling." Punk still smells sweet. She was confused with the shortened road trip, but was happy to get a few bites of pizza too.
Casey contacted Dr. Sutherlands nurse too. They will reset the test for Green Bay if that is OK with him. Given the fact that her insides are so not normal at this point in time, he may want everything to be done there. When she talked to Louise this morning, she found out that Dr Sutherland is in surgery all day today so we will know by tomorrow morning if that is a viable option, or if he prefers to have the test there. His call. He would do any further surgeries anyway since he is the only surgeon that knows her insides.
I'd best get over to my sewing machine. Darn thing.
Once more it is in pieces, and I must put it back together again. Clearly I am getting too attached to the innard workings of my machine!
I feel terrible that my 'presents' probably won't be done in time for Christmas; but I know there are worse things than that. ... After all, kids do have "Santa" too.
My love to all.