[My] Life in Wisconsin

"Spirit, mind, and body—all need peace and quiet. * We need a quiet place like a creek bank in summer when fishing is good and bait plentiful. * The mind and spirit need to go fishing in the inner world of thought and ideas. * When the body is quiet, the mind can pull in some big ones, but do be careful. * Good fish and not-so-good fish can come out of the same pool. * Rely on the spirit to guide you to the good—and to help you distinguish between the good and the bad. * Throw the bad ones—bad ideas, bad words, bad beliefs—away. * But the good ones are keepers. * Savor them. **** [We] must always follow the directions of the Great Spirit, and we must listen to him, as it was he that made us: determine to listen to nothing that is bad." end quoted text...

New Hope and Change Continue

        ~ Will this cloture garbage end now? Do ya think???

Good Morning!

There are many of us let down by the obvious fact that America's young people thought their vote did not count yesterday.
A sickening attitude of "why should I?' that many bought into lock stock and barrel.

Uninformed and misled by many advertisements, and "news" programs - or sick to death of them, even the middle~agers were not there to stake their claim on their responsibility to vote.
The golden~agers, (possibly percentage-wise the largest segment that did vote), cast their vote accordingly based on the fearsome lies we have all heard.

The times change. "We must change with them, or..."

Whatever the reason does not really matter, (or does it)? 
I have heard, and still am hearing, many concession speeches that I would rather not hear.
Be that as it may, I can now choose to *cry in my beer* OR get a move on toward 2012.

The people who think to cheer will not be cheering to learn that the largest side effect of 'winning' is the fact that all the people outed will still be receiving their pay... We have all seen the radical emails about how unfair it is that these representatives of ours continue to collect their pay after retiring... So no whining about that later.
Don't like it? It won't be ratified soon.

For the rest of us,
(ie: those of us that are still around after health care gets changed), we too will be working toward ratifying the results of 2010 by voting again in 2012.


  1. First, the entire thing may be repealed.
  2. Second, it may be turned into something completely unrecognizable. Hats off to the insurance companies on this one; you have probably been granted quite a reprieve- for a time). My youngest daughter will be once again fighting for every bit of insurance she can get...
  3. The third, may just be that The Public Option be once again in the offing- But this time, let's let these Republicans think it was their idea... (Among many other things).

I believe that in his concession speech to Reid Ribble, our unseated Senator/Dr. Steve Kagen said it best.

Know that this is quoted from memory; not verbatim.  "The battle for the future has not ended. - There are still many of us still standing up for the families on Main Street, and believing that they have more value that the corporations on Wall Street."
 - The corporations have no constitutional rights, "We, the people" do.

Yes, Senator Kagen, "We the people" do.
I also believe that 98% of "We the people" also believe in people before profits.
Thank you Senators Kagen and Feingold

I further believe that as soon as we can all get past the cheering and the jeering we can work on what comes next.
It is all part of the rollercoaster ride of life (again not verbatim):

Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting...
'Holy Mary Mother of God! What a Ride!!!

I do look forward to the next 2/20/200 political years.
As always, they promise to be nothing, if not more of the same- just with the shoe on the wrong foot.  Perhaps we need only to learn how to dress?

Additionally, I do feel bad for our President. 
Unfailingly Mr. Obama has worked for "We the people"-
He has been stilted, jilted, mocked, and stymied, at almost every turn. (And yet, with enough class, elegance, and intelligence, he has never been over that proverbial barrel).
Mr Obama, your job just got a little rougher.   * "Difficult, but not impossible."

We need only to restore our Faith in our president-
As like Mr. Kristof said, click here,  "Give him a chance"

Hmmm... How about we also give "We, the people" a chance too?

"We will battle on. The first day of the next campaign cycle starts tomorrow."
Senator Steve Kagen

My many personal and sincere thanks to our Senators Feingold and Kagen for representing Wisconsin in the most honorable of manner for so many years.


It is now almost 5AM- My dumpsters have been brought out to the end of the driveway and I am heading to bed.

graph from here