.Good Morning All;
First of all to thank everyone who is praying for Casey and keeping her in their thoughts. I truly do appreciate the outpouring of love and concern!
Will keep this private entry short(er), but just wanted you to know that we are leaving today for Minnesota. I never want to post that info out there or for everyone.
On the FYI end of it all... (Just a little heads up).
OK OK, it's a rant.
Know that since their trip to Texas in June, Jenny Mella and Casey no longer speak.
I know it bothers Casey something awful- Not that she hasn't tried to keep open the lines of communication, (all her efforts in vain).
Heck, it bothers ME too.
Nykquee apparently has perpetuated much maligning with that one.
(Yes, Jenny has a brain, and a heart, of her own).
She made me sad.
I can promise that it is, and will ever be, one of Jenny's greater losses, something she will grow to regret.
There was crap said about the drugs that Casey was on. Which is a blog in/of itself.
Yet taking vicoden when she was on that trip was nothing compared to what she was on for the past, almost 5 years now.
Nyk, as an 'emt' in training, (is that to make her extra "special"?), apparently freaked out and said how bad Casey was for taking vicoden etc etc etc.
(Funny I don't recall Nyk even visiting Casey in the hospital, save for once, early on in her illness).
She knows NOTHING of Chronic Pancreatitis, and how it has destroyed Casey's life! She knows nothing of the pain that Casey is still in.
(C'mon, would the Pain Management Doctors even prescribe this for Casey if the need wasn't there)??? I think not.
I also think "Ignorance is bliss"
Neither of these very fortunate young ladies have ever known anything close to Caseys pain, or what she has endured for the past 5+ years. How dare they do this to her!
At one point on that fateful trip, allegedly Nyk had also said that Casey could not possibly have had an anxiety attack because she was not shaking etc. Please see http://flintville.multiply.com/links/item/175 to refresh your memory, or CLICK HERE.
Again... Jenny has a brain, and a heart, of her very own.
Sorry to be so b|tchy here. When things get so bad for Casey, I know I always want to 'blame' or rant or whine; and of course I do know how futile that is.
BUT, I also know that state of mind has much to do with recovery etc. This BS going on between how she feels still about Jenny does not help matters one bit. They grew up as sisters with their deep friendship. She has hurt Casey deeply.
Would you all take a moment to go to Casey's guestbook and send a little love? She will really appreciate it when she gets back to Multiply.
Love to all.
Must go pack, and finish laundry. She has called and will be here shortly.