Yeah- It's me again- PUNK... And so I am laying at her feet, (What more does she want for cryin' out loud?), and she moves off of her chair and she steps right on my head!
I don't fit under her desk like I used to, so now I lay kinda backwards under there... but for her to step on my head is nasty! Now I have a headache- YAY- Just like she does sometimes... (I hope I barf all over)! (No, not really. I am just being sassy). I really do try to be good...
But still, I do that a lot- (Be sassy)... And sometimes I just can't help it. C'mon, ya gotta give the kid a break here I am only 7 months old... plus a few days too.
Talk about barf- She took me to Alabama with them- and after I did just that, she tried to hide my most favorite blanket in the whole wide world. (She is mean, remember)? And then she buys me a different one that smells like new... Sorry but I don't be liking that smell...
They had a "Change Your Fur Day" just a few days ago- "She" tried to make me change mine, but no~siree~bob I wasn't going to parade around like some weird thing. I am DOG! Maybe I was kinda sassy that day too... She put me in the entrance for a while- and even tied me up with my leash because the little man, Isaiah kept letting me in the house! (That was so nice of him)!
But the treat was really, really yummy. (And better than mine ever could be)! I stole a bat candy- right out of the garbage- ("she" wasn't looking)- And I had almost the whole thing gone, (wrapper and all), before she caught me. Honestly, you would think she was gonna have a heart attack by the way she freaked out! But I'm OK already! I tried to tell her that the silly bat was NOT made out of REAL chocolate, but she just looked at me funny when I tried to talk. (I tell ya, I don't have any luck with the talking part)...
I HAVE to be the very most abused puppy in the world! Don'cha think?
She makes me go outside- even though I am begging her to let me out- and then doesn't let me in real fast... It is pretty COLD out there in the middle of the night; maybe I shouldn't be waking her up to let me out then, I don't know. She makes me wait a whole two or three minutes sometimes -and my paws get SO freezie cold!
And it ain't like I can rub 'em together, (although I tried THAT once and almost broke my neck)... But that's OK, I almost broke her neck too when I tried to wave when someone was leaving- I jumped up on the door, MISSED, and fell into herself. Oops...
She called me a big...
(what was it again?)?!?
(What's a lug)?
But I am not so big that I still don't fit on the couch with her- and sometimes she falls asleep, rolls and stretches, and kicks me then. I just go down from there until I wake her up to let me out. 'Payback' I think she calls it...
She wasn't going to write at all today- I heard her say that her niece is going to try to marry a man she only talked to over the internet, and that this niece is going all the way to India to marry him too. (She says that's just plain nuts; and has written to Tanya many times about the whole thing, and she won't listen to her). 'She' called them "words of wisdom"; but if that's what they are, then I don't ever want to talk anyway- (These words of wisdom make her cry LOTS).
She is online a LOT, and just keeps going to her nieces page and trying to make sense of it all.
Sometimes there is something for her to read, but mostly there isn't. She keeps writing anyway, and leaves LOTS of comments for Tanya to read on all of her blogs.
Her sister adopted Tanya about 10 years ago; so that makes Tanya as lucky as my 'she' is- Two whole families! But one of them isn't so nice to Miss Tanya either, and that is SAD.
And NOW, The Little One
Anyway, KC has just called and said her Dell Laptop is broken and that it appears to be all empty... But maybe my "she" knows this person who will take a look at it for her too, and she told CaseyAnne to call them.
KCN is REALLY upset now too, and cannot even get it running. 'She' told her to to not be so upset, and to cross that bridge when she has to...
Maybe some of you know what happened after the little had to start it in "safe mode"? I'd be a real hero then!
So it started out as a fine fine day for me, and now everybody is real upset...
Maybe she will go to the woods with us (me and my mama) ...
...At least then she cannot step on my head-
But wait, she can throw me over a cliff... Yikes. (Yokes)?
(Oh, what's a dog to do)???
(remember, that's like 'aloha' in dogspeak)...