[My] Life in Wisconsin

The Hole...

   This one's for Gritter!  
Casey, at The Pumpkin Festival in Thorp.

Good Morning!
I am still catching up so you'd best grab a cuppa coffee, it's a windy one.

Most of you already know that I fell in a hole.
Wasn't my fault-  But I do have the explanation now.

Yesterday afternoon, Kelli and Tim had brought the trailer over- (I'll blame them)! hehehe

Kelli and Tim

While Tim parked the trailer, Kelli and I had wandered over to pick some squash.

Remember these pictures from last Spring?
A little handful of saved seeds, and a little bending...

Seeds   ◊◊◊◊◊◊   Me, Planting seeds May 2010

Those few little seeds I'd saved grew into a lot of beautiful squash!

Humungous Squash
Mmmmmm !!!!
The one on the left is your average store-bought Butternut Squash.
The one on the right must have found some growth hormone in that soil.
(Yes, that is a dime, almost lost, between them).

I've been picking a few of those here and there-
Even leaving some for the neighbors, in their driveway    hehehe
(And keeping some for me too)!  

Back to my little adventure- into the hole...

This was no ordinary hole- But not a cavelike opening into the earth either. It was large enough for a small herd of fattened gophers to enter ALL at the same time- But big enough to sink into, and tight enough to entrap my leg.

I swear on my parents graves that this hole was never there before! 

Chimney on the tombstone?
A rough winter ahead? -Or is Pa smoking again?
Sure looks like a chimney up there to me?!?!  hehehe

Perhaps the hole is a foxhole?
(I haven't seen any of those beasties since we saw the wolves a few years back).

Not sure, but when the ground(cover), and vines, gave way I sunk clear up to my knee! 
Tim had seen the whole thing from the truck- Kelli had been picking squash.

I didn't break anything, but I was injured. (Pride being what it is). hehehe

Punk, nursing a broken heart because Mr. Miller and Miss CocoBeans did not come.

What Happened?
But always vigilant too
She'd heard me squeal; then heard Kelli and I laughing quite loud-
So she was off to check it out...

She didn't even have to dig!

The Hole
Among those wilted, (frozen), squash vines, that dog darn near disappeared too!

She emerged with a dirty face-

Dirty Face-
It's only dirt, thank goodness. Her face did not smell of skunk. Whew.  One day I'll spy something that doesn't belong, and let you know what it is that tried to kill me.
Glad I really didn't get hurt-

Kelli also found this quite entertaining-

Tim and I, Bad Backs
Tim and I -almost twins- with our matching little back braces.
The very picture of health, right! (And how to age gracefully)! hehehe

I'd better close for now- Went to Wouters' Front last night and ordered prime rib.
Didn't get any wash done then, so it's time for me to start emptying my hamper.
Supposed to be another beautimous Sun(ny)day, so I'll hang the old quilts on the line.

Wasn't too good for the Minnesota Twinkies yesterday -the Yanks kicked their butts.
(And our 'wunnaful' Badgers beat those Minnesota Gophers too)!

Hopeful that today our Packers can hold on to beat Washington too!
Go Pack! 

What's on YOUR pumpkin?

Game is at noon, so will have lunch for halftime if anyone wants to come watch with me!
Casey will be heading to Marsha's today-  A bit of help with her biology course.
Maybe they will come out after that.

Time to start attacking that hamper.
Love to all! Have a 'wunnaful' day!
