[My] Life in Wisconsin


Sunrise... magnify
(search "Green Acres", the photo is everywhere).

Good Morning Everyone;
First of all to say that I hope you had a great weekend, and were able to get outside and breathe deeply of the Spring weather.

We did.

And found myself moved enough NOT to ignore the possibility of a garden this year, back be damned.

Like I said, I promised hell or high water, to get the old Simplicity tractor running again this year. (Methinks I shall be driving it into the ground- there seems to be no one brave enough to rebuild the engine)...



CaseyFace got tractor duty!



Notice the front bumper of the Roadmaster... lower right
Parked there, waiting for the tiller to die.
But it didn't die once as we got the garden ready!!


I dug out some old kohlrabis as Bobo could not bend without severe pain.
Not too sure what the tradeoff was for her,
as the tiller weighs a ton, and I do not have a hydraulic lift on it.
But we got through it too. The end justifying the means...

To me, there is nothing in the world that smells as sweet as freshly turned Spring soil either. Must be the farm girl blood in my veins.

We still have much to do to prepare this little garden. (Beginning with tilling it over again)...

So last night to have slept like a rock! (Say "YAY")!

Upon awakening this morning to know that I was up a wee bit earlier than the sun...



The leaves and blossoms on the apple trees are just beginning to bud.
I snuck a camera peek at the gardens and the fields.
(No, we do not till the darn field)...
Can you imagine if we had to do that???

To see this all, (even though it killed my back), was such a grand way to wake up.



But the camera pulled in a downward move...
(as did my thoughts),
And centered on this...
Oh that's right.
It did it to me again...
She died.
And I left her right where she was too.

Yes, I will be getting it going once more today...
(just 'later').

And life goes on...

Wishing you all a magnificent week!

Love to all!


I see Casey (aka BOBO) has posted a new blog entry too!
CLICK HERE if you have not read it yet.
Originally posted to my Y! 360, Monday May 5, 2008 - 08:37am (CDT) 4