In a not~so~good way,
FLINTVILLE, Wisconsin was on the map!
.FLINTVILLE, Wisconsin was on the map!
Good Afternoon All;
Late(r) today as I tried to catch up on blogs I might have missed.
Did I miss you?
Let me know, and I shall do my level best tonight to be catching up with you. (Those of you still on Y! 360, please know that I cannot navigate anywhere within that site).
On the Good News side, Casey is out of the hospital. We had three new prescriptions to fill and went out to Oneida Pharmacy.
While she waited for those, I entertained Punk by throwing and old water bottle for a game of 'fetch'...
She found out the hard way that water~logged grass is a bit dangerous...
A little uncut gully,
and she went ass over teakettles
She even made me go rescue her!
(Casey had just come out of the pharmacy;
thinking quite like her mama to grab the camera).
Once again, I really believe this dog wants to be a black lab...
Yes, I have to scrub those leather seats yet.
Everything is so very water~logged and flooded yet...
Including The Fox River...

The ditches...
Including The Fox River...
The ditches...
And even the cornfields too.
Yes that IS a cornfield...
The cleanup continues down at Kelli's ...
Tim had brought his rig home and had slept in it the night of the fire; not wanting to have any problems with anyone that might be snooping around...
It made for a place to set your buns to take a little break yesterday.
Kelli, with Mr. Miller.
I'd taken him in to Dr. Spires-
He has an ear infection. (NOT Dr. Spires)...
And he has a skin infection. (No, not the doctor)...
But all will be well with Mr. Miller in short order
(and THAT'S some good news too)!
Kelli stopped by this morning... With Mr. Miller!
Miller says HI!
OK, so I took the picture yesterday...
It still fits.
And it is way past time for me to get moving around here...
I hope you are all having a fine weekend!
PS Our forecast?
This from WBAY...
Good morning Anne,
We're watching a swirling area of low pressure along the U.S.-Canadian border.
It will likely trigger afternoon t'storms for both today and Sunday. There will be a risk of a few strong storms with hail and high winds. Any weekend thunderstorms may bring some localized heavy rains, which could cause water levels in flooded areas to rise again...
Originally posted to my Y! 360, Saturday June 14, 2008 - 12:29pm (CDT)