[My] Life in Wisconsin

PETITION- -Progressive Change Campaign Committee-


President Obama,
If you cut Medicare and Medicaid, do NOT ask for my help in 2012.

Hi All;

Please do the arrow click above, and take a moment to ask President Obama to show us thew bones in HIS back.
Please sign the survey above-

This petition reads, verbatim, as follows...

"President Obama:
If you cut Medicare and Medicaid benefits for me, my parents, my grandparents, or families like mine, don't ask for a penny of my money or an hour of my time in 2012.

I'm going to focus on electing bold progressive candidates -- not Democrats who help Republicans make harmful cuts to key programs."


Short. Sweet. And to the point. Wouldn't you agree?

As is stated, there ARE more bold progressives...

  ...  We will just have to find them, shake them off, dust them off, and kick their backsides in the correct direction.

As always, included also is a place for your own words.


82,427 people have taken action—164% of our goal of 50,000!

Thank you ALL;
Have a good one!


Oh- My own personal comment? I could have written a book. hehehe
But mine came directly from these two of my 2008 blogs:

