Good Morning All;
Yesterday (Wednesday, I think?- I am so tired, but can't sleep...) was such a trying day.
Bear with me on this entry...
I awoke at around 1AM- At 3 I realized I was out of cigarettes, so Punk and I went down the road to the local Kwik Trip.
Back here after chatting with the new night clerk for a bit, I tried to write a blog. Nothing would come out right, so I watched a bit of TV. Nothing on at that hour, unless I had a mind to be buying a whole truckload of crap they advertise that early in the morning. I didn't.
I knew I couldn't go back to sleep as I had to pick up Casey for 7, and be on the far east side of town by 7:30.
After that, to run downtown and get her some Tagaderm. (It is the only skin tape she is NOT allergic to).
By 10, I had to be on the far west side of town to see the podiatrist. (It is my turn to be getting everything fixed on this body of mine now).
Know that my "toe" will be a blog of it's own. hehehe
Also know there will be pictures with that blog. You HAVE been warned!
I dropped Casey off at her apartment after that, and headed home...
Casey followed shortly after me, and brought some sandwiches from the store for lunch.
We ate, and by 2 we were both incredibly tired, so she went up to lie down in my bed. (Punk cannot "do" the stairs for a while, so I am sentenced to the couch). Darn good thing it is comfy...
Casey had used the bathroom before she went upstairs; only to return in terrible pain- and also had clots of blood in her stools.
She had taken her enzymes with her food, and had taken a pain pill before she had eaten also. (It should have been working by then).
She laid down on the opposite couch.
I checked her forehead- she felt so warm.
Her blood pressure- Almost 30% elevated for her, 128/86.
She was shaking badly from the pain.
Her heart~rate was 110, (way high for her too).
Between my toe and my back, I can barely walk. She could barely move to even breathe. I decided to call the rescue squad.
The Suamico police were the first to arrive.
(I took these pictures after she had been stabilized a bit in the house, and they had gotten her outside).
Casey had little strength of her own, no balance or power either, and got help to walk out.
The 3 steps in the entrance proved impossible for her to navigate.
She was quickly and carefully picked up;
laid on the stretcher,
And very securely buckled in.
I kissed her goodbye, telling her I would be to the hospital as soon as I could possibly be.
In the meanwhile Deputy Stahl had gotten hold of Randy for me.
(Sheesh, I have known Randy for a little over 10 years, do you think I could even remember his work number)???
Good grief!
When I got to the hospital, the doctor had ordered blood and urine tests, and also a belly Xray to try to find out what (the heck) was going on (now?)...
They had given her something for her nausea, and some morphine for the pain.
Greg got there shortly after I did. Having him there means the world to her- and he had almost been done with his workday when she had texted him.
We do not know much of anything more at this point... She had a full tummy (Some, if not most, of which sure should have been gone by then).
She was sent home.
She has to report to the clinic this morning- She will call me when she wakes to bring her in.
Maybe I can get a bit more shuteye before then.
Leaving Casey and Greg at the hospital, I was back home a little after 6:30.
I had left Punk at home when I had driven to the hospital- (Kelli immediately offering to stop by, to feed her, and to let her out for me).
Punk was (and is always) so happy to have me come home...
After she welcomed me back, she then ran to the other side of the car, sniffing all the way- She returned to me.
No Casey?
Spying Casey's car, she then went to her car and sniffed all the way around that one too.
No Casey?
When this pup and I got back inside the house, she promptly went up the steps to see if maybe Casey had been in bed. (I could not have stopped that dog from going up those stairs had my life depended on it).
No Casey anywhere?
I napped a bit on the couch then-
Casey called to say that while she was being transported in, they had checked her blood sugar- It was at 63.
Knowing that, I am even more glad I called 911 now.
I slept real good for about 2 hours.
Punk was, (and still is), sleeping tight next to Casey's backpack, which had been left here in all the commotion...
She sure loves "her" Casey. As do I.
Love to all.