Good Morning All;
Yesterday (Wednesday, I think?- I am so tired, but can't sleep...) was such a trying day.
Bear with me on this entry...
I awoke at around 1AM- At 3 I realized I was out of cigarettes, so Punk and I went down the road to the local Kwik Trip.
Back here after chatting with the new night clerk for a bit, I tried to write a blog. Nothing would come out right, so I watched a bit of TV. Nothing on at that hour, unless I had a mind to be buying a whole truckload of crap they advertise that early in the morning. I didn't.
I knew I couldn't go back to sleep as I had to pick up Casey for 7, and be on the far east side of town by 7:30.
After that, to run downtown and get her some Tagaderm. (It is the only skin tape she is NOT allergic to).
By 10, I had to be on the far west side of town to see the podiatrist. (It is my turn to be getting everything fixed on this body of mine now).
Know that my "toe" will be a blog of it's own. hehehe
Also know there will be pictures with that blog. You HAVE been warned!
I dropped Casey off at her apartment after that, and headed home...
Casey followed shortly after me, and brought some sandwiches from the store for lunch.
We ate, and by 2 we were both incredibly tired, so she went up to lie down in my bed. (Punk cannot "do" the stairs for a while, so I am sentenced to the couch). Darn good thing it is comfy...
Casey had used the bathroom before she went upstairs; only to return in terrible pain- and also had clots of blood in her stools.
She had taken her enzymes with her food, and had taken a pain pill before she had eaten also. (It should have been working by then).
She laid down on the opposite couch.
I checked her forehead- she felt so warm.
Her blood pressure- Almost 30% elevated for her, 128/86.
She was shaking badly from the pain.
Her heart~rate was 110, (way high for her too).
Between my toe and my back, I can barely walk. She could barely move to even breathe. I decided to call the rescue squad.
The Suamico police were the first to arrive.
(I took these pictures after she had been stabilized a bit in the house, and they had gotten her outside).
Casey had little strength of her own, no balance or power either, and got help to walk out.
The 3 steps in the entrance proved impossible for her to navigate.
She was quickly and carefully picked up;
laid on the stretcher,
And very securely buckled in.
I kissed her goodbye, telling her I would be to the hospital as soon as I could possibly be.
In the meanwhile Deputy Stahl had gotten hold of Randy for me.
(Sheesh, I have known Randy for a little over 10 years, do you think I could even remember his work number)???
Good grief!
When I got to the hospital, the doctor had ordered blood and urine tests, and also a belly Xray to try to find out what (the heck) was going on (now?)...
They had given her something for her nausea, and some morphine for the pain.
Greg got there shortly after I did. Having him there means the world to her- and he had almost been done with his workday when she had texted him.
We do not know much of anything more at this point... She had a full tummy (Some, if not most, of which sure should have been gone by then).
She was sent home.
She has to report to the clinic this morning- She will call me when she wakes to bring her in.
Maybe I can get a bit more shuteye before then.
Leaving Casey and Greg at the hospital, I was back home a little after 6:30.
I had left Punk at home when I had driven to the hospital- (Kelli immediately offering to stop by, to feed her, and to let her out for me).
Punk was (and is always) so happy to have me come home...
After she welcomed me back, she then ran to the other side of the car, sniffing all the way- She returned to me.
No Casey?
Spying Casey's car, she then went to her car and sniffed all the way around that one too.
No Casey?
When this pup and I got back inside the house, she promptly went up the steps to see if maybe Casey had been in bed. (I could not have stopped that dog from going up those stairs had my life depended on it).
No Casey anywhere?
I napped a bit on the couch then-
Casey called to say that while she was being transported in, they had checked her blood sugar- It was at 63.
Knowing that, I am even more glad I called 911 now.
I slept real good for about 2 hours.
Punk was, (and still is), sleeping tight next to Casey's backpack, which had been left here in all the commotion...
She sure loves "her" Casey. As do I.
Love to all.
Damn, I`m sorry Casey isnt feeling well again, hope you all feel better soon.
ReplyDeleteugh - I hope its nothing serious
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry....
ReplyDeleteHope she feels better soon!
and you and punkie too!!!!!
and just because it always needs sayin'
I love my Casey too.... Just as much as I love you.
after having just ate to have such a low blood sugar count sounds odd, I hope you both feel better real soon, Prayers for you both xoxoxox
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear this, the poor Casey! She really looks in lots of pain. :( I hope everything is alright and for you too.
ReplyDeleteCasey must still be sleeping- I have not heard from her yet. Greg hopefully woke her before he went to work...
ReplyDeleteAfter 4 or 5" of new snow, I wasn't looking forward to driving into town anyway.
As I lay down earlier, trying to get some sleep, Punk, of a sudden, went nuts.
She had been looking out the window, then ran to the back door, barking.
I looked out the window. Nothing.
Looked out all sides of windows. Still nothing.
So I tried to lay down again.
The minute I did, more barking and growling and jumping around.
This went on for a few minutes before the doorbell rang.
No car in the yard...
A young Mexican girl, on her way to work in Pulaski had hit the ditch...
After that, I couldn't sleep.
I will text Casey now, then perhaps sleep a bit.
Love to all.
I know-
ReplyDeleteHer count should have been WAY up at that point in time... wth?
Does this mean her islet cells are working too hard now, or what?
What could be the problem?
I am scared for her.
She does not have to take insulin anymore- Hasn't. -since May or June of last year...
ReplyDeleteApparently Punk could see through my windbreak out front. I could not, even with those flashing lights.
EEEKKK! MORE SNOW! YUCKY! we supposedly got some during the night but it turned to rain and disappeared.
ReplyDeleteStill can't get hold of her...
ReplyDeleteI just emailed Greg.
ReplyDeleteI emailed Dr. Sutherland too.
Going offline now
how late does she normally sleep?
ReplyDelete10 or 11.
ReplyDeleteHave to get offline though so in case Minnesota calls.
Please say a prayer?
Yes, I will for sure hun. {{hugs you tight}} try not to worry mama!
ReplyDeletewow, she was lucky you were home to get her help....
ReplyDeleteAnne, I'm sorry all this is happening to you and Casey. I am praying for you, but I just got here and
ReplyDeleteit's 7:08 p.m. This is the first time I'm on today. I pray that you will both be ok and there is nothing
seriously wrong with Casey. Hugs for Punkie too. I'll keep checking for more news. Love & hugs.
Seeing the pictures of that ambulance and those EMT's with Casey has me in tears. Please let her be okay.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry to read this blog and know that Casey is feeling so ill , that poor girl has been through more then her share .. I will definitely be keeping her in my prayers and you also Anne ..
ReplyDeleteI am back...
ReplyDeleteI did get hold of Casey- She had only been asleep.
Greg never did reply? wth?
I told her to check her blood sugar, and at least wake up enough to eat a little something.
While I am glad she is getting the rest she needs, it is rough being 20 miles away and not knowing anything...
Additionally, Dr. Sutherland called after he was out of surgery this afternoon.
He said that intestinal blockages would probably have shown up on the Xray- He also mentioned that this could be scar tissue flaring up- or adhesions etc...
He said he would be more than happy to see her in clinic. I told him we would probably wait and see-
(Ultimately that is up to Casey anyway, not me).
PS: I also had heard back from Anne Marie- (Dr. Sutherlands right arm).
Here are her words:
"Is Caseyanne following up with [an] endocrinologist about her blood sugars and if not, she should get scheduled right away." Also, "Anne, Dr. Melena Bellin said the blood sugar of 63 does not worry her (particularly if it was isolated). If she continues to have the low numbers or other concerns about blood sugars, you are welcome to email them to Dr. X. If you do this, it is helpful to send her blood sugars from the past 3-4 days and, if on insulin, her insulin regimen." Hope this helps. Ann Marie
...more pokes for my pincushion... ;-)
I thought that was part/parcel of my job description...
And awake enough to answer the door...
ReplyDeleteWe are getting there Sweetie-
Slowly but surely. (I think).
ReplyDeleteYou have no idea... hehehe
ReplyDeleteMe too; but then again, Casey never does anything half~@ssed...
ReplyDeleteThank you
ReplyDeleteYou scared my dog with that scream...
Glad she is getting rest and I hope this is nothing serious .. Casey is one tough lady and I wish her nothing but the best
ReplyDeleteWe are hanging in there to the best of my knowledge anyway...
(I keep checking my email now to see if she has texted me).
Always so good to hear that we are loved; and that you are never afraid to say so.
~That feeling is mutual you know.
Mama D.
Most of ours is gone already... But this always happens once or twice every year.
ReplyDelete(That doesn't mean I like it).
Sweet Bev;
ReplyDeleteIt really was a rough day is all.
I was 'on' twice, earlier- And finally did get some sleep. It felt good to do so, even if I was more than disoriented when I woke up). -That always happens when I get so tired during the day and nap a long time.
We have no answers- Casey did not go to clinic today, so no further testing.
After speaking to that Suamico cop, I am glad I didn't have to go anywhere- He said there were many cars in the ditches all over.
That little gal that had come to the door had said, "I thought this was all over with for the year."
I wanted to tell her that it's never "over" and no matter what you think, if there is snow on the road you have to drive accordingly."
... but I didn't.
Thank you for your prayers too!
Punk sends you a wet sloppy one!
My apologies that you are in tears Sweet PeachieBaby-
ReplyDeleteNow I am sorry...
What got to me was Kate Blazer scooping Casey up in her arms, and taking her outside as fast as she did- (Casey was in so much pain- and so tipping as she tried to get down those steps)...
She just scooped her up fast as could be.
That the hospital let her go home makes this 'seem' like it's not as critical as originally thought.
That Dr. Sutherland called negates that relief all over again. (He would not have called if it had been anything unimportant).
Has Casey been tested for Crohn's disease? Diverticulitis? Irritable bowel syndrome? Food allergies?
ReplyDeleteHer symptoms do seem to at least mimic those of Crohn's. Here's a link to a page:
In any case, hope the trouble is discovered and remedied. Poor kid..
ReplyDeleteSweet Carolyn;
This is the same thing that Uncle Chum said when we talked- But he said she has been through enough for one lifetime for 10 people.
Thank you for your prayers for us all.
ReplyDeleteCasey is the strong one! Not me. I am feeling (still) ready to collapse myself. hehehe
Damn hey?
Time will certainly tell. (Man, I hate the thought of driving out there again).
But of course I will-
Each trip can be made into a new and exciting experience. Even in Punks little Peetown of Ringle. hehehe
and that tooo......
ReplyDeletesoorrrrrrrry,,,,,you scared me first.
ReplyDeleteLarssen is screen licking... I think that means she loves you too.
ReplyDeleteHey there! Nice to see you here...
ReplyDeleteThe tests you mentioned were all done either at Froedtert or Mayo.
She's been sick for 5 and a half years now. She has been tested for everything, even genetically.
After too many hospitalizations and too much suffering from her chronic pancreatitis, she had her pancreas removed in Dec 2008- Also, 70+% of her colon is gone- and most recently had 2 more surgeries in late January.
ReplyDeleteI was scared first, Pea-
She has very little memory of anything that happened at the house...
I am SO happy she got out here safely, and that this didn't happen when she was home alone.
ReplyDeletePunk sends a lick and a sniff right back...
no kidding... the sugar thing is scary.... perhaps even without need ing insulin, she needs to be checking for a while.....
ReplyDeleteLarssen has moved on to trying to stare down the neighbor cat through the window.....i will pass it along when she is done
You will have to keep an eye on her...
Lucky you. (YOU get to watch and worry a while). hehehe
I have no worries of you caring for her by the way.
ReplyDeleteFunny- (Sniff good now Pea)... hehehe
Punk just came and licked my hand as I typed my reply-
Will have to go see what she wants now...
yeah... I need to ask her if she is up to it... otherwise we can change her tickets for her....
ReplyDeletei don't want her to add to her stress....
if she is up to it then *happy dance* if not... *delayed happy dance*
LOL,.... NOT butt sniffing. cant make me.
ReplyDeleteDidn't know you could change the tix... ? (You sure about that)?
ReplyDeleteKnowing that would be a relief just in case. Mostly for her. hehehe
Than again, I have a feeling that wild horses couldn't keep her away.
you can change ANY ticket... they just charge you for some... and if hers charge, I will fix it.
ReplyDeletewild horses cna bring her when she feel up to it... there is no time limit.
ReplyDeleteTry texting her when you have a moment or two- She will be happy to hear from you.
(She said she set her alarm for quarter of six so she should be up).
ok... soon as i find my celll.... and glasses... dang old people.
ReplyDeleteThanks Pea- I shall be heading to couch again soon as I find something to eat.
Love you
And I promise to get to your 2 'open in my windows' blogs soon as I rest a bit.
ReplyDeletetexted... no reply yet.... I just fed the girls and will be hitting the shower then my own hunt for food.....
ReplyDeleteno rush, they aint going anywhere.
ReplyDeleteDamn Anne! I really hope everything is OK with CaseyFace... That is just too scary!
ReplyDeleteSorry I'm not around much but please know that I do love you both tons and send prayers up daily for you both!
Love Ya!
Slurkie :-)
This is very sad to read Anne, very sorry for Casey and yourself :( I hope all is better real soon xox
ReplyDeleteCasey is feeling much better today. pain is better....we are threatening to turn her "semi-colon" into a comma if it doesn't behave.
ReplyDeletePhew... Made it!
ReplyDeleteStill hanging in there!
No more sad faces.
ROTF Pea!!!!
ReplyDeleteShe said you'd been texting! (I am glad you wrote about the punctuation- we didn't get that far in the conversation). hehehe
Have to pick up a script and will be picking Casey up as well. She told me she's be OK to pick up her car and drive it home.
I've been into Alternative Medicine for years. Casey seems to be suffering from some sort of auto-immune disorder.
ReplyDeleteWhen they did the food allergy tests, did they take her off ALL forms of, for example, dairy for a full month? Many forms of diary are hidden in the fine print. That would include 'whey' and 'sodium caseinate', or milk protein. It's not as easy to avoid as one might think. (I should know, I have dairy allergies myself.)
Parents nowadays are advised to keep their babies away from cow's milk for at least the first year. The reason being, the cell structures of the pancreas are very similar to those of milk protein.
If a given child's immune system can't tolerate cow's milk, which is very common, it sends out anti-bodies to attack the milk molecules. Simultaneously, it attacks the pancreas, mistaking it for cow's milk.
Given that Casey suffered from chronic panreatitis, I strongly suspect a connection between her ingestion of any form of milk or dairy to her condition.
Before her latest attack, had she ingested any form of milk? Ice cream? Cheese? Sodium Caseinate? (You've really got to read the labels to find that one.) Pastries? A donut? Milk is in just about everything on the supermarket shelves. It's nearly impossible for me, personally, to find anything to eat in a grocery store, other than fruits and veggies. You really have to scrutinize the labels.
My advice would be to try another milk/milk product/milk derivative avoidance trial for your daughter.
And make sure that she sticks to the guidelines and reads all labels scrupulously.
If you have the cash to spare, I'd strongly advise putting her under the care of an experienced Naturopath.
Doctors, even at Mayo, are clueless when it comes to alternative forms of medicine. At max, they recieved a one day course on basic nutrition.
But if that's beyond your ability to afford, I'd at least try the dairy restriction diet again. And make it clear to her that a single donut will botch the entire test. She'd have to completely avoid every form of diary for a minimum of a full month.
It's not an easy thing to do, but it may pay off.
Best of luck.
I've been into Alternative Medicine for years. Casey seems to be suffering from some sort of auto-immune disorder.
ReplyDeleteWhen they did the food allergy tests, did they take her off ALL forms of, for example, dairy for a full month? Many forms of diary are hidden in the fine print. That would include 'whey' and 'sodium caseinate', or milk protein. It's not as easy to avoid as one might think. (I should know, I've got dairy allergies myself.)
Parents nowdays are advised to keep their babies away from cow's milk for at least the first year. The reason being, the cell structures of the pancreas are very similar to those of the milk protein..
If a given child's immune system can't tolerate cow's milk, which is very common, it sends out anti-bodies to attack the milk molecules. Simultaenously, it attacks the pancreas, mistaking it for cow's milk.
Given that Casey suffered from chronic panreatitis, I strongly suspect a connection between her ingestion of any form of milk or dairy to her condition.
Before her latest attack, had she ingested any form of milk? Ice cream? Cheese? Sodium Caseinate? (You've really got to read the labels to find that one.) Pastries? A donut? Milk is in just about everything on the supermarket shelves. It's nearly imossible for me, personally, to find anything to eat in a grocery store, other than fruits and veggies. But you really have to scrutinize the labels.
My advice would be to try another milk/milk product/milk derivitive avoidance trial for your daughter.
Ideally, you might consider taking her to an experienced Naturopath. Doctors, even at Mayo, have had virtually no training in Alternative Medicine.
But, barring that, you might ask her if she'd like to try a complete dairy elimination diet, impressing upon her the importance of avoiding all forms of dairy for a complete month. No cheating. And read the fine print on food labels.
Best of luck. There's an answer to everything, and there's an answer to what's causing all of these problems. Hopefully my advice may prove to be of some assistance.
Sorry for posting twice, but the last couple of paragraphs were cut off, twice. I'm ready for a nap, so in case I left something out of one or the other comments, I'll leave them both up there for the moment if you don't object.
ReplyDeleteAgain, best of luck.
Multiply keeps cutting me off, but she would also probably have to avoid restaurants and fast food places, which tend to sneak a bit of whey or milk protein into darn near everything.
ReplyDeleteyeah, we been texting back and forth off and on... left you a pm with more.
ReplyDeletethe semicolon thing...you know me... it just came out my fingers... she almost hurt herself textlaughing back...
I missed replying to your comment. My apologies...
Just one thing after another with Casey. But today was a good one for her. (And compared to 2 days ago, that is something great)!
I am not sure what "guidelines" you are specifically referring to? Please let me know.
ReplyDeleteCasey is 23 years old. She has been to hell and back many many times over already. And as always, we are open to exploring any options not already tried.
You would have to click here: http://flintville.multiply.com/tag/chronicpancreatitis
And then please to let me know how the Alternative meds would work for her. (Or would have worked for her, in her condition -before and after her pancreas removal etc).
As far as any special diets go, you name one- I promise you that she's been on it already. (Along with all of her drs. recommendations, my sister is very highly schooled in Natural Foods and alt meds. So was my mom).
As far as cows milk goes, Casey is my youngest daughter. She is also the only one with Chronic pancreatitis. And because of her digestive tract being so touchy, was the only one who was given soy and/or rice milk as a tot. Yes,she was breastfed.
Although I was born and raised on a dairy farm, I do firmly believe that cows milk is for calves.
I do, and always have, read labels. (Heck I read labels before it was cool to do so). hehehe
Again, please let me know what you think? As I said, we are always open to anything that will affect a more positive response for her.
What we have learned is that many many doctors, including highly trained and specialized gastroenterologists are clueless about Pancreatitis- whether idiopathic, genetic, or otherwise.
ReplyDeleteDon't even get me started on Mayo!
ReplyDeleteAlmost to a fault- Although to pack on a few very necessary pounds she was told to eat a few french fries too. hehehe
Oddly enough, those fries (and many other fried foods) do not generally set off her system for full~tilt pain.
In addition to the previous posted link, here is the "pancreas educational" one
Hello Mommy! Hello to all the other friends and family members on here!
ReplyDeleteTHANK YOU ALL for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers!!!
It was QUITE the long day for all of us around here. I was terrified and was even more afraid when they told me how low my blood sugars were just an hour after eating! It seems to be that the food just irritated my stomach enough for it to cramp up severely and not digest food...
The pain is better now, and I'm taking it easy as far as food goes. I had myself on clear liquids for breakfast the morning after going in, and since that was fine, moved up to a soft diet for lunch. That, too, went okay so I've been on solid foods ever since, just nothing too outrageous... Mostly bland foods so that I don't have a repeat episode of whatever that was on Wednesday...
The thing I'm most thankful for is that I can sleep. I've been doing that as much as I possibly can so I can recover faster. When my body does wake me up, I eat and go back to sleep if I'm still tired... My blood sugars are doing well, which is a very good thing....
I've also upped my enzymes and that seems to be doing something good for my guts. For two days before I was brought to the ER I had been having awful diarrhea that kept me up until at least 4am every night... (Wondering now if that was a warning for what was about to happen...) My guts still aren't happy at all, but they are definitely getting better little by little....
Well, I must get some rest, I'm very tired and there is lots to do this weekend...
Love you MUCH MUCH Mommy!
Love and Hugs to EVERYONE ELSE TOO!!!
thanks Casey for popping on here and letting us know from you firsthand how you are feeling now! I am so glad to hear you are doing much better and are getting good rest.
ReplyDeleteI haven't been online for quite a while. When I came into Multiply and scanned down my inbox page I went straight to this blog. I couldn't believe Casey was going through such an awful time - again. I read all the comments, since this was posted a few days ago, and found, with great relief, Casey's comment. The low blood sugar thing is scary, especially right after eating. I sure wish that when medical students attend college they would cover the pancreas more, it seems to be a subject that is being ignored. I hope Casey continues to feel better and can get some results with follow-up appointments with her doctors. And I hope you feel better too Annie, and that you and Punk can get some much needed rest.
ReplyDeleteWell, I just completely reading the link of all the trials that Casey has had to face for the past 5 years.
ReplyDeleteIt sounds as if your sister and mom are more qualified than I am in the area of alternative medicine.
I get much (but not all) of my information from "Prescription for Nutritional Healing" by Phyllis and James Balch. As it can be found in any good health food/supplement store, I'm sure your sister is familiar with it. If not, it does mention a number of nutritional supplements and herbs that can be helpful. You might pick up a copy if you or your sister don't have one.
From what I've read, a common cause of chronic pancreatitis can be gallstones (among quite a few other causes, some as simple as an injury to the abdomen). "The pancreas can become in flamed if digestive enzymes build up inside it and begin to attack it." But I'm sure you're aware of that at this stage.
Have you tried taking her to a Naturopath? That's what I'd try after conventional treatments failed.
A good one might be able to pinpoint the basis of Casey's problem, and offer herbal or other solutions.
There is also an excellent school/clinic of Naprapathy in the outskirts of Chicago. Two Naprapaths have a weekly radio show which I find very informative. They're very much into alternative therapies. But normally I can only hear the parts of the show when I'm not jumping out of my truck to make deliveries.
But you're a long way from Chicago. Are there any Naturopaths practicing in your area? If you haven't gone that route yet, my first suggestion would be to try to locate a good one, and see if he or she might not be able to discover something that everyone else has missed.
There's always hope.