Good Afternoon!
This "Tale/Tail of Two Dogs" comes with a 'word' of advice!
No snorting!!!
Normally I do not post TWO blogs in one day... But I think I just HAVE to today...
It occcurs to me though, that it simply would not be fair AT ALL to be keeping this ALL to myself...
I cleared a bit more snow... but not enough energy to be cleaning the end of the driveway too well. While I was out there though I had to get the mail...
(I love getting the mail when I get Christmas cards)! TRUE! Thank you DeeAnne! (Happy to know I am not the only one sending out late cards)!
Oh and one of her friends uses NAIR on his butt! (I sure am GLAD that I do not feel the need to post a picture of MY backside online)! Too funny!!! CLICK HERE
Getting back to my afternoon now, and my trip back from the mailbox...
And walking back up the driveway... I see what...
. the saddest, and the most curious looking specimen of pup that I have ever seen! I do tie her when I am working in the pines, out by the road, or getting the mail; (not taking ANY chances of getting her killed by MY own stupidity)...
When I get closer, she asks me kindly, "Where the hell have you BEEN?" (Actually it is "arf"; but we ALL know what THAT means) !
Milly awaits patiently too, wondering what I am going to do. I untie Punkin; and then mosey on over to Millys kennel...
Free At Last!
*Now you just HAVE to watch all of the 'expressions' here!!!
Punkin decides that Miss Millys bones are all much better than her own; (even though Miss Milly gets Punks' abandoned bones in the 1st place)... Milly snatches her bone back as Punk just has to obey.
(I think this falls under "Honor~Thy~Father~and~Thy~Mother)... Besides, Miss Milly will definitely take her young 'un to task if she doesn't!
Later, I had some more yard stuff to burn and was down by my little barrel. Both of these nice little doggies were by me...
Miss Punk started investigating by the big rocks; Milly could not have cared less about that, and ran to make sure her bone was still where she had left it...
Geesh, now I KNOW what that's like... you leave your bone in one place and can NEVER find the damned thing again!
...I hate it when I lose my bone!?...
I stir my burn barrel, turn around, and Punk damn~near kills me, as she is right behind my knees. (Please note that I stir up the burn barrel a bit dangerously; with an old pitchfork)... And sadly, on my way down, I also leave quite an impression in the snow with my backside/snowslide! hehehe
I tell Punk to "keep away" (She thinks I'm kidding, and proceeds to try to tackle me; thus eradicating any hope for a shot or two of my angel~butt).
I tell her 'get lost' already... And she rambles over back to the rocks... Again I turn to see her feeling so poorly about upsetting me, that she is hiding her face in the snowbank!!!!
I think this is absolutely the most funniest sight I have ever seen in my entire life... (well, except for a certain porkchop dinner that had ended up in somebodys lap)... But that a whole 'nother blog!!! hehehe
I grab my camera, and I catch her in the middle of her very own little "Act of Contrition"...
(Sorry, I was "shooting from the hip" just to catch these few shots and they sure weren't centered) ...
I told her "Punkie I am sorry; please come out."
By this time I am laughing OUT LOUD and so hard that Miss Mama Milly HAS to come running and find out what all the noise is about...
And spies her Mama coming toward us fast!!!
So she says, "Mama, come see! I found a gophers winter home under here!"
(Again, it was 'arf' but we ALL know what THAT means)! ...hehehe
And being the very trusting sort of Mama that she is, Miss Milly finally agrees to check it out...
Now, it doesn't take an old dog like Milly too very long to figure out that she has been duped by her own child... (What IS this dog~world coming to)?
She realizes there is nothing under the rock except more rock! Her very own child just wanted her Mama to get her face cold and wet!!!!
Quickly then, she pulls her head out and proceeds to holler at the Punkster all over again... (Boy oh boy oh boy. was SHE ever mad)!
I tell ya...
as they sadly say... "KIDS TODAY"...
...(They got no respect for their Mamas)!!!!
Now how did YOU spend YOUR afternoon???