[My] Life in Wisconsin

Tail/Tale of Two Dogs...

Good Afternoon!

This "Tale/Tail of Two Dogs" comes with a 'word' of advice!

No snorting!!!

Normally I do not post TWO blogs in one day... But I think I just HAVE to today...

It occcurs to me though, that it simply would not be fair AT ALL to be keeping this ALL to myself...

I cleared a bit more snow... but not enough energy to be cleaning the end of the driveway too well. While I was out there though I had to get the mail...

(I love getting the mail when I get Christmas cards)! TRUE! Thank you DeeAnne! (Happy to know I am not the only one sending out late cards)!

Oh and one of her friends uses NAIR on his butt! (I sure am GLAD that I do not feel the need to post a picture of MY backside online)! Too funny!!! CLICK HERE

Getting back to my afternoon now, and my trip back from the mailbox...

And walking back up the driveway... I see what...




...is the saddest, and the most curious looking specimen of pup that I have ever seen! I do tie her when I am working in the pines, out by the road, or getting the mail; (not taking ANY chances of getting her killed by MY own stupidity)...





When I get closer, she asks me kindly, "Where the hell have you BEEN?" (Actually it is "arf"; but we ALL know what THAT means) !

Milly awaits patiently too, wondering what I am going to do. I untie Punkin; and then mosey on over to Millys kennel...

Free At Last!

*Now you just HAVE to watch all of the 'expressions' here!!!

Punkin decides that Miss Millys bones are all much better than her own; (even though Miss Milly gets Punks' abandoned bones in the 1st place)... Milly snatches her bone back as Punk just has to obey.

(I think this falls under "Honor~Thy~Father~and~Thy~Mother)... Besides, Miss Milly will definitely take her young 'un to task if she doesn't!




Milly!!! ...Takes back Her bone !!!

Later, I had some more yard stuff to burn and was down by my little barrel. Both of these nice little doggies were by me...




Punk on the left; and Miss~Milly~Mama SMILING for the camera!

Miss Punk started investigating by the big rocks; Milly could not have cared less about that, and ran to make sure her bone was still where she had left it...

Geesh, now I KNOW what that's like... you leave your bone in one place and can NEVER find the damned thing again!

...I hate it when I lose my bone!?...

I stir my burn barrel, turn around, and Punk damn~near kills me, as she is right behind my knees. (Please note that I stir up the burn barrel a bit dangerously; with an old pitchfork)... And sadly, on my way down, I also leave quite an impression in the snow with my backside/snowslide! hehehe

I tell Punk to "keep away" (She thinks I'm kidding, and proceeds to try to tackle me; thus eradicating any hope for a shot or two of my angel~butt).

I tell her 'get lost' already... And she rambles over back to the rocks... Again I turn to see her feeling so poorly about upsetting me, that she is hiding her face in the snowbank!!!!

I think this is absolutely the most funniest sight I have ever seen in my entire life... (well, except for a certain porkchop dinner that had ended up in somebodys lap)... But that a whole 'nother blog!!! hehehe

I grab my camera, and I catch her in the middle of her very own little "Act of Contrition"...




Yep, she has her entire face in there...

(Sorry, I was "shooting from the hip" just to catch these few shots and they sure weren't centered) ...

I told her "Punkie I am sorry; please come out."




"Forget it Lady, NOTHING DOING!"

By this time I am laughing OUT LOUD and so hard that Miss Mama Milly HAS to come running and find out what all the noise is about...




Still with a smile on her face; (I have TEARS running down my own)...

....Meanwhile, Miss Punk HAS to come up for air...




Breathe in. Breathe out. Get Over It! (T.Y.)!

And spies her Mama coming toward us fast!!!




Uh~Oh, I'd better think of something really fast!!!

So she says, "Mama, come see! I found a gophers winter home under here!"

(Again, it was 'arf' but we ALL know what THAT means)! ...hehehe

And being the very trusting sort of Mama that she is, Miss Milly finally agrees to check it out...




Punk and Milly! Heads buried in the snow...

Now, it doesn't take an old dog like Milly too very long to figure out that she has been duped by her own child... (What IS this dog~world coming to)?

She realizes there is nothing under the rock except more rock! Her very own child just wanted her Mama to get her face cold and wet!!!!

Quickly then, she pulls her head out and proceeds to holler at the Punkster all over again... (Boy oh boy oh boy. was SHE ever mad)!




(and so the naughty Punkie did as she was told)...
Punkie gets one heck of a tongue~lashing from her Mama!

I tell ya...


as they sadly say... "KIDS TODAY"...

...(They got no respect for their Mamas)!!!!



Now how did YOU spend YOUR afternoon???

Science Question!

Good Morning All!

I cannot believe I just deleted my entry. I have been sitting here, typing furiously for about an hour... and POOF it was gone! I am such an idiot sometimes. (And yes, I do have a few people that will attest to the veracity of that statement too)!

Once again, I have this "meth~mouse" going on; and it is zig~zagging ALL over the screen! Perhaps it is time for a new one... this one IS pretty much a "mousasaurus" anyway. An older Logitech mouse...

We had another splendid day yesterday! We were outside for the better part of the day; coming in every so often to warm my own little paws... and of course to check on my comments and my email... (Aw... I DO love you guys for being so very kind to me! And yes, today I should be able to go read a few more of your own blogs)...

On one of my trips inside, I did get that nasty pile of dishes done... I am so proud of myself for that! And it so nicely warms up my hands to do them! I am thinking of converting to paper plates and plastic utensils! Just kidding! (Unless you have a hot dog, or sloppy joes; with plenty of baked beans and potato salad, food just NOT taste the same on paper)!!!

Oh crap, NOW I am hungry... AGAIN!

The picture above is for Unca BoBBie! Unca BoBBie wrote yesterday, and said he had heard that we had received no snow up here! WHAT??? I do not know where he get his info, (must be in all that coffee he drinks)! But I am wondering why it took me well over 2 hours then to clear the snow that we didn't receive??? Hmmm ?

Unca BoBBie I KNOW you are going to read this, so here is a big HUGE raspberry for you!


Oh, and here is the old wheelbarrow, (the one I'd broken last Fall), with a brand new layer of NON~snow! hehehe But it looks so much better this way too!




LQQK at the snow effect please; and NOT at the fact that the old garage door requires repair and paint! ...hehehe

In summer I shall have to host a "Garage~Paint~&~Repair~Party" Anyone interested in attending??? Oh, we'll have tons of FUN, I promise!


And so, I did get both driveways cleared; except for the very end of each where the county is SO nice to fill up with even MORE snow for me! There was WAY too much traffic yesterday for me to do this safely anyway- I shall have to get back out there shortly!

While I plowed yesterday, Punk tried to hide behind a snowbank, lifting her head up to see me coming... She really thought I couldn't see her when she put her head down... Too funny!




Yes Punkie, I CAN still see you!!!

While near the end of the 2nd driveway, I did manage to get the back tire a bit hung up in the snow... I had to either back up or tip the darned thing over... (Yeah, I chose to back up)! hehehe... But in doing so, I effectively 'planted' the darned thing in the ditch! oh well. I did almost call Roberta since she could feasably come and push me out; but I just kept at it. With the ditch being lower than the driveways, it took a while to convince the little plow to make it up that little incline. (Only about 25 times of going back and forth)! But I did get out! YAY!

"I Think I Can! I Think I Can!"

And I did not cuss even once! (I swear I didn't)! ...hehehe... (But I do think I might have been having too much fun spinning the tires in that ditch to even think to cuss)! ...Yes I KNOW I need to get some chains...

Now I have a question... (no, NOT the Science one yet)...

But here goes... How come 2 people, (AND, I might add... 2 strong, capable men that I know personally), took the opportunity to beep their horns, SMILE, wave (hey! -one of 'em even blew me a kiss!), and NOT stop to push me out? I am going to have a whole bunch of fun the next time I see either of them! hehehe!!! (I can't wait)!

After supper, Punk and I had to go back outside to feed the birds, (as I'd plowed all their scattered little seeds under my snowbanks earlier)... Mea Culpa, Birdies!

Punk ran over to see Mama Milly, and then she made a beeline for the crabapple tree. (Milly was already in her kennel because I really didn't feel like searching for her in the dark)... Anyway, Miss Punk started digging in the snow around that tree; and then would look up toward Miss Milly for a few seconds... They would lock eyes across the yard... and then Punk would dig some more.

I am completely convinced, more than ever, that these 2 dogs communicate telepathically...





Dig. Look at Milly .......... Dig. Look at Milly
Over and over and over again...

This went on for the better part of about 5 minutes... and when that 5 minutes was up, Punk proudly had torn up that entire little snowbank, and had retrieved Miss Millys Squeak Ball! I should not have been shocked, but I was none~the~less!

Notice the "FOUND" ball between her front legs; as she 'talks' to Mama~Milly once more!

Miss Milly needs some water and a bit of exercise; (as do Miss Punk and myself), and so I shall start winding down once again...

But first, the Science QUESTION for you!

We have all been told that cold water boils faster than hot water... Please do not even bother to try to explain that to me- My brain has rejected the scientific explanation many, many times already... (While I think that science is absolutely fascinating in its entirety; I also have come to believe that anything 'science' falls out of my ear once it is put in my head)...

However, as I bring fresh water to Miss Milly twice each day, does the opposite then hold true?

If cold water boils faster, then would warm water freeze faster???

(Shall I be bringing tepid or cold water out to her)???

Oh my goodness it is really late... (I have got to do something about this tardiness of mine)!

Have a ___?___ day!

(Please fill in the blank for me, as I have run out of adjectives today)!

Anne aka "CYBIL"

Now go ahead, push that "comment button", and fill in that blank!


Science Question!

Good Morning All!

I cannot believe I just deleted my entry. I have been sitting here, typing furiously for about an hour... and POOF it was gone! I am such an idiot sometimes. (And yes, I do have a few people that will attest to the veracity of that statement too)!

Once again, I have this "meth~mouse" going on; and it is zig~zagging ALL over the screen! Perhaps it is time for a new one... this one IS pretty much a "mousasaurus" anyway. An older Logitech mouse...

We had another splendid day yesterday! We were outside for the better part of the day; coming in every so often to warm my own little paws... and of course to check on my comments and my email... (Aw... I DO love you guys for being so very kind to me! And yes, today I should be able to go read a few more of your own blogs)...

On one of my trips inside, I did get that nasty pile of dishes done... I am so proud of myself for that! And it so nicely warms up my hands to do them! I am thinking of converting to paper plates and plastic utensils! Just kidding! (Unless you have a hot dog, or sloppy joes; with plenty of baked beans and potato salad, food just NOT taste the same on paper)!!!

Oh crap, NOW I am hungry... AGAIN!

The picture above is for Unca BoBBie! Unca BoBBie wrote yesterday, and said he had heard that we had received no snow up here! WHAT??? I do not know where he get his info, (must be in all that coffee he drinks)! But I am wondering why it took me well over 2 hours then to clear the snow that we didn't receive??? Hmmm ?

Unca BoBBie I KNOW you are going to read this, so here is a big HUGE raspberry for you!


Oh, and here is the old wheelbarrow, (the one I'd broken last Fall), with a brand new layer of NON~snow! hehehe But it looks so much better this way too!




LQQK at the snow effect please; and NOT at the fact that the old garage door requires repair and paint! ...hehehe

In summer I shall have to host a "Garage~Paint~&~Repair~Party" Anyone interested in attending??? Oh, we'll have tons of FUN, I promise!


And so, I did get both driveways cleared; except for the very end of each where the county is SO nice to fill up with even MORE snow for me! There was WAY too much traffic yesterday for me to do this safely anyway- I shall have to get back out there shortly!

While I plowed yesterday, Punk tried to hide behind a snowbank, lifting her head up to see me coming... She really thought I couldn't see her when she put her head down... Too funny!




Yes Punkie, I CAN still see you!!!

While near the end of the 2nd driveway, I did manage to get the back tire a bit hung up in the snow... I had to either back up or tip the darned thing over... (Yeah, I chose to back up)! hehehe... But in doing so, I effectively 'planted' the darned thing in the ditch! oh well. I did almost call Roberta since she could feasably come and push me out; but I just kept at it. With the ditch being lower than the driveways, it took a while to convince the little plow to make it up that little incline. (Only about 25 times of going back and forth)! But I did get out! YAY!

"I Think I Can! I Think I Can!"

And I did not cuss even once! (I swear I didn't)! ...hehehe... (But I do think I might have been having too much fun spinning the tires in that ditch to even think to cuss)! ...Yes I KNOW I need to get some chains...

Now I have a question... (no, NOT the Science one yet)...

But here goes... How come 2 people, (AND, I might add... 2 strong, capable men that I know personally), took the opportunity to beep their horns, SMILE, wave (hey! -one of 'em even blew me a kiss!), and NOT stop to push me out? I am going to have a whole bunch of fun the next time I see either of them! hehehe!!! (I can't wait)!

After supper, Punk and I had to go back outside to feed the birds, (as I'd plowed all their scattered little seeds under my snowbanks earlier)... Mea Culpa, Birdies!

Punk ran over to see Mama Milly, and then she made a beeline for the crabapple tree. (Milly was already in her kennel because I really didn't feel like searching for her in the dark)... Anyway, Miss Punk started digging in the snow around that tree; and then would look up toward Miss Milly for a few seconds... They would lock eyes across the yard... and then Punk would dig some more.

I am completely convinced, more than ever, that these 2 dogs communicate telepathically...





Dig. Look at Milly .......... Dig. Look at Milly
Over and over and over again...

This went on for the better part of about 5 minutes... and when that 5 minutes was up, Punk proudly had torn up that entire little snowbank, and had retrieved Miss Millys Squeak Ball! I should not have been shocked, but I was none~the~less!

Notice the "FOUND" ball between her front legs; as she 'talks' to Mama~Milly once more!

Miss Milly needs some water and a bit of exercise; (as do Miss Punk and myself), and so I shall start winding down once again...

But first, the Science QUESTION for you!

We have all been told that cold water boils faster than hot water... Please do not even bother to try to explain that to me- My brain has rejected the scientific explanation many, many times already... (While I think that science is absolutely fascinating in its entirety; I also have come to believe that anything 'science' falls out of my ear once it is put in my head)...

However, as I bring fresh water to Miss Milly twice each day, does the opposite then hold true?

If cold water boils faster, then would warm water freeze faster???

(Shall I be bringing tepid or cold water out to her)???

Oh my goodness it is really late... (I have got to do something about this tardiness of mine)!

Have a ___?___ day!

(Please fill in the blank for me, as I have run out of adjectives today)!

Anne aka "CYBIL"

Now go ahead, push that "comment button", and fill in that blank!
