A fly on the dumpster.
Please know that the lettering on the side is 2" high
Darn fine thing garbage gets picked up today!
.Please know that the lettering on the side is 2" high
Darn fine thing garbage gets picked up today!
Hi All;
Just a short note to say hello to you, and to let you know we are alright.
Casey has decided to try acupuncture.
Have any of you tried this for anything?
Having not ever tried it myself, my own feelings are mixed on it...
Please let us know.
In searching for a 'provider', Casey called me and asked if I knew a man... Turns out he is my old doctor, (and by old I mean 'ex' doctor)... He retired from his field and went into acupuncture believing he still had much to offer the medical community.
He was a wonderful doctor to me when I had him.
Not too much other news. Or is there?...
Casey and I have been working on getting the shed organized to at least OPEN it up for our sale...
Given that, the yard is quite a mess.
But ...
the backyard is sort of a nice place to be at the end of the day~
It's been hot for us up nort'... Throw in the humidity and it gets downright frustrating to try to work while the sweat rolls in your eyes... (And yes, I have a cap on)!!!
I filled up the pool for Mr. Miller the other night. He's got a few hot spots and needs to stay halfway cool...
So does Punk. (After all, it is HER pool)
Punk likes the pool fine, but HATES when it's filling.
Maybe she thinks the hose is a snake, ?? ~but she has to wrestle with it and then lie on it while it fills.
Having filled it during the breezy evening, it was not long before she realized how darn cold my year~round~42~degree water really is!
Having filled it during the breezy evening, it was not long before she realized how darn cold my year~round~42~degree water really is!


The news about Brett is both saddening and sickening...
At this point, that is all I should write,
except to say I am very proud to be a Packers fan.
And that I will always be.
I laughed myself silly at her!
Maybe she thought I was trying to kill her!
.Maybe she thought I was trying to kill her!
The news about Brett is both saddening and sickening...
At this point, that is all I should write,
except to say I am very proud to be a Packers fan.
And that I will always be.
Being a fan however, does NOT mean I agree with ANY of managements decisions on this matter.
Nor does it mean I don't want Thompson tossed out of town.
"Mafia Ted" must go!!!
Isn't there a mob, (of course by that I mean 'team'), in Communist China that needs him?
I'd better close and try to find my yard- Plenty of stuff to get through in the next day!
Love to all!
After you comment, (you DO have something to say, don't you)?, please check out the new pictures of our Big Sam!
Thank You Chuck and Marie, from the bottom of my heart!
Originally posted to my Y! 360, Wednesday August 6, 2008 - 09:22am (CDT)