Good Morning All;
It has been too long once more, since I have written anything about Flintville!
We are rain~soaked, but drying out once more.
Yesterdays national news even had Green Bay mentioned for how much rain we got. Too much, in too little of a time period... Story, pictures here. Funny comment there claims that "the Book of Genesis has complete boat building instructions." hehehe
Walking out to check for any damages, (only a few little branches down, and scattered about), I caught sight of those little squash seeds I had planted...
Itty bitty baby squash!
Oh I am getting SO hungry!
Speaking of hungry...
Casey wouldn't even wait for a sandwich!
I did!
There are many many apples down- Pears too. Will have to call Gritter and see if they want them this year too. I sure hope so!
Punk was in the window all night- There must have been deer or raccoons by the fruit trees and trying to eat what was there.
That dog sure can bark! Not even so much that, but it is downright eerie to wake up to these low growls... (Especially not seeing what the dog sees)!
Dang cat doesn't care...
We have been working in the old shed this past week, getting organized and cleaning- My dish pan had gotten left on the entrance stairs.
Sputty thought it there for him.
Casey and I were going to go to the rodeo at the fair today.
Not going to happen- Too much to do. I haven't cut the lawns in so long that I will have problems getting through them (again).
But am determined to get the job done before the next rainfalls come. Wednesday. (I think).
In the meanwhile, tomorrow to be exact, my Little Man Isaiah starts school!
Here he is with his baby brother, Wyatt... they wait for a bike ride!
Baby Wyatt, walking at 9 months by the way, looks so much like Master Gabriel and brother Isaiah! Jenné has promised me more pictures so you can see that resemblance too.
She mentioned something about great genes! She's sure got that right! hehehe
I hope Isaiah LOVES kindergarten! I know I did. And I know all of my children did too!
It has been nasty hot in Texas- Been over 100° for so long, and checking their weather now, I see no end of heat for the immediate future either.
Not sure how they all get through that extreme heat? I would just shrivel up and die.
Wait! Maybe that would be a good thing? See, then I wouldn't be able to mow my lawns! hehehe
Until later then.
Love to all! Stay cool!