What do you suppose those 2 turtles are doing in there?!?
MORE cute mutant animals... click
Good Evening Everyone;
Casey has had a pretty rough 24 hours, but is holding her own. She is hopefully sleeping right now as I haven't heard from her for a while.
She has posted a blog about her "Baaaaaad Day". Click
Perhaps a bit of overdoing it- That, and being cooped up (and unfed) for so long. Please leave her a comment.
While I was up there this afternoon she had told me that if she could have ordered a hug from room service she would have.
We did get outside for a bit...
Even with the new snows.
She was 'here' too!
Rough day or not, she can still smile! ;-) ...attagirl!
Looking around the campus, and all over town, one sees these...
Literally, millions of bricks as far as the eye can see...
One can even spy teeny tiny mop~heads growing out of the buildings.
I have NO idea what they are (for).
Back to the bricks...
... While Greg and I waited (endlessly) to be able to see Casey after her surgery, we wandered about the hospital. Poor guy was starving so we went up to the cafeteria (which was closed)...
I snapped this picture...
And I posed the question:
How many bricks are there in Minneapolis?
Greg had NO idea!
(Shhh......... -me neither).
How does one go about finding the answer? I still need to know!!! (I'll give you a quarter if you answer that for me).
The snow came the other day. Not enough to stop the mopeds, and motorcycles that are still running about down the roads.
And yes, these bike racks are used every day, every single shift too. I know, because I am there for every single shift, (just not for the duration of them).
This bicycle hadn't gone anywhere for 2 full shifts after the snow...
Maybe the snow grips weren't working.
Maybe the brakes?
So we have all heard, ad-nauseum, about the Toyota recall. Then today came the warning NOT to drive the cars until they are repaired.
That makes no sense to me...
... I mean how the heck are you supposed to get your car to the dang dealer if you can't drive it?
I hear too they will be recalling the Prius' also. Hmmm...
My advice? Go buy a bike, a horse, or a Buick.
The next pictures bike owner clearly has his head on straight...
I love this!
And this bike is in a different spot every day.
Wonder if he will take it to work tomorrow. Weather claims we are in for a storm. .
I have pictures from today yet to get onto my little laptop... Will do that shortly, but wanted to keep you all up to date with Casey's "shtuff".
Please do go to her blog and leave her a note, (three notes would be even better)!
For those of you that get this by email, here is the link:
Should be clickable for you.
I'd better close for now
I hope all is well in your little corner of the world?
Have a "wunnaful" rest of the evening!
My love to all.