[My] Life in Wisconsin

KC Apt-The "Straw" ~and the Camels Back...

The "Straw" ~and the Camels Back...
The "Straw" ~and the Camels Back... magnify
Nasty window...
(And no, it is NOT that warm yet)...



Good Morning!
~After a brief absence from our little blog world, I am back.
And with news too.

Taking up where I left off on Wednesday...



I won't mention any business names...


Casey and I did visit the rental offices. They had turned Casey and Greg down because of Caseys credit rating.
(She has never had a car loan, no home loans or the like... NOTHING, save for her pancreas).
After identifying ourselves, the secretary was unsure if the rental lady would even speak to us.
~No, I didn't question her.
I only said, "Oh, that's OK, we'll just wait"... as we took a seat at their table in the reception area. (No, we had not been invited to be seated). But there is something about people plunking their backsides down in your front office, waiting, that seems to get someones attention.
Not yet on the rampage, I snapped a few pictures of their award-lined walls; and mentally noted the owners of the place. A Patrick and Ann Murphy.

I saw 2 plaques that resonated their willingness to accept early rental payment.



The top one for "prompt" rent.
The lower, smaller one for paying in advance.
Both with 'prizes' for their renters...

And I thought, "YAY, there really IS hope."

So we waited (and waited...) for the credit lady to come out from the back.

SHE came out with her guns blazing, and a welcome attitude absent.
Kinda shattered any optimism I might have still felt at that point...

But like I said, there was still that bit of hope...

We spoke to her nicely. (Mama always said, "kill 'em with kindness").
So we did.
(And for as long as I could stand it).

Gregs credit is just fine.
I asked if they would consider putting the lease in Gregs name alone.
The lady, (barely restraining her bad attitude), looked at me, pointed at Casey, sighed, and said, "No, SHE would still be living there."

Treating us like lepers then...

She said it was their policy never to rent to anyone with less than their acceptable credit rating.

She told us that Caseys medical problems were OURS and ours alone, and that we should do something about them! This, after letting us know how very unwilling she was to even speak to us.
She further chastised Casey for not writing an income on her application...

(Umm... Wait... WHAT????)!

"Hello? ~Do you not get what we have just told you about how sick she is?"
(DUH. I abhor life in the 'slow' lane)...

Casey then quietly asked her who the owners were since they had implemented that policy.
The lady refused to answer.
We asked to be put in touch with them.
No answer.
I said, "Patrick and Ann Murphy".

The lady told me it was time for me to leave.   ?!?
C'mon, did she think we couldn't read? (I really am not as ignorant as I look).

Yeah, ok, so we left with Casey in tears.
But not before making a few calls in the parking lot, and snapping a few pictures.
(B*tch that I can be; I really didn't care how much us sitting in the parking lot bothered that lady either).

Casey wanted to go to Channel 26, and tell her story.
I thought twice about it before we got there too.
But between what UWGB did to her, what her last 2 employers have done to her, and all of her health problems, there was no way I could/would deny her the possible opportunity to get her story out.

Casey was listened to almost immediately, beginning her story with UWGB.
The reporter that does the "You Ask, We Investigate" stories was very busy... But asked that we not go to any other station, saying he would be in touch with us and taking many notes...

If you have clicked on my new link, you already know what transpired with his promise to get in touch with her. How nice to have been given even that little bit of respect, almost sight unseen...

Here is that link... CLICK HERE...

Please send this link to everyone you know. Sooner or later perhaps someone "in~the~know" will be able to help Casey out.

This is an ongoing investigation.

To contact Kristoffer Engebretson "You Ask, We Investigate" at NBC-26 in Green Bay, WI:

I will write more later, but for now I must get busy around here. (The lawn MUST be cut so it can grow another 6" in the rain tomorrow)!
Hope you are all having a grand Mothers Day weekend!

Anne ~aka "Leper", (The Elder).

An afterthought from a friend, and a GOOD question:
Is it legal to even consider medical 'credit' on a credit rating for housing?


Originally posted to my Yahoo 360, Saturday May 10, 2008 - 07:22am (CDT)

Casey~ On the News

College Student Denied Health Insurance
Rare Disease, No Health Insurance
NBC26 News

A U.W. Green Bay student says the school told her she couldn't come back after a potentially deadly disease left her in the hospital.

To watch Kristoffer Engebretson's report click on the (above) video link.