Punk- Bothered by the wind last week-
Good Morning All
Please vote today? Even if you think it won't matter, do it anyway. It's way too important not to. Personally I am happy that it is finally sinking into peoples heads that their votes can change the world in which we live. Your vote DOES count, no matter what you believe right now.
Undecided? Take the image of Casey to the polls with you, and vote according to your conscience. Know that a Republican vote has the potential to kill many people that wear her shoes, and fight her fight against a chronic, debilitating disease.
Lots going on today for us- Casey has another infusion, and I have a bit more shopping to do while I am in town- Happy I do not have to vote today. Those lines- around here anyway, promise to be long...
With November comes the advent of snow- Wish it were not so, but there is always the possibility of it- and lots of it. Of course no one knows how each season will differ from the last, but many are getting ready. I have seen many plows attached to trucks already, and many sights like this at area shops-
I still have to get mine out.
Casey brought me in yesterday for my darn head. My head feels better, but I still feel nasty- Could not fall back to sleep, worried that I would not wake in time to bring her in for that infusion. hehehe Talk about a vicious cycle.
These guys seem to cycle too-
A little mole thinking he might have liked some of that peanut butter.
These varmints are not in the house-
Thanks to an ever vigilant Sputnik, and Punk too. (Well, she tries). hehehe
In Spring and In Fall I always catch a bunch out in the attached garage. And every now and then, Sput does get one on the inside.
And it all has to do with the weather-
As does this... from last weeks windstorm.
The weathermen have told us that the mb's pressure from that storm was comparable to a Category 3 hurricane. Happy I am that I do not live down south, my headache had begun with that drop in pressure...
Punk would go outside, and within seconds was completely bothered by the fact that she could smell something, and not be able to figure out which way it was coming from. She would walk across the yard with her head swinging back and forth- Casey said she looked like she was at a tennis match! hehehe
Punk would gather up her toys, in whatever room she was, and just wait.
And wait...
Yes. Sponge-Bob now has a tail. Had to sew him up twice already. hehehe
So finally I just combined the two toys- Punk watches my every stitch...
He could care less ~as long as he gets fed.
After all that wind, Punk now chooses my old jacket to grab and go lie on.
She has also taken to lying under my little table... Cute
Sputty- Cleaning up after dinner. hehehe
Casey had moved her infusion from Tues to Thurs last week because of that wind.
Nick taking Casey's blood pressure- 105/58
I brought along some Cheerios for her to munch on.
She was still hungry so I ran to Tony Roma's to get her a sandwich!
I think she liked it! (I got the Claussen)! Mmmmm
I'd better close if I am to get in the shower before I leave- Perhaps even to turn the heat on before I do that... It's about 30° outside as I type, and about 64° inside.
My love to all.