[My] Life in Wisconsin

Froedtert May 15, 2006

Froedtert May 15, 2006

Good Evening;

    Casey woke for the first time at 5AM, to contact her new manager- Back to sleep only for a while before she had more pain- Took some of her painkiller-  and fell back to sleep until a little after 10---

   We got to the hospital then- about noon- A very long afternoon followed; made much less stressful as I was joined by my sister Kris, who had taken the afternoon off to wait with me.  I thank God that she did- and that she came to see Casey and I.  Nice to have that comfort, and to have her in our lives.   

   CaseyAnne's surgery was over by about 4:30.   They had said the ercp would take anywhere between 20 minutes and 2 1/2 hours...  Caseys was much closer to the two and a half hours- (A long wait for Kris and I).    Casey was very groggy when the doctor came to speak with us, but he said there was no evidence of the previously diagnosed pancreatic divisum-  (Not that I understand how such a misdiagnosis can occur in the first place),  but I believe she will not be needing that stent put in now.    They did do a bunch of tests that will take between 4-6 days to come back...   Just keep on praying!

   Miss  Kelli called as she was just leaving my place this evening- She said they had spent quite a while playing with the three pups left- Milly is feeling much better- although her milk has virtually dried after her being so rundown by her 10 little ones.  Happy she is doing so well now; and can remain in her kennel with the 3 on a 24/7 basis.   I thank those of you, again, who picked up your pups early to help take some of the strain off Miss Milly. 

   Am going to close and hit the sack here- A nice quiet hotel, a soft pillow ot two-  I  am grateful for that.

   Hope this finds everyone well and happy.


Monday May 15, 2006 - 08:13pm (CDT)