"I realize now that 30 years ago my presence was the reason for much heartbreak and sorrow.
I have been apologized to, cried over, and agonized over; where there should be no apologies, tears or pain.
I have found that open door, and have been embraced by the open arms behind it. I have come to learn that life goes on; and that indeed, life is good.
There are no promises, no guaranteed answers in an adoption, yet there will always be the inevitable questions."
"This is not something you do simply because you want to- it is something you do because you have to."
"I am 'more'-
And "of the 'more' who have found love and acceptance beyond their wildest dreams.
And it is the realization of one simple and shared dream.
It is a dream of completion."
"My dream has come full circle!
I have found that it is -as it was all those years ago in my childhood; it is enough just to be loved and to be wanted."
©1988 aly
Good Morning All;
Master Gabriel's adoption was finalized yesterday. Where I thought I would have a very hard time, I found I did not. It was an afternoon of prayers answered for our little man. I believe through my own prayers I became more than calmed-
A certain calm I didn't realize I possessed inside.
I spent a while online this morning searching for a unique tidbit to describe adoption. I found none dear enough- and have settled for the words above, written by me - part of my story for Catholic Social Services, some two decades ago.
Congratulations Kristin and Steve, and oh so precious family.
"It's a Boy!" .....-4 not pictured- March 2, 2010
My dream for all of you is such a simple one, just all the very best of everything.
You are more special to me than my words can describe.
My love always.
Grandma Anne