[My] Life in Wisconsin

Sometimes you just have to give 'up' a little...

No. No. No.
Just a little note...
At 6:45am today-
I had a zillion of your pages open this morning when something 'gave' in my back. The pain was indescribable, and immediate. I couldn't even move my feet off the little stool under the table to get my phone, let alone even take the weight off my forearms.
Punk was at my side immediately.
Stuck in my office chair, I texted Casey to call Randy- (her car is here yet). They were here within 45 minutes.
We spent the morning at the E.R. where they treated my pain, and of course took more Xrays. According to the doctor and the radiologist I have "the back of a 90 year old"

I don't think I have to tell you how it made me feel to hear that I will be in a wheelchair soon. It is more than defeating -to put it mildly.
I have an appointment with my pain doctor tomorrow. Hopefully I will know more after that. E.R doctors have been known to be wrong, right?
