[My] Life in Wisconsin


Where's God While these things are happening?

Good Morning Everyone.
I have two questions today, bound to be upsetting to some of you... But that is not my intent.

I am sure that most of you have heard/read the stories online about the little girl in Arizona who died after being locked in box.
The same little girl also was reported to have endured the abuse while her family lived in Utah.
They moved from Utah to escape possible child abuse charges. The school had caught on. (Sadly, the system never caught up).

These stories make me ill inside.
  • How many times over have we read these stories?
  • How many times more?
  • What will it take?
All the questions are unable to be answered.

As are my questions...
  • Where is God (or whatever your religion calls him), while all these horrible things happen?
  • How in the world can anything like this be reduced to "Gods Will" ?

Please click the links and read...
