[My] Life in Wisconsin

Where's God While these things are happening?

Good Morning Everyone.
I have two questions today, bound to be upsetting to some of you... But that is not my intent.

I am sure that most of you have heard/read the stories online about the little girl in Arizona who died after being locked in box.
The same little girl also was reported to have endured the abuse while her family lived in Utah.
They moved from Utah to escape possible child abuse charges. The school had caught on. (Sadly, the system never caught up).

These stories make me ill inside.
  • How many times over have we read these stories?
  • How many times more?
  • What will it take?
All the questions are unable to be answered.

As are my questions...
  • Where is God (or whatever your religion calls him), while all these horrible things happen?
  • How in the world can anything like this be reduced to "Gods Will" ?

Please click the links and read...



  1. PS
    Just an FYI,
    The weatherman tells me that I will on and off again here today.
    There is a storm descending on Flintville as I type...


  2. And please don't drop me for asking.
    I ask with all sincerity as I have a real hard time grasping this type of 'situation'...
    The "whys" never leave.

  3. well in my world there is no god--just my thoughts


  4. I dont know the answer Sweet Annie......As I believe there is a God, I also believe there is a Devil...Evil.......there are those who choose to let the Devil into their soul...I think maybe God allows this to happen, the Bible places man at blame for sin and evil in the world. perhaps God lets man act as they will, we all make our own choices in life, good or evil.. when evil is done to people and they die, God brings them into heaven with him and they get rewarded with eternal life and feel no pain ever again.
    What I am certain of Sweet Annie is that I believe in God so strongly,truly belief in God is a blind faith isnt it?......In my life there is indeed a God because I am truly blessed by him, in my life, my family, I see the beauty in the world and it so over powers the evil....I could dwell on evil things, I mean literally the news makes me sick with all the evil, however I pray, I ask that God be with whomever is suffering....Then I give God thanks and praise for my many blessings. sighs......so there it is.....xoxoxoxoxox

  5. Here's a story that was on the Today show this morning.....


    How could the courts say there is no danger to these kids?

  6. It's hard to know exactly why things happen the way they do. Someday we shall all know that answer.

    I do believe in the existence of "free will" and "karma." Our free will, given to us all as a gift, like anything else in our lives, can and is frequently misused. When that happens, karma steps in and awaits us with a tidy little reward that will equal that misuse somewhere down the road of life. This minute, this month, this year, this life, next life...who knows. It will catch up with us. It has to in order to balance the scales of good and bad in our lives.

    I also believe in that tiny little voice that speaks to us and guides us. We have the choice to listen or ignore it. Many have been taught to ignore it for fear that it is evil. Sometimes it is. But most of the time, that voice is guiding us through our destinies or is there to provide us with comfort and assurance when things go wrong.

    As I said, someday we shall know the answers to this riddle. And more than likely, it is an answer that we have known about all along. We have just conveniently, or maybe out of necessity, forgotten it.

  7. I have no answer to this because I don't believe there is a god. It's a nice fairy tale, but that is all it is.

  8. You are not alone with your lack of Faith Sweet Heidi.
    There are many people like you- as the comments attest to.

    I was born/raised Catholic, but not like what is portrayed these days, as I am so very embarrassed by those who fling bibles down my throat.
    It was not like that, then.


  9. Sweet Pamela;
    As you know, I do believe in God. Mine was not a question of being unfaithful or of losing my Faith.
    It was a question of, if God can be everywhere at once, and do everything, what the heck was he thinking with this little girl?
    It makes no sense.

    When I read stories like this, knowing full well that they are true, I simply think "we don't need any more children/people to be made examples of."
    ...And it drives me crazy to know that I am placing almost blind faith in him when He allows such awful things to happen.


  10. Sweet Donna;
    I have now had that window and 7 tabs open- When I am reading about a cinnamon colored bear that some lady ran into traffic over, I know I have gotten way off base.

    I don't know how the courts can say she is not a threat! I am thinking that, even if I were she, I wouldn't want to be in a position that *could* turn out so bad again.
    I would never ever have anything to do with ANY child, and I believe that she should remove herself from their home while the boys visit.

    Doesn't it all make you want to throw up?



  11. Sweet Peachie;
    I do believe that in the end we have all knowledge too.
    Just that if he is going to take this little girl, why make her suffer so to begin with?

    I believe in karma too- But since we do not see those effects, it makes it hard to do so, and be left wondering sometimes. Most especially where the little ones are concerned.

    I think you hit something square on the head by calling it a riddle...


  12. As mentioned earlier I am Christian-
    But I have no problem with anyone that doesn't believe either. More of a live and let live type thing. I have friends that are atheists, and friends that won't ever miss a single Holy Day of Obligation. As long as none thump me either way I am fine.

    Yet, even as a nonbeliever do you not wonder "why" things like this happen?
    Is there some wild pre-wired thing in ones brain that makes them want to hurt others?
    And how the hell do they *find* other people of like minds?

    For one reason, and that is that this little girl no longer suffers, is her death alright.
    And I used to think I was abused when I got spankings!!! hehehe


  13. I was raised to believe in God too, and I still do. But, like you, I don't like those who fling bibles down my throat because they really irritate me. There's nothing more irritating to me than someone posting something religious (or political) and saying if you don't repost you don't love God (or your country).
