[My] Life in Wisconsin

New ways to mitigate migraines

By Anne Godlasky, USA TODAY
Headaches distract. Migraines can debilitate. Nearly 30 million Americans suffer from the throbbing pain, costing employers some $13 billion a year from missed workdays and impaired work function, according to research reported in the Archives of Internal Medicine.

"You can be out for three days — lie there and not move, feel nauseous but not throw up — it's incapacitating,"


Good Morning Everyone;
By now all of you know that I get migraines on a very regular (but unpredictable) basis.
This article is a must read for anyone that gets these...
Please click the link above.

Love to all.


Reminders are good


Please click the lnk above.
This is absolutely beautiful! And a tribute to friendship and love!
Thank you Grandma Gardener!
