[My] Life in Wisconsin

Round Up!

Polly sent this to me.
I tried to upload it, and only could see the first few seconds.
What I saw was quite cute.
'Course I'm an old farmgirl too.



Please let me know...

CaseyFace Update. And The Witches Hat.

Casey, at the University of Minnesota.

Good Morning Everyone;
I have been trying to get around to blogs-
Most times I can, and at others my goofy dial~up quits on me and I have to reconnect.
Yadda. Yadda. Yadda.

We got home Wednesday afternoon, late- and gosh I have been so tired! So I have just taken it easy for the most part. But I did get unpacked. (Always a bonus)!

A few of you have written, emailed, and commented about Casey.
I have waited to update you, thinking she might do it on her blog.
She has not felt up to it, so here goes...

They have 'tentatively' scheduled Casey's transplant for Dec. 18th.

Dr. Sutherland feels that the TP/AIT will definitely stop her attacks.
(I sure as heck hope so).

TP = "Total Pancreatotemy"
AIT = "Auto Islet Transplant"

They remove the pancreas, do the biopsies.
Then isolate and remove the Islet Cells from it. (The Islet cells are the ones that produce insulin).
They then transplant the Islet Cells into her liver.

The liver is a regenerative organ. These cells actually grow and work within the liver then, instead of the pancreas.
The hope here is that she will not need to be insulin-dependent after her pancreas comes out.

They need to do all the financial BS, and get that guarantee... AND they have to finish with all of her records. (She has Tupperware storage boxes full).
I know they took all the discs of her surgeries etc.
We have to get there 2 days in advance of everything for tests; and to get her body ready.
The surgery is SO long...
And I'll be a basket case. (Yes, worse than I am now).
I am happy that my kids are all grown; because in true Dr. Suess fashion, Christmas will be canceled this year if she does have it on the 18th.

She will probably be in intensive care until at least Christmas... Some people have gone home 3 weeks out, some have gone home after 2 months. I have a feeling it could be a long winter...
BUT, one kid went home after only 2 weeks!
He was 17, and had not been sick this long; so they didn't have a problem transplanting his islet cells to his liver.

That is all I know for now...
We wait to hear back from them.

As we waited to be called in, the doctor got called away for emergency surgery.
So we went for a stroll (and a roll)!
Cnv0776 by you.
One very nice man took a picture of the 2 of us too.
Cnv0780 by you.
I had asked another man if he would take our picture.
(What, all of 4 seconds)?
To which he looked at me with my camera, and Casey in her chair, and said,
"No. I have to eat lunch."

TRUE!    (And I immediately felt like a leper)!

As he walked away I muttered to him that he didn't need it.
(See, I don't like being made to feel like a leper).

The guy that did take it heard the exchange and stepped right up..
After the Dr., we drove around for a while.
Off in the distance to see a remarkable water tower.
Cnv0787 by you.

Cnv0789 by you.
It is a park now.
At the bottom of the hill were 2 young men playing tennis.
(Punk was simply enthralled).

And so far up for Casey!
Cnv0801 by you.
Cnv0792 by you.
But she made it all the way!
Downtown Minneapolis in the background
The weird building on the far right is the hospital
at U of M
Another man  came up while we were taking pictures
He took another of us.

(Must have already had his lunch)...
Cnv0798 by you.
Punk seemed to want to know what the heck he was doing with my camera?

A long trek back down, but it's always easier going downhill

Cnv0803 by you.
She uses that cane with such aplomb!

And hey, I haven't gotten thwacked with it!

I'd better close for now...
My dogs are getting restless and so am I.
A little fresh air will do us all a fair amount of good.

Love to all!



Originally posted to my Y! 360, Friday November 7, 2008 - 10:13am (CST)



"Although this year's level of rumors has been ferocious and bizarre, the phenomenon of whisper campaigns, misinformation and smears is as much a part of our nation's roots as elections themselves.

Thomas Jefferson was accused of being anti-Christian; his opponents warned that he would destroy the religious fabric and values of the country and promote an orgy of rape, incest, and adultery.

John Adams, opponents said, was pro-monarchy and was planning on marrying his son to the daughter of King George III." -- Associated Press

Free Ride?

Or porn?



You be the judge...
