This picture- a bird in the Gulf...
How freakin' sad is that? (I couldn't even tell what it was at first)-
Good Morning All;
I'd better start off wth Saturday's sunrise in Flintville, or you will never get the above image out of your mind-
Now that's a better picture!
"Red sky at morning, sailors take warning; Red sky at night, sailors delight"
A busy one today- I am catching up on laundry, then have to run down the road and get some gas for the mower. Time to mow again. My back doesn't like it much, just no options. It would be much worse if I was pushing the mower though.
It rained real good yesterday and Saturday.
My lawns and my weeds appreciate that. As do I.
There is something so right about smelling the rains, and hearing them on the tin roof.
I think Saturday's soaker was the first steady rain we have gotten in about 2 years. We've been depending upon the on~and~off rains we have gotten... Gully washers, storms, and the like. (Nice too, to have precipitation come down all day and not have to shovel it). hehehe
Sputty wanted to go out in the worst way...
-He had to settle for his litter-box in the basement. (Poor abused cat)!
My garden this year...
Part of it anyway; and so very abandoned...
A few more roses for you... Can you stand it?
I love them! (As does Punk)! hehehe
Suffice to say the back window STAYS open for the duration!
In reference to Miss Punk's blog from yesterday, she says to tell you all that licking paper plates just isn't the same...
Sorry, my flash wasn't set to go off. & that's only part of the destruction!
Punk licked two holes in this one.
I'd used it to cover a bowl of chowder- Must have been really GOOD!
Cousin Buttercup was here last weekend, on her way home to Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan.
So good to see her!
She teaches in Colorado, and gets to spend a few months back home every year.
Having some fun with the camera before she left-
Tiffany, if you are reading this I am wondering if you got my message on Yahoo? I didn't hear back from you yet...
A few weeks back I bought a butternut squash, (I can only go so long without having one).
I saved the seeds.
Casey and I planted them out in the field...
Such little rain, so I had to carry some water out for them-
Not too fat anyway? hehehe
Not sure if those seeds will mature or not- But Casey's irises sure did...
Never mind the dang weeds mixed in-
I am still blogging on my laptop- Not a good one for my pictures, but it will do. Greg and Casey will be coming out later. (Thank you Greg)!
Must close for now- Almost time to be outside...
Have a Monday! ;-)
Also in reference to the top picture (bird in the Gulf)...
I'd received it in an email. In it was stated that Kuwait owns 27% of BP.
I can't seem to find it anywhere, but don't know my way around a lot of sites.
Any truth to that 27% ?!?