This picture- a bird in the Gulf...
How freakin' sad is that? (I couldn't even tell what it was at first)-
Good Morning All;
I'd better start off wth Saturday's sunrise in Flintville, or you will never get the above image out of your mind-
Now that's a better picture!
"Red sky at morning, sailors take warning; Red sky at night, sailors delight"
A busy one today- I am catching up on laundry, then have to run down the road and get some gas for the mower. Time to mow again. My back doesn't like it much, just no options. It would be much worse if I was pushing the mower though.
It rained real good yesterday and Saturday.
My lawns and my weeds appreciate that. As do I.
There is something so right about smelling the rains, and hearing them on the tin roof.
I think Saturday's soaker was the first steady rain we have gotten in about 2 years. We've been depending upon the on~and~off rains we have gotten... Gully washers, storms, and the like. (Nice too, to have precipitation come down all day and not have to shovel it). hehehe
Sputty wanted to go out in the worst way...
-He had to settle for his litter-box in the basement. (Poor abused cat)!
My garden this year...
Part of it anyway; and so very abandoned...
A few more roses for you... Can you stand it?
I love them! (As does Punk)! hehehe
Suffice to say the back window STAYS open for the duration!
In reference to Miss Punk's blog from yesterday, she says to tell you all that licking paper plates just isn't the same...
Sorry, my flash wasn't set to go off. & that's only part of the destruction!
Punk licked two holes in this one.
I'd used it to cover a bowl of chowder- Must have been really GOOD!
Cousin Buttercup was here last weekend, on her way home to Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan.
So good to see her!
She teaches in Colorado, and gets to spend a few months back home every year.
Having some fun with the camera before she left-
Tiffany, if you are reading this I am wondering if you got my message on Yahoo? I didn't hear back from you yet...
A few weeks back I bought a butternut squash, (I can only go so long without having one).
I saved the seeds.
Casey and I planted them out in the field...
Such little rain, so I had to carry some water out for them-
Not too fat anyway? hehehe
Not sure if those seeds will mature or not- But Casey's irises sure did...
Never mind the dang weeds mixed in-
I am still blogging on my laptop- Not a good one for my pictures, but it will do. Greg and Casey will be coming out later. (Thank you Greg)!
Must close for now- Almost time to be outside...
Have a Monday! ;-)
Also in reference to the top picture (bird in the Gulf)...
I'd received it in an email. In it was stated that Kuwait owns 27% of BP.
I can't seem to find it anywhere, but don't know my way around a lot of sites.
Any truth to that 27% ?!?
That is not just ANY bird in the top picture. It is a pelican and breaks my heart to see a fearless flyer grounded so cruelly.
ReplyDeleteI mowed too. I had to, the grass was taller than the sprinklers.
You never said how all the dishes got broke?
The statistic is not correct. BP (British petroleum) is mostly british owned. It is a publicly held company you would think people would fact check./
I tried
Sweet Pea!
ReplyDeleteOy! I didn't even recognize that photo as a bird, let alone a species.
Even if it was a freakin' sparrow I would not have cared, but that picture just makes me SO ill- All the way through...
I never did get to mow yesterday. Whle Mother Nature more than cooperated, the mower did not. I killed the battery- (Original equipment), and I will charge it overnight Wednesday and mow Thursday.
About the dishes...
I really am not sure. I had my back brace on, and had those dishes sitting precariously on the counter. My fault- Sometimes when I do my dishes I get them dry and stacked. Sometimes my back hurts that it kills me to even lift them (even one at a time) to be put away in the cupboard.
They all hit the floor as I had been walking back to the living room. (My brace is good, but it has no nerve endings)... hehehe
3 steps away came the crash...
Oh well. I shall stop at St Vinnies or Goodwill- They have old patterns of stoneware, and might have a few to replace them with.
Love you!
Thanks for the link about BP too. (I hate searching on dial up- worse on this laptop) for some reason.
I figured it didn't make sense, (even with a few conspiracy theories hanging around), the press would have been ALL over that if it was true.
Needless to say that email did not get passed on.
ReplyDeleteIt is grand of course! :-)
While your hugs are more than generous- (and quite "happifying"), I sure noticed the change.
Consequently I missed YOU!
Love you always.
Mama D.
How come the companies and individuals who are owners are not listed?
ReplyDeleteOnly 'major' owners.
In the spirit of full disclosure, methinks there should be a site to find that all out.
Guess who.
From my email...
ReplyDeleteFrom: Kelli
Subject: OMG!
To: "Anne"
Date: Monday, June 7, 2010, 11:37 AM
OMG! Those irises are beautiful, I’ve been wading through the mud all weekend. Good for the planet, bad for the dogs and me.
Had the horse dentist on Saturday, our appointment was for 5:00pm, he showed up at 2:00, Michelle was gone, I had to fly over there grab Breezy and May
It took a couple of hours for the sedative to wear off, but they were quite entertaining until then.
(Wish I would have been there to see that! Casey says it was freakin' hilarious the last time)!
omg, those irises are such a beautiful deep dark purple! my favorite color!
ReplyDeleteI've been watching the news reports showing the rescue folks cleaning the birds. Some of them look way too mucked up to survive though. With that amount of oil on the outside, there's no telling how much they've ingested and there's no getting rid of that. It's horrific.
ReplyDeleteYes and no.... I don't tell people WHERE I invest my money, I don't think people should be able to find out that kind of information.
ReplyDeleteUnless you are a public entitiy yourself.
I love the irises, :) Just got back from wedding, I'm tired so I'm not even gonna get started on the bp situation....
ReplyDeleteI was reading on wikipedia about all the trouble and safety violations that BP ( "ten worst corporations" ) have had over the years and then was reading about the Oils spills and then got to Oil Spill in Gulf of Mexico and I though OMG again I felt like such an idiot.
ReplyDeleteIt is very sad to see the result on an Oil spill on wildlife and humans :-(
The weather means more when you have a garden.
There's nothing like listening to a shower and thinking how it is soaking in around your Irises ;-)
Anne....seeing those birds and sea life covered in oil makes me think we ought to all get together and cover those BP people in oil and see how THEY like it. It will be a long time before our creatures of the Gulf will have their normal lives back.
ReplyDeleteI love Butternut squash soup! I tried roasting a butternut squash once or twice. I do like it that way with brown sugar.
I guess you heard about that rain they got in Arkansas. While most places need the rain and love to see it arrive, others are getting it all at once and have to try to figure out how to keep from drowning in it. Which is one of the reasons I prefer to live at higher elevations or on TOP of a mountain.
ReplyDeleteSweet Suzy!
And they are almost black!
Casey planted them all. (Credit where credit is due)!
But I did tell Kelli I would make sure she gets some at her new place!
Isn't that oil sickening Mrs G.?
ReplyDeleteI can't even think how anything is living through this all? Can you?
Oil is SO carcinogenic once it is on your skin for any amount of time.
ReplyDeleteYou have me there.
I should reword to include that fact-
OR, unless they are part/parcel (in ANY way) of said companies...
ReplyDeleteSweet Pamela;
Well, you could have gotten started on the rest of it all?
Mr. Lester;
ReplyDeleteI don't understand your first paragraph?
I only WISH I had a garden.
Oh, I would already be eating those sugar peas, and the green beans, and waiting impatiently on my tomatoes to ripen... Mmmm...
Sweet Annie,
ReplyDeleteThat poor pelican is hideous!! Heartbreaking to see some of the photos that are coming out of this mess and then to hear some of the comments made about the "accident". Just do the job of cleanup and stop the apologies. Accept the fines, pay them and if your stockholder's have to take a hit, oh, well. Look at all the money made from unsafe practices is the past. One needs to remember the law of averages.
The irises are indeed lovely. Mine were almost that dark this year. Sputty has SUCH a face!! The wilderness garden looks just that, LOL. I bet the horses WERE amusing, LOL.
Hiya Snotball!
I might reconsider that pelican- Might it have been a blue heron?
Whichever, you are right, it IS absolutely hideous!
Everyone seemed to love those irises! And it was just a casual shot. (I tried to go out and take more, but those just didn't turn out right). Odd that...
Sputty is a demanding animal with huge attitude problems. (Methinks that is why I love him so)!
ReplyDeleteThank you Miss Heidi!