I wrote this yesterday morning, when I still held out hope for my Y360 blogs to magically reappear...
Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening Everyone;
First and foremost to THANK YOU FOR MISSING ME! I have overwhelmed by your spirits of friendship and compassion, and the concern you have shown both for Casey and myself.
Not to mention "BEEP" calling, and Beth T. too! (And just so you know Beth, I picked up the damned phone before the number showed up on my caller ID. ~I am so upset about that too).
You have all asked about my Chronic~Kid...
Casey was doing weller this morning; but is very tired and 'hurting' right now...
As we have drawn closer and closer to this Holy/
Holly/Day, I am getting more and more antsy about neither being able to access anyones blogs, nor my own little blogs on my beloved 360... with absolute respect to their "gone missing" status.Know that I miss you all, and have thought of little else this whole week... I have also (finally) gotten angry with the idiots on the other end of the phone, and might have cussed at them too. (Yes, up til that point last night, I had been very pleasant).
And I have not familiarized myself enough yet on here to see everyone, post what I want, etc etc
Are my Y360~Land entries somewhere in cyberspace?
Or have they been obliterated completely?
Are they...
Hiding? Call "ollie~ollie~oxen~free"
Run Away?
Call the cops...MIA?
Call the Marines.Lost?
Call a Psychiatrist...:-(
But wait, maybe it's not ME that's gone missing?
Maybe it's YOU all, (and you just don't know it)!
...Because I sure as hell cannot 'find' any of you.
(And let me be the very first to say that I think what you are doing to me is mean).
As I type, it is Friday Morning. (I have all but given up on most of the non~events of the past few days here anyway).
It is also a very balmy 34 degrees, heading to near 40 today and tomorrow. Any cooler, and I would be cussing the snow shovel once again, for it is to "rain" today and tomorrow. Then cool considerably as the NW wind begins to blow by tomorrow evening. They are already saying driving will become treacherous.
But yet, the timing of when the snow begins to fall could not be more perfect either.
Smile. Richard will be getting here this afternoon before it turns nasty. And I shall have him to do the shoveling then. (Right)?
Well actually, he can either shovel or build an igloo.
(I shall leave that decision completely up to him).
No. I am NOT ready for the Christmas day festivities; having shopping yet to do, (of the food variety). I shall try to attend to that ASAP.
I did a bunch of rearranging yesterday too, making even more furniture fit in my living room, along with my half~decorated Pisa~Leaning tree.
(He can fix the ////leaning tree//// too).
...And the drain.
Ain'tcha sorry you missed me now?
Love to all!
My own little Wish List then becomes a little dream,
for my Fairy Godmother to be waving her magic wand and fixing my Y~360 World...