Good Evening All;
I have been 'away' for a time. Lots of things to (try to) do with the arrival of warmer temps for us. (Mostly that requires my presence outside). hehehe
Punks too. And Sputty of course.
I have also been fighting this lightswitch migraine. On and off, and on and off.
I had thought that perhaps my back meds were responsible, somehow, making my head less awful. I might have spoken too soon. I try not to take the migraine meds- (they all make me feel as though I have downed about 6 pots of coffee, and I hate feeling that way).
I awoke this morning to a much better head, (compared to how I have felt the past few days anyway). I wasn't up for 2 hours, and back came my aura- It lasted over an hour and a half. So while my head is still ok, it is just threatening to come back. I hate that feeling too.
Weird too, that when I get these headaches, my stomach shuts down as well. I know migraine affects your whole body, but hey this is long enough already. I will get a shot if it keeps on tomorrow.
Of note. At my last appointment, I learned that I now have 5 fractures in my back.
They didn't stop me from doing a bit of raking today though.
I receive an email from Lori's mom every day- (Lori is the gal who just had the same surgery as Casey did).
Lori is doing so very well that she might be released tomorrow already! Another feather in Dr. Sutherland's cap. Like Casey though, Lori does have to stay in Minnesota for a few days just to make sure all is well before she heads back home.
What grand news!
I have been sitting on some news about William and Lawrence too.
First of all, William has been promoted to HHC Company Commander!
I have been, AM, and always will be, so very proud of him.
Now about Lawrence... Around Christmas, he had an episode of passing out. (He is 10).
They brought him in a few times- He has a heart murmur; and as it stands now, he is also awaiting genetic testing. They are checking for Marfans. I can't find the blog where I was originally diagnosed, but this is one of the things my own spine doctor had mentioned to do with my back. And since I had dismissed it way back when I do not know a lot about it.
For now though, Lawrence is pretty much grounded- Absolutely NO contact sports of any kind until they find out more about his mitral valve and the possibility of Marfans.
Please keep him in your prayers?
I see we have just been issued a dense fog advisory. A few days ago there was a huge pile up about 25 miles south of here on Highway 41. I believe upwards of 40 cars were involved. The miraculous part is that only 13 people had injuries. Unbelievable! Weather was foggy then also.
I am not as charitable as the news reporters though, so I won't blame the fog for the crashes. The simple fact is that the drivers involved were overriding their headlights. You cannot drive faster than what you can see. (Wonder what the insurance companies say about that)?
I remember that chapter from high school drivers ed. That was right up there along with inattentive driving... Mostly, I remember those gory movies.
I think I had better post a few pictures taken with snow. The snowy pics may (or may not), be becoming obsolete with all these warmer temps.
Todays high was in the 50's. The weatherman said it has been since the beginning of November since we have had it that warm. (Seems longer to me). hehehe
On to those pictures...
I have decided he is an evil cat. Casey was trimming his nails yesterday as we sat outside. I held him in a seated position facing away from me...
At one point I said, "Man, Sputty you are fat!"
With that, (and with God as my witness), this cat turned his head/neck around, made eye contact with me, and HISSED IN MY FACE!
Casey and I laughed and laughed!
I am so glad she saw that happen- Nobody would ever have believed it.
Yup. He is pure evil... (And fat).
Ssearching for mouse trails under the snow, on the side of the old shed.
He obviously heard something. Unfortunately he caught nothing...
Punk, taking a break in the snow...
Playing fetch with Casey's bottle of Dr. Pepper.
Trying to get it open! No, it didn't work, (especially from the wrong end)!
And time to rest.
I am sure she is trying to figure out how to hold a paintbrush for that wall?
Punk had gone along for Master Gabriel's adoption last week.
In the 30's only, but sunny- More than warm enough for her to stay in the car.
On the way there, late, I had to stop for a train.
No snarling, but she growled for all 200+ railroad cars!
When we arrived at the courthouse, just who was peeking down from the 3rd story?
God love them, Kristin and Steve also kept my fathers name in there!
Goofy Gabriel!
Gabriel and his sisters- Alexis and Kaylee
Just a few months apart, they are almost triplets! Kristin sure has her hands full!
Hope you are all well and that you are also enjoying these Spring~Preview days.
I'd better close for now. My head is throbbing a bit and it is time then for me to go lie down.
Love to all.