I don't eat much of the stuff as it sets off my head, but read on if you want a little info on chocolate.
Not such a lucky rabbits foot...
Good Morning All;
I have not been blogging for so long that I don't remember how.
Sometimes I don't even remember why.
We still need to learn more about what is ailing Casey and will return to Minnesota soon.
While I am still wrapping my head around the fact that Casey will be having more surgery, I have learned that my friend Beth has breast cancer.
I shot darts for 15 years with Beth, Sue and Carol. We were unbeatable for 14 of those years; taking the top place in our league! I can't throw a good dart today to save my life.
Beth learned of this after her last mammogram, (we were in Minnesota).
She will be having surgery early next week.
While she was in, her doctor ordered more tests.
Two days ago she learned even more about her health...
She has much wrong with her back, (sound familiar)?.
She also has a hernia, (which will be repaired during next weeks surgery).
In addition to all of that, she has learned that she has skin cancer.
Please keep her in your prayers.
She is NOT sick! And while that 'sounds' wrong, I firmly believe that her state of mind is the ultimate barometer of being "ill" or being "well"
Her body has betrayed her like many others bodies have betrayed them. She has "Attitude~PLUS", and I have no doubt that she will come through this (all) with flying colors!
When I spoke to her I suggested that maybe she was still in shock, (sort of). She replied that she has no anger etc, and that is has been 2 weeks since she has known. So like I said above, she is not sick.
This, from my books of little quotes and such...
Did is a word of achievement,
Won't is a word of retreat,
Might is a word of bereavement,
Can't is a word of defeat,
Ought is a word of duty,
Try is a word for each hour,
Will is a word of beauty,
Can is a word of power. Author unknown
I have had two mammograms in my life.
The first was right after my sister Barbara was diagnosed with breast cancer, the 2nd when my sister Mary was diagnosed with hers. I believe I will schedule another soon. Have to wait til 8 to call.
Have you had yours?
Is it high time now to schedule your own appointment? Guys, remind your sweeties.
Love to all.
While researching more on cancer, I see where dark chocolate actually can ward off cancer cells within your body.
Cancer-fighter, the darker the better!
Antioxidants, found in everything from green tea to bread crust, are commonly believed to fight cancer.
Cocoa's antioxidant capacity tops that of long-trusted sources like strawberries and garlic.
Cocoa liquor, the derivative of the cocoa bean used in milk and dark chocolates that is absent from white chocolate, contains most of the antioxidants.
Rich, dark chocolate lovers should celebrate: the darker the chocolate, the more antioxidants. Not only does chocolate contain a large quantity of antioxidants, it has been discovered that chocolate contains high quality antioxidants. (One recent study showed that 6 grams of dark chocolate a day, about one square, lowered systolic and diastolic blood pressure by 2 points each).
It can also lower your bad cholesterol.
sorry to hear about your friend... the chocolate should be over 70% cocoa (semi-sweet or bitter) in order to be effective
ReplyDeleteYes I had read that too Sweetie, and neglected to copy the info about the percentages.
Thank you for stating it here!
I have had a mammogram every year since turning 40.. well except this year.. but it will wait until I have a job with insurance. I think its unreasonable that a person is tied to a job to be able to afford insurance.
ReplyDeleteNo I still do not agree that this new stuff is what America needs.. I think they need to throw it on the scrap heap and start over. I dont like the Dems plan and I dont like the Rep plan.. I do believe there needs to be an option for the poor to have accessible coverage from the gov. But I do not like the idea of taking from a plan they already say is going broke to cover a new plan, to me that sounds ridiculous.
Anything is better than nothing???? ... In this particular case.. I must disagree.
Sweet Beep,
ReplyDeleteWhile I don't care to be turn this one into a political blog, I will say that what you wrote of would then be a public option?
In the meanwhile? What?
Happy to hear that you have had a great history with your mammograms and good results too!
Can you put a link to what you disagree with?
ReplyDeleteI would really appreciate it and can then blog about it all.
Do people really believe still that they aren't already paying for everyone's healthcare? Just because you do not write out a check every month to "uninsured" sure does not mean you are not already paying for it!
ReplyDeleteAnd please, everyone, Beth has her own insurance.
She has been self employed for years and years, and has always had her own.
Prayers for Casey, Beth, and you sweet Anne.
ReplyDeleteNO.. I am not gonna link on it.. It is my opinion.. thats all. Unlike you I do not sit and read and read and read all this crap. I know, I know.. your opinion on that.
ReplyDeleteI dont do that because I think they are mostly all lies. I found so many lies in the first one.. compared to what they said and what was in the bill..
First example of that... not covering illegals.. Well the bill does say it doesnt cover illegals but then there is no guarantee of enforcement on that. It says that it wont cover abortions.. but then in committee they stuck it right back in.
I read hr 3200 I didnt like it.. (btw it took over a month to get through it, with all the skipping around they do) there were parts that just will scare the begeebers out of you if your an old person. I figure this new bill.. is much the same, only much more difficult to read. I dont like taking from medicare or medicare advantage from our older folks. When we reach 65 we are forced into Medicare... and now this Congress wants to take from a program we will all be on.. that is going broke already. This is common knowledge, I dont think I need to link on that. Medicare doesnt cover all.. so lets take away the Medicare advantage so that the old person pays more? Sounds insane to me.
This Congress apparently feels that the old are no longer viable citizens and the faster they can kill them off the cheaper it will be on the American people. Again my opinion, but if you look at what they are doing it seems to me to be obvious.
I haven't had a mammogram in quite a few years, I suppose when I have my next gynecological exam I will mention it to my doc. I just LOOOOOVE chocolate and I do eat the dark chocolate quite a bit. My prayers out to your gf and your daughter!
ReplyDeleteI only asked for a link, not a diatribe.
I will blog your comment later.
In the meantime, one of my very good friends that I have known since childhood has cancer.
Thank you Sweet Oka;
ReplyDeleteLord knows we all need them.
I have thought of hardly anything else since learning of Beth's dx last week when I spoke to Sue.
This sucks. It really does.
But like I said above, her attitude is great. Attitude is 95% of dealing with it, and she is good!
Sweet Suzy;
ReplyDeleteYup. Time for you to schedule one and soon.
I hear of all this - and with the exceptions of my sisters and aunts etc, it always seems that I read about "someone else"...
With my sisters, & now Beth, it drives the point home that it doesn't strike those someone elsess.
Happy you can (and do) "DO" the dark chocolate!
ReplyDeleteSo I just called the office.
First I have to have a breast exam. Then, and only then will they schedule a mammogram.
Beth is most definitely in my prayers. She sounds like one of those blessings on earth that that are here to teach so many of us with knowledge of the power of positive thinking. A lesson I wish I could remember through every one of my trials.
ReplyDeleteAnd prayers for Casey...
It kind of seems like overkill to me now to SAY that sort of thing. (To think and do...much more important)
Casey has been through so much and I'm sure she has heard every consolation known to man, I only wish she could experience total physical healing. But as your friend, Beth, our friend DeeAnne and many others LIVE the positive, so does Casey. That is the blessing in it all. For they have found that the true meaning of happiness is buried deep in our soul and THAT is more health than anyone could ask for.
My sis, a year younger than myself, had her mammo yesterday. It's been her second now. They weren't sure of the first results. I've never had one done. However, I do a physical exam at least 2x a month. I give God praise. I have not found anything.
ReplyDeleteI will need to do a whole blog on Beth one of these days Sweetie.
ReplyDeleteShe has been all that, and more to me- and to my girls too. It is her that we call when we are on the road to bring Casey to a new hospital. She has a friend who has Chronic Pancreatitis; I know Casey has shared with that gal too.
Simply put, the world NEEDS more "Beths" around.
Sweet Annie,
ReplyDeleteSorry for Beth's dx but so very glad of her positive attitude. Yes, attitude is most of the battle.
Hope and pray Casey is if not better at least holding her own.
My prayers still go up for your back. HUGS, HUGS, HUGS.
Chocolate is GOOD!! (So sorry it sets off your head.)
HUGS Dear Annie,
ReplyDeleteWell Sweetie, you had better get one done. And pronto.
By the time you feel even a pea size lump, the cancer has already been growing inside you for 2+ years!
Sweet Snotball;
ReplyDeleteYes that attitude is what makes all of her friends love her so too!
Casey is holding her own. (She does this with amazing grace too).
She has come out twice with pain in the last week. Not much I can do but 'be there' for her.
I am sorry that I cannot partake of the chocolate goodies too. Oh I steal a few cookies now and again, (I just can't help myself). And I keep some on hand for h/a control too. (What sets one off can also make one go away believe it or not).
Whether it's for Casey, or Beth, or for anybody, being there for someone is huge! Sometimes the best medicine isn't in the form of medicine at all.
ReplyDeleteThankfully breast cancer doesn't run in my family, but my mom's sister developed breast cancer from taking a certain prescription hormone replacement drug (along with a lot of other women who took it). That's the main reason I've passed on taking any kind of hormone replacement. Even the natural hormone replacement creams they sell in health food stores have been banned in many states due to their link to breast cancer.
Does anybody really like the 70% cocoa chocolate? I find it too bitter to really enjoy. There's only one brand I like it's the Ghirardelli orange flavor squares - it's called sunrise or sunset - can't remember which (o;
Prayers will be said for your friend Beth!
ReplyDeleteI agree with you about the attitude and being sick... If you think you are sick, you will be sick. If you keep a positive attitude about it, you will get through it easier and faster!
Keeping you and Casey in my thoughts and prayers!
Love Ya!
Slurkie :-)
Gracie fainted upon seeing that second pic! It needed a warning.
ReplyDeleteMy thoughts and prayers are with you all, y'all.
perhaps attitude is why Casey and I are never REALLY sick... we just out attitude those broken parts.
ReplyDeleteHi Mommy,
ReplyDeleteI was ever so sad to hear about Miss Beth... I remember watching you all shoot darts and the intense friendships that were in that group! You were all like sisters! I really do hope she does well with this. It seems like her attitude is exactly what it's supposed to be right now!
Love you MUCH MUCH!
So sorry to hear about your friend. But she does sound like a woman who can and will handle it well.
ReplyDeleteI have yet to have that mammogram. Had plans to get one the year my hubby lost his job and our health insurance back in '94. Never had the opportunity after that. Still don't.
But I do LOVE that naughty dark chocolate! It affects me with the migraines too. As long as I have not indulged in all the other migraine triggers, me and that dark chocolate can get along with noooooo problems. But that means no cokes/coffee and no cheeze at the same time I eat that chocolate! Hmmmm....now which one do I chooze!
Prayers, blessings and pink light go out for all mentioned here that are suffering in any way.
ReplyDeleteHugs & blessings....Bev
ReplyDeleteThank you . (ALL of you that expressed some kind of hope for Beth).
She is a warrior. She is a winner.
As are those of you that mentioned her (and Casey too)...